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Hi! Sup? Well, um, yeah. This is Holly. The webmistress. Yeah. See, I'll work on this all summer before I slap a META Tag on this webby and get it runnin.

  • Fan Art-By meh and whoever

  • Shrines-To care bears yeah

  • Videos-ha ha i am soo messed-up

  • Doll Crap-cartoon dollie werld

  • Blogs-my online journal!

  • Bio's Of Friends-like i have n e...

  • Hamtaro-2nd cutest hamster! (phil is the cutest)

  • Movies-funny, i hope

  • A Street Team-advertise for me and u get, uh, something

  • Labels-whats ur label? quiz

  • Scans-crap i scanned

    So c'ya when Rainbow Usagi Is Back Up!