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This is your home page. Put any updates, news, upcoming clan wars, or whatever else you can think of here.

This template was made by Fight at SC. If there are any questions about this template, just ask anyone in the SC forums.

Here's a basic dumbass's guide to getting this template up on a website.

  • Step 1 - Download the template from SC
  • Step 2 - Open up the .zip and run WinZip to unzip the folder. If you don't have WinZip, just run whatever you use to unzip folders.
  • Step 3 - Upload EVERYTHING to your website host. Everything INCLUDES the folder called images and the Style.css file. Alot of people have been missing those when they upload. Make sure you put all the pictures inside the images folder or this template will not work. Also, do not edit the iframes. They're set up the work perfectly. Just edit the home.html, clanwars.html, ect. pages.
  • Once everything's uploaded, you can edit the html pages and put your clan info in. If you need help with any of this just ask any SC staff member and they will help.
  • One last thing, here's how to edit the banner at the top. When you download this, it will not have the Your Clan Name or Slogan but will be blank. There's a blank copy in the images folder. Open up the blank copy in any Image editing program of your choice and put your clan name in. Again, if you need help with this, just ask in the SC forums.
  • The steps for installing a shoutbox are different for each one you use so I can't put specific instructions here. Any good shoutbox can be edited to exactly match the colors of the website. This one will be easy because the background color is just black.