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Captain Piett

Dark Side Character: Imperial: Hoth

Card Text:

Power +1 when at same site as Vader. Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots (3 if starship is Executor). May use 1 Force to take one Probe Droid into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle.


Deploy Vader and Piett onto Executor. This will add to Executor's power, and Piett's power in himself through Vader. Then you have a ship with power of 14, a captain with power 3, and Vader on board. If that's not enough, send in probe droid after probe droid to thwap down your opponent. If you somehow lose with this combination, bring in another heavy hitter, such as Palpatine, or an SD, such as Avenger, Tyrant, Stalker, or Devastator.