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Supposidly he was born in a small town in the Tir Aslene Kingdom to a farmer and his wife, Rei and Buidly Leminon. He was actually found by his parents when he was only a baby. he wore a single medallion on his chest which he still carries with him to this day. He was raised as one of the Leminon family. He was the eldest of a litter of seven. Three sisters, and three brothers. All of them were two years younger than he. His father let him join him in the feilds when he was five, after he had gone through some schooling. He worked with his father in the feilds until he was about sixteen, but his father also taught him how to swordfight in their spare time. At the age of sixteen, he joined the guards of the castle. He started off as a night guard, earning his respect slowly, and working through the ranks. Soon, he was a day guard, then soon a knight. He had fulfilled his four year assignment into military and was about to leave, when a war broke out. He quickly rejoined, doing service to his country. He stayed int the service, doing his time and fighting for his country for one year. He befriended one of the Knights by the name of Dammal. After the year came up, the war was still being waged. Then, he met another knight. Her name was Catalina. For about a year they fought Galadorn with the other knights. During that time, Catalina and Chrystalis got to know each other. They became friends, then soon fell in love. They got married during the second year of conflict. Dammal, a friend of Chrystalis, was livid because of this marrage and disappeared. A few months after the two were married, Galidorn attacked the castle. The knights were sepparated. Chrystalis and Catalina stayed together. After an hour of fighting, the battle was over. Tir Aslene had won. As Chrystalis and Catalina were celebrating, a twisted dagger was thrown into Catalina's chest. As she clung to Chrystalis, she died. The thrower of the dagger was Dammal. The guards came, found Chrystalis with Catalina in his arms, dead, and the dagger next to him. He was immediately taken prisoner and charged for her murder. He was then sent to be Crusified. He was left to die and after five days finally was able to remove himself from the Cross and crawl back to his home. His family then nursed him back to health for a week. After the week passed, a group of soldiers came into the house and found Chrystalis. They then killed his family in front of his eyes and were comming for him as he stumbled up the stairs and drew his father's Great Sword. He used that weapon to kill the soldiers, then, after clothing himself, he went off to get Catalina's sword as well as the dagger used to kill her and her two daggers. After retrieving these items, he fled from Tir Asleen and met Dammal on the road. After a battle, Chrystalis continued on his journey, not knowing that Catalina's weapon was angelic, or the dagger used to kill her was Demonic. He did find out, though, that Catalina was a demon and her brother was Dammal. For many months, Chrystalis hunted Dammal and his kind, killing off as many of those demons as he could. He finally stopped, and started to wander around the world, seeing all he could.
This Wolf stands at about 6 feet 1 inch tall. He weighs about 169 pounds. Most of his weight is muscle, for he has trained his entire life. His green eyes dart around his surroundings, taking in all around him just as a computer would absorb data. His golden hair, now at his shoulders, it tied up loosely in a ponytail. He wears a green tunic shirt over his body, it worn from age and weather. A red vest is over his shirt, this being more weather worn and dirty then the tunic. Brown trousers cover his muscular legs. His clothing hides most of the scars upon his body. Brown leather gloves adorn his paws, and brown boots cover his footpads. A sword belt hangs at his waist. A bastard sword hangs off of the belt in a leather sheath, decorated with animals from his home town. Three daggers are also sheathed on the belt. The daggers sheaths are designed with Phynix's. A small dagger is sheathed in his boot, hiding under the folds of his pants. The bastard sword's hilt is in the shape of an Angel in prayer, it's wings being the guards, and the body being the hilt. It seems to be made out of some metal unlike any found on this earth. It softly glows when out of it's sheath. His face carries a long scar running down his face from his left eye down his neck, covering the eye. His paws are also scarred from the nails, but they are not visible. He tends to keep to himself, trying to stay unbiased to all. He strays away from affiliations, but tends to have a soft spot in his heart for children. black
Black Dragon

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