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Acapulco Real Estate

Acapulco Real Estate has listings of houses and condos. Whether you are looking for a retirement home or permanent residence we can help you find it. This site is the closest thing to a multiple listing service that exists here in Acapulco. The properties listed here are from many of the local realtors. When you deal with individual realtors, you see only their listings, with us, you can see every property within your budget and preferences from all of the realtors in our association. We are always looking for the best buys.

Click the area you are interested in to view pictures and short descriptions of available properties. These are the listings in that area only. We add new properties continually so keep looking and one of these days you may find something you like.

For areas not shown on the map click here

For special properties click here

For a local Bed & Breakfast click here

If you are familiar with Acapulco and don't want to wait for the map to load you can go to the main pages by clicking on the areas listed below.

Las Brisas

Club Deportivo

Costa Azul

Joyas Brisamar

La Condesa

Airport Area

Beach Area

Caleta/Las Playas




Marina Brisas

I have written a newsletter with some buying tips, cost of living info, and other items from questions that have been asked or I have seen asked on the net at one place or another. These comments only apply to Acapulco. Costs of living and other costs vary from place to place. If you have any questions feel free to email me, use the form at the end of one of the pages.

If you want to call me when you are here, my local phone number in Acapulco is 49-69-13. If you're calling from the states the number is 044-74-44 49-69-13.

To e-mail me directly click here.

I've been asked to put links to some of the local realtor's on my site. Here are some of the better realtors in town.

If you would like more info on living in Mexico resort areas click here.

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