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April 29th

Sorry for no news as of late, but i've been busy with . We have a bigger LAN in the works. This summer about 2 weeks after the last day of school, no offical dates yet. This is another BYOC (bring you own computer) The only people that will be alloud in will be people with computers, sorry, but the last LAN didn't turn out so well because of freeloaders. There is no fee just to come, and I'm not sure about food just yet. On another note, this site will be merging with Anchorage HALO LAN, and we will have a new name and new website, more on that in the next couple weeks.


March 30th

I don't care what any one else says, i had fun at the two LAN's, even if no one else did but I do hope every one had a good time. Richard is going to join our crew as a Modorator here at AAL and i think he can do good things for us. We'll be setting up another LAN in a few months, keep checkin back for updates, and ALWAYS stay active on the forums ALSO, MODORATORS, There is an important topic in the locked bord on the forums, please go there and check it out. If you forgot the pass, talk to me or e-mail me.


March 22nd

The site is under more construction. Be prepaird for messed up pages for the next couple of days. Also, Richards B-day LAN is this Friday, Go here for details. We need more CPU's there!!


March 18th

Today is the big day, im at school, wondering if my mom finished vaccuming my basement for me or not. My dad is picking up tables from his old work for me, and he is stoping and getting all the food for me. My parents are really helping me, if you guys could do one nice thing at my party, thank my parents. Don't forget your money, cause I have to reimburse(it took me 5 minutes to find out how to spell that) my dad on the soda money, and for pizza! If your not bringing your computer, don't worry, you should still have fun. Just not as much as some one who is bringing theirs! MUAHAHAHA! Ok, I'll see every one tonight, and friday night. PEACE!


March 14th

WE NEED TABLES!!! We're running out of time! only 4 days left untill the LAN, if i can't find some tables, were going to have to rent some, and with that comes money out of every ones pocket, it prolby won't be much but its money! I have to start hoarding some money for soda from some of you also, cause i need some back bone money to go get it. If you can help out in any way, let me know.


March 1st

Hey. As most of you may have thought, i was going to make some of the site into flash, but i realised that alot of people don't have flash player so i cancled that idea. What i've decided to do instead is make a flash intro for he site, its going to take me a while because i barely know anything about flash. But i'll let you know when i'm done with it. so far the party is looking good, i do have the bawls safe in my room, and i have more stuff planned to do at the party (such as xbox, music, bordgames, and TV.) Thats it for now, cya.


Feb. 26th

just wanted to let you know "WE GOT BAWLS!" Im leaving in about 10 minutes to go pick up a 24 pack from 7up alaska. Every one will get one free bottle of bawls then will be $1 each for extras.


Feb. 25

Ok, if your planning on coming to the LAN on Thursday, Spring Break, You either need to post and tell me Here on the forums. Or send me an e-mail too to confirm. Doing this will reserve you a seat, and help me out alot. There has been alot added to the site, don't forget to check it all out. I have also updated the Info page, so check back there.


Feb. 22

At this rate I'll be posting every day. Ok, well just wanted to let ya know that I got a NEW board, Its great. Go to it here and sign up, and start posting! have fun.


Feb. 21

Tyler and I have finaly decided to have the next LAN on spring break. Starting on March 18th, thursday night, and lasting as late as Sat. morning. Don't forget to check the info page for the requirements and stuff. Oh and the forums are ready. I know there a bit lame, but thats all I've got for ya so far.


Feb. 19

Hi, welcome too AK Avalanche LAN. The site is still under heavy construction, and many links, pages, and pictures will be Missing/corrupt/unfinished. So don't get mad at your computer. Remember, If you love your computer, it will love you back. Check the info page for any and all info on the upcoming LAN's


