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Dark Side Independant Starship: Dagobah

Card Reviews:

May add 1 pilot (must be a smuggler or bounty hunter) and 2 passengers. Maneuver +3 and immune to attrition <3 if IG-88 piloting. Ion Cannon may deploy here.


If you have a bounty hunter deck, this card comes in really handy. With the combonation of IG-2000, IG-88, 2 bounty hunters, and an Ion Cannon, you can hurt your opponent really badly. With two other bounty hunters aboard, let's just say Bossk and Boba Fett, you have a powerful trio of death. Then you have a ship with maneuver 6, and an Ion Cannon strapped to it ready to blast away the Rebel scum. With the Ion Cannon, you can disable all of your opponent's ship's capabilities. Also, if you're caught by something more powerful, then you can move across the galaxy with the maneuver of 6.

Card Reviews