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You can make a difference in the life of a needy boxer. Why not sponsor a boxer? Here's how:
Just choose one of the boxers on our "Adoption" page by clicking the button below the picture. Your generous gift will help fund one or more of the costs incurred by your chosen boxer. These costs include:
*shelter fees (if rescued from the shelter)
*boarding fees (BoxAR does not have kennel facilities; therefore, if a foster home is not available, the boxers are boarded at either Lonoke Animal Hospital or J-Lee Kennel. Even though both of these facilities are "rescue friendly", we still must pay a fee and have at times had up to 3 or 4 boxers boarding at both facilities)
*gas money for transport from shelters, to vet's and to foster homes
*physical exam on each dog entering rescue
*rabies and 7 in 1 injections
*bordatella inoculation
*heartworm and fecal exams
*treatment if either of these exams are positive
*HW preventive, if negative
*spay/neuter if not already done
*phone cards or long distance telephone bills
*any other unexpected expenses that may arise
You will be sent regular updates on the progress of your chosen boxer which will include "before & after" pictures as well as a picture of the adoptive family.
You may sponsor your boxer "In Memory of" a deceased pet/person or "In Honor of" that special pet/person in your life. These names will be listed on a "Tribute" page for all to see.
You may make your payment by check or PayPal. Make checks payable to BoxAR Rescue and mail in c/o Sandra Clement, POB 831, Carlisle, AR 72024.
Send an email to Lori with your name, mailing address and email address, and be sure to include "BoxAR" in the subject line. Include who you want to sponsor and who you wish to honor or memorialize. You may choose to do a one-time donation or a monthly donation, but be assured that either way, your gift will be greatly appreciated.
One-time or Monthly
One-time or Monthly
One-time or Monthly
One-time or Monthly
One-time or Monthly

BoxAR is a totally volunteer run program. For as long as BoxAR has been operating, the money has come from the pockets of the volunteers. But with more and more boxers needing our help, it is imperative that we get assistance from other sources or we will be turning away dogs who desperately need our help.
We are thinking ahead and planning more fundraisers for the future. Please check back with our website regularly so you will be up to date with the latest happenings!
We are applying now for a 501c(3) status and will be sure to announce when we get this accomplished.