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Airsoft Of Inglewood

|||8/1/04|||| we have info that wcwc airsoft will host a tournament and we were invited. so we will be there. I thought about the change of our name (A.O.I to A.I.) but id rather keep it AOI instead of AI...

|||7/30/04|||| Its been a while since i last edited. Ima try to touch it up more often. I receently went to Mexico, some pics on that. I still need to add members. Um. Ima change the name of the Group, Right know its (A)irsoft (O)f (I)nglewood , im going to remove the O in of from our initials. It will look better as A.I. Ill keep u posted on things.

04/9/04: more updates...still need to work on the links

03/02/04:under construction Still...
Well, Finally, after 1 year, i figured out the edit the

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