Sytone Logo
Sytone Entertainment
1999 - 2002

Fron Justin
Well my friends, it's over. We had a great run. I'm so ashamed of having to do this, but we've had to pull the plug on Sytone Entertainment. From the very first step, we were in it with all of our hearts, but we have found new things. I will still devote my time to web design, but not for Sytone. For now, I will just wear the name proudly as a sign that I was once a part of the best thing I've ever known. I'd like to thank a few people:
Mike - this is the best thing that ever happened to me and putting it down is not easy but a must. It's better for everyone if we just stop. We put all our time into it, but it wasn't in vain. We got so many good memories out of it.
Phillip - I know you quit after awhile, but while you were here, it was the best. After PeRL-MaK, I didn't think you wanted to do anything with us ever again, but you forgave and forgot and I just wanted to say thanks.
Well that's about it. Some of the tings on here, I don't agree with, but i guess that was our problem from the start. As for a few more details, it's done. I'll never forget it. It's what helped shape me. Cya....

From Mike
Well...after all of this time, its over. I remember one night at Phillip's house. It was Phillip, Justin and me. We were talking about PeRL - Mak, and starting a company. At first, it was all about movies. Then I found out about this wonderful thing called game developing. I love to play games. I love to play games, and I love to make them. One thing just lead to another and I got into it. It started with Sonic Adventure DG which was so horrible it wasnt even released to the public (no comments on that..hehehe). Anywayz, then came Sonic DG 2. I had a little experience with it, but once JOEY was time to get down and dirty with this stuff. I spent so much time on it, I can't even believe I remembered food and water. I don't even remember how many hours were put into it. All I know is I worked my @$$ off on it...some of it was hell, but in the long run, it was worth it. Then finally Sonic Kilobyte. The whole deal with Kilobyte was I wanted to do things that I had always wanted to do, but I never knew how. The goal was to do things that no one had ever done. I dont have anything to say about Kilobyte other than that except for this..."It's not over yet."
It was great, it really was. There were rough spots here and there, but we made it. We finally got our mark on the entertainment map, and that my friends is all i had ever wanted.

From Phillip
Basicly, this an overview of the history of Perl - Mak / Sytone with a little bit of what I felt through it all,

All this stuff started out from my strange ideas and ambitions. I came up with the idea of making movies and started talking to Mike about the idea, we even came up with a story line for a movie. After a while Mike discovered a program called CNC and he started making games with it. So we decided to make games and maybe movies on the side. We gave this little organization a name, Perl - Mak. Within the next year pretty much all of our friends were involved, helping in little ways here and there. The first game we released (that actually sold) was Sonic DG2. Justin helped us convince people to buy the CD and most people enjoyed it. Around that time we had our own News Letter that Matthew Gladney was put in charge of and he started to break away to have his own monthly gaming magazine (seperate from Perl - Mak) After this, for an unkown reason, Matthew started to resent me and stirred all sorts of trouble up with my friends. Next thing I knew everybody hated me and broke off from PM completly and "started" their own company "Sytone" (named after a porno site, LOL) I talked to Michael about it and got things cleared up and I agreed that if he came back we would change the name of Perl-Mak to Sytone. So we did that... After that strange turn of events Pm or Sytone (Which ever you prefer) started to lose its momentum because i was still burned out that my friends had all turned against me (Mike and I never told them that Sytone was not what they thought it was.. Perl - mak under a different name) Sytone started going no where fast.. though we did have some cool looking sites by Justin.. and really neat games by Michael.. we just went no wehre. One by one my friends (all but justin, me, and mike) dissappeared from Sytone. Until I couldn't take it anymore and "covertly" left by removing my name off the site. I've been sadened that (michael and I's) my company stopped moving forward.. I've always said and probably will always say that Perl - Mak was just an experiment and I've learned that it's probably best not to involve a bunch of your friends in your work (especially if you don't have any licenses to secure hte company under your name).. but anywho, Perl - Mak was a good experience and Sytone was hell for me..

But I was able to get passed what my friends did to me.. i forgave them, but to this day I don't trust Matthew Gladney for anything...

I guess that's it...

Sonic Kilobyte
Go To The Sonic Kilobyte Page


Sonic Warrior DEMO v1.0
Includes: 1 Playable Mission w/ Boss
Approx. Size: 8.38 MB

Sonic Kilobyte DEMO v1.2
Includes: 2 Playable Missions w/ Boss
Approx. Size: 4.39 MB