more pictures

These are *mostly* pictures from Emily's party during a random day off from school...


I just had to throw this picture in. It's of Karen, in sixth grade or so. We were all sleeping over at Em's house, giving each other makeovers that always turned out hideously, well, except Karen's. She actually looks older in this picture than she does in real life now. That's because she's wearing a load of makeup. Karen? Makeup!? She's also all decked out in fancy dress up clothes from the fifties. It's a marilyn monroe dress M got from her grandma. Yah. The second picture is of Emily and Alex being all mushy. Em told me, when Alex came home to visit from college, that my job was to take pictures. So, I did. She also told me to be inconspicious, and so, there's only three or four of them being mushy.

Here's a picture of Bibby hiding behind a book she was reading called 'Werewolves Don't Go To Summer Camp.' Yeah, it was stupid. She was leafing through it, finding all the vingettes and pointing out the dirty parts. I am quite convinced she can make anything dirty now. All she has to do is read it in a certain voice and it's all over. The next one is a picture I took from the window after we left Alex and Emily alone. They snuggled on the trampoline. Yeah, see, they're all tired because they were being kinky, but I couldn't take a picture of that, now could I? Emily's going to kill me for saying that. And then the last one is of them just being cozy, again. They did that a lot. It was...disgusting.

Again with the disgustingness and the kissyness and the touchy touchy! Ew! Ew! No, not really. I think this is a pretty picture. I'm giving it to Emily because I think it's the one she looks the prettiest in. Yes, I think I will. Then she'll get all weepy and want to hug me and be all, "Oh, Alex. Where is Alex?" again. Sigh. The middle one is a group picture. It took so long for this to be taken. We were all standing up on the trampoline, and then fell, so we tried to get up again, and fell, so we sat there, and then tried to all look the same way, and we almost made it, except for that Kerry kid, who cracked up and had to look down because she was laughing so hard. There's always one who does it. I look weird in this picture. I can hear you now, "But Abby, you always look weird." But I do. I was gaining control of my hair, and yeah...ignore that. It is Me, Emily, Bibby, Kerry, and Sabrina, grinning like a happy buddah in the center front. The last one is Bibby and Alex in the house. It's dark and out of focus. SO sorry. I don't have the camera I want, you'll have to deal with this one. Yeah.

This is an ass picture. Alex was showing his. Bibby was trying to tackle me, because that's what she does. I was running away because I had already witnessed my knee bending in gruesome angles I never knew knees could bend in, and so I ran. Passive, I know. The second on is of my...front? I don't know. Kerry was taking the pictures. She likes ass shots. I think she's going to grow up and direct porn. This wasn't porn, everyone had their clothes on. The last one is of my ass. It is NOT rectangular, despite what ANYONE tells you. I have a perfectly nice ass, and it is, in no way, resemblant to a triangle/rectangle/square or whatever the hell else you might suggest. It is my ass. It doesn't need to be a shape. I am sick of the ass-observations in the hallways. People are beginning to stare...

I took this picture. People were chillin' on the trampoline. It's a lot of work, bouncing. The second one is when I insulted Charlie's Angels, because it is a waste of good film, and the Angel's fans attacked me. All of them. And they continued to, until I was in pain from being jumped on. You'd think being on a trampoline, it wouldn't hurt as much. Well, you thought wrong. They attacked me because I insulted their women-club. How strange...Kerry is the one laughing at me, Bibby's the one down, because despite the unevenness of it, I can still take someone out, Emily is the one pummeling me, and I am the one who you cannot see because they pushed me into a corner. The last picture is also of them attacking me. All three of them charged me. It was a communal tackle.

Okay, wow. There are a lot of pictures of me being tackled. I blame Sabrina. She was the one taking the pictures. The second one in this set is Bibby falling off the trampoline. She looks a little tipsy. She was probably wounded, but it doesn't much matter. I shouldn't make fun of her. I did it myself...The last one is Emily jumping (that's why she's blurry) and Alex doing what he does best, standing and looking pretty. Yeah. That was...those.