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Life of The Prophet Muhammad
Javed Mukarram
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) born in city of Makkah in 570 CE. Makkah was a city-state well connected to the caravan routes to Syria and Egypt in the north and northwest and Yemen in the south. He was an orphan, his father Abdullah died few months before his birth in Yathrib (now called Madina). At the age of six his mother Amina passed away at 'Abwa' while she was traveling from Yathrib to Makkah. His grandfather Abdul Mutalib took the responsibility to take care of him. Abdul Mutalib was a prominent leader of Arab tribe 'Quraish', he was responsible to take care of Holy place the 'Ka'bah'. The Ka'bah is a first place of worship to Allah on earth and rebuild by Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Prophet Ismail (Ishmail). After two years when Muhammad was eight his grandfather also died. He raised by his paternal uncle Abu Talib after the age of eight. Muhammad was a descendant of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) through the lineage of his son Prophet Ismail. When he was about nine years old, Muhammad traveled accompanied a caravan of traders with his uncle, Abu Talib, to Syria. There at Busra was a Christian monk named Bahira. From the distance, he had seen the Makkan caravan approaching, with a cloud following over it. Could it be that the expected Prophet had at last come, and was among these travelers? One glance at the boy's face tallied with what he had read in his ancient manuscripts. He conversed with the lad and asked him to remove his cloak. There on Muhammad's back between his shoulders was the white oval mark designating his prophet-hood. "Take your nephew back to his country", Bahira told Abu Talib, "and guard him against the Jews, for if they find out about him they will contrive evil against him. Great things are in store for this brother's son of your." Muhammad started his career as a businessman and trader. He was famous for his good character and popularly know as 'al-Ameen'. Al-Ameen means the Honest, the Reliable and the Trustworthy and it signified the highest standard of moral and public life. Once a business associate asked Muhammad to wait for him at a street corner, however he forgot the appointment. For three days and three nights Muhammad stood waiting for him until something jogged his associate's memory. Upon hearing the Muhammad's impressive qualities, Khadijah , a rich merchant widow of Makkah sent Muhammad together with a male slave Maysara on a trip to Syria. There another monk, Nestor informed Maysara of Muhammad's mission and, indeed, the slave lad saw two angels shading the apostle from the sun. These facts he told Khadijah and they made her more determined to marry Muhammad even though she was his employer and fifteen years his senior. Khadijah proposed marriage to him through a relative. He accepted the proposal. Khadijah and Muhammad were the parents of six children, four daughters Zainab , Ruqayyah , Umm Kulthum and Fatimah , two sons Qasim and Abdullah . Both sons died in their childhood. Muhammad never married again until she died. The Ka'bah was full with idols and people of Arab were involved in worshipping idols and in their customs. They forgot the message of Prophet Ibrahim to worship only one God. Injustice, adultery, gambling and alcohol were common problems in that society. Muhammad was in the habit of retiring to a cave in Mount Hira, not far from Mecca, away from this polluted environment. On the 26-27th of Ramadan when he was in his fortieth year and alone in the cave there came to him an angel in the form of a man. On this first appearance, Gabriel (as) said to Muhammad : "Iqraa," meaning Read or Recite. Muhammad replied, "I cannot read," as he had not received any formal education and did not know how to read or write. The Angel Gabriel then embraced him until he reached the limit of his endurance and after releasing said: "Iqraa." Muhammad's answer was the same as before. Gabriel repeated the embrace for the third time, asked him to repeat after him and said: "Recite in the name of your Lord who created! He created man from that which clings. Recite; and thy Lord is most Bountiful, He who has taught by the pen, taught man what he knew not." (96.6) The angel Jibril (Gabriel) recited what was to become the first five verses of the Qur'an of surah 96. 6 Muhammad recited these words after the angel. He later said, "It was as though the words were written on my heart." Khadijah helped calm her husband and went to tell her cousin, Waraqah. Waraqah was learned scholar of Old and New Testaments. He reassured her that Muhammad had been called on as a Messenger but warned him, "People will accuse him of falsehood, persecute, exile and attack him. Allah assigned a mission to the Prophet Muhammad , to restore the worship of one true God (Allah) the creator and sustainer of the universe, as taught by all Prophets of Allah, and to demonstrate and complete the laws of moral, ethical, legal and social conduct and all other matters of significance for the humanity at large. Muhammad started his mission from his family members. His wife Khadijah , cousin Ali , servant Zayd bin Harithah and friend Abu Bakr were the first people who accepted his message and became Muslim. Mission was steadily continued without any open announcement and small group of people (men and women) from wide range of economic and social background accepted the Islam during first three years. After three years prophet was directed by a revelation to start preaching openly to every one. Then he climbed on a hill and called the people according the custom of Makkah City. He asked the people, O, people of Makkah, "Can you believe if I inform you that there is army behind this hill is ready to attack on city". People replied, "Definitely, you are 'Al-Amin' and you never tell a lie". At this reply, he conveyed his message. O, people of Makkah listen there are no god but Allah. Worship only Allah and don't associate any one with Allah. The Quraish, leaders of Makkah opposed his message. Initially they tried to bribe him with money and power including an offer to make him king if he was to abandon his message. When this did not work, they tried to convince his uncle Abu Talib to accept the best young man of Makkah in place of Muhammad and to allow them to kill Muhammad . His uncle tried to persuade the Prophet to stop preaching but the Prophet said: "O uncle, if they were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand to stop me from preaching Islam, I would never stop. I will keep preaching until Allah makes Islam prevail or I die." The Quraish began to persecute Muslims by beating, torture and boycott of their businesses. They tortured the weak, poor or slaves Muslims publicly. The Prophet was publicly ridiculed and humiliated including frequent throwing of filth on him in street and while he prayed in the Ka'bah. Muslims were bearing all these hardships with patience, the message of Islam kept all Muslims firm in their belief. The Prophet continued preaching the message of Qur'an. After four years, when the persecution became unbearable, the prophet advised the Muslims to immigrate to Abyssinia. Eighty people immigrated to Abyssinia in small groups to avoid the detection. A Christian king Negus was the ruler of Absyssinia (modern Ethiopia). The leaders of Quraish sent two of their envoys to Negus to bring all of them back. Negus investigated about the beliefs of Muslims and heard the revelation about Jesus and Mary (peace be upon them both), which appears in Chapter 19, entitled Mary, of the Qur'an. Negus allowed the Muslims to stay under his protection and allowed them worshipping freely according their faith, Quraish failed to get them back. The Quraish gave more hardship to Muslims left behind. They implemented total ban on contact with the Prophet's family (Bani Hashim and Muttalib). The ban lasted for three years without the desired effect. After three years, the Prophet was contacted by the leaders of Quraish to agree to a compromise under which they should all practice both religions (i.e. Islam and Idolatry). The Prophet refused this offer by reciting Surah (109) of Qur'an end with the words: "… For you your religion and for me mine." The ban was lifted on discovery that document of terms of ban was eaten by worms except the words ' In Your name, O Allah.' His wife Khadijah and uncle Abu Talib died very soon after lifting ban. It was a great personal loss and sorrow for the Prophet . The Prophet continued his mission, he went to Taif for preaching the message of Allah. People of Taif refused and tortured him severely. Their children threw stone at him. His shoes were full with his blood. At that moment angle Gabriel (as) visited to the Prophet and told him that the angles are ready to destroy this city. He asked for the Prophets order about the people of Taif. The Prophet forgave them and prayed for next generations of Taif to accept Islam. In 622 CE, the leaders of the Quraish decided to kill the Prophet . The Angel Gabriel informed the Prophet about the plan and instructed him to leave Makkah and migrate toward Madina immediately. The Prophet left Makkah with Abu Bakr , they stayed three nights in a cave named Thawr to hide themselves from Quraish. Then they resumed their travel toward Madina 250 miles from Makkah. They reached Quba near Madina safely with the protection of Allah (SWT). The tribes of Aws and Khazraj who already had accepted Islam welcomed them warmly. In Quba the Prophet established first masjid (the Muslim's place of worship). The Muslims in Makkah who were not physically restrained joined them one by one in Madina. The Prophet proposed a treaty to establish peace, brother-hood and equality among citizens of Madina. All citizens of Madina including Muslims and non-Muslim accepted it. It was the begining of Muslim state. Now the enemies of Islam started assault from all sides. In result many wars occurred between Muslims and non-believers of Makkah. War of Badr was first and few other famous were Uhud and Allies (The Trench). A large number of Muslims lost their life, women were widowed and children orphaned. The Prophet married several women between his age of fifty-six and sixty to provide the shelter and to these women. Aishah, Umm Salamah, Juwayriah and Safiyah are famous names among the wives the Prophet . All of the wives of the Prophet were widows or divorced except Aishah . The Prophet's wives, called the "Mothers of the Believers,"[Qur'an Surah 33, Verse 6 and the last part of Verse 53] showed themselves as examples of proper Muslim womanhood. All his wives, especially 'Aishah, transmitted many ahadith (sayings, deeds, and actions) from Prophet Muhammad . In 622, the Prophet traveled toward Makkah with 1500 of his companion for Hajj (annual pilgrim of Ka'bah) . When they reached at the city of Hudaibiya. Quraish of Makkah stopped them there and after some negotiation an agreement was signed that they can come for Hajj next year. This agreement facilitates the Muslims to exchange the ideas among the people of the whole region with interference. The Prophet sent messages to several kings and rulers inviting them to Islam. Around fifty of messengers killed by non-believers. Many delegations from all over the Arabia came to the Prophet and large number of people accepted Islam with in a couple of years. Negus, the king of Abyssinia and the Ruler of Bahrain accepted Islam. Hindu King of Malabar (now called Kerala southeast coast of India) Chakrawati Farmas, accepted Islam (by observing the miracle of splitting of moon) without any initiative from the Prophet . Emperor Heraclius acknowledged Muhammad's Prophet-hood. In 629 CE, the Treaty of Hudaybiyah ended by the violatetion of the terms from Quraish. Quraish attacked on men of Bani Khuza'ah who were the allied with the Prophet . After confirming all the reports of attack, the Prophet marched toward Makkah with his 3,000 companions from Madina. Muslims from other Arab communities joined him on the way. Total of 10,000 reached at Makkah after sunset. Quraish of Makkah were surprised to see the campfire. Abu Sufyan the leader of Quraish came forward and accepted Islam. The Prophet entered in Makkah with his forces without any bloodshed. Before entering in city he announced to citizens of Makkah that anyone who remained in his home, or in the Abu Sufyan's home, or in the Ka'bah would be safe. The Prophet went directly to the Ka'bah. He magnified Allah for the triumphant entry in the Holy city. The Ka'bah was then cleansed by the removal of all three hundred sixty idols, and it was restored to worship of only One True God. The Prophet forgave all of his enemies in Makkah. The people of Makkah then accepted Islam except few worst enemies of the Prophet . They left Makkah when the Prophet entered in Makkah but when they heard about general forgiveness. They returned to their homes. Gradually the message of Islam won their hearts and they became Muslim. Almost all Arabia became Muslim within one year. Among the Prophet's close companions were Muslims from such diverse background as Persia, Abyssinia, Syria and Rome. Several prominent Jewish Rabbis, Christian bishop and clergymen accepted Islam after discussions with the Prophet. In 630 CE, Allah blessed the Prophet with birth of a son name Ibrahim . Ibrahim was seventh child of the Prophet . He died at the age of 10 months. The growth of Islam alarmed the two superpowers of that time, Byzantine and Persians. Especially governor of Byzantine reacted with threats to attack on Madina. The Prophet sent an army to defend the northern borders. All major battles fought on the northern front, in the remaining life of the Prophet. In 632 CE, the Prophet performed first and last Hajj of his life. One hundred twenty thousand men and women performed Hajj with him. The Prophet delivered his last sermon of Hajj. That sermon is the best charter for all human beings to live with peace and harmony on the earth. After couple of months the Prophet fell ill and after eight days of illness, he passed away on 12th Rabbi-ul-Awwal, 11th year of Hijra calendar (June 8, 632 CE). The Prophet Muhammad lived very simple life. He was the most influenced man in human history. His revolution changed the life of billions of people around the globe. He was the mercy for whole universe. His education is spreading light and guidance for centuries. His followers are in every corner of world and increasing day by day. He is alive with his mission in the heart of every Muslim. Every Muslim love him more than his own life.
