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The Chamber...
Welcome to the Chamber of Secrets. Been investigating the sink too long, eh? Well, no matter; one thing to remember in your explorations: Watch out for that Basilisk. He's got quite an eye on him. Those fangs hurt too.

You can find the latest Harry Potter news at
The Chamber News

Last Update: July 10, 2001


This Harry Potter Fan Ring Site
is owned by Moony
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Disclaimer: I am not J.K.Rowling. I am not associated with Warner Brothers or any other
Harry Potter rights holder. I am not claiming that anything from the books is mine.
All images were made by Moony or Prongs
unless credited otherwise. Special thanks to Rod's Kewl Klipart for the Basilisk picture,
and to Moondog for the Slytheirn Supporter,
Potterholism, and oxygen buttons. Their really cool!