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Geist's Trashy Apartment

A Virtual Home Away from Home...

Aug.16/02---->Rotating the Guitar track around soon, Already deleted the Old ones.They were really old. and I am going to replace them with Updated mixes and new songs. Once I get enough material, I'll get rid of the Video and Upload whole versions of the Songs.Actually the Video Bores me now me, so It's Gone... Edit- - - ->LMFAO, Right now my mem space is at 6.66 as is...

Aug.8/02---->Making Minor Changes around here,thinking about Removing the Music Video. Adding an About Page, Mainly Personal Details and Such...

Aug.5/02----> Had to delete some Content like the Slayer Vid. Thinking about Changing Vids anyways. Still can't think of a New Format to Set for my Page, No time, No life, All work, No play. You know how it is also the damn Bastards made me Delete 30 megs of my space...

June 19/02----> Well If anyone Still comes here Nothings Changed, Except Updated Guitar trax in the Files Page... I've Given Up on this Site pretty much But at least I still have My 50 megs of Space here!!!

Feb.20/02----> I removed a Slayer Video to make Space for More Sound Clips thatI make using Cool Edit 2000, This way I can use this Site as a Front to Demo My Skills...

Jan.29/02----> I have updated the Temporary files section with an introduction, some descriptions and A few new files... check it out you want...

Jan.17/02----> Hi , It's been a while since i updated this page,So there is a MAJOR overhaul overdue, and over time I'll change it around, but for now I have included TWO new music videos... I hope you enjoy them...

Jan.17/02----> I haven't woked on any Gifs lately so I am concidering omitting that section for something else, although I have no idea as to what but It will be something that reflects upon myself for sure. If anyone has any suggestions or just want to contact me, you can do so via MSN or plain E-mail(My address is at the bottom of this page)...

