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The Lance of Longius in orbit around the Moon

The Evangelions have a variety of special equipment available, from the special D Type Equipment used for Underwater Operations and Magma Diving operations, to the F Type Equipment (the massive planes used to carry them in rapid transit),

Not all of the items used by the EVA's are scientific achievements though, there is also the legendary Lance of Longius & it's Synthetic counterparts. (BIBLICAL NOTE: Longius was the name of the soldier who drove a spear into Christ's side while he was being crucified).

A special massive jet used to transport one Evangelion over long distances at super-sonic speeds (up to Mach 5).

An impressive suit (technologically, not visually) for use in some harsh enviromental conditions, that being massive pressure and cold/heat. The D Type Suit can either withstand up to 100km depth underwater, or up to 4km in liquid magma.


Helmet 90
Arms (2) 75
Hands/Clamps (2) 50
Legs (2) 125
*Main Body 300
**Coolant/Pressure Hoses (5) 100 each

* Destruction of the main body will expose the Evangelion COMPLETELY to the elements. In the case of water, the Eva will only be immobilized. However in the case of a Magma Diver operation, the Evangelion will quickly begin to suffer from the massive heat and pressure of several thousand tons of liquid magma (1d6x10 M.D. every melee, and the Evangelion will be immobile).
** Destruction of three or more hoses during a magma diver operation will subject the Evangelion to the pressure and heat, causing the suit to first take damage, then the Evangelion after the M.D.C. of the suit is depleted. Also severing ALL the hoses will cause the Eva to plummet downwards, nearly impossible to recover.

PALLET GUN: The main long-range combat armament used by the Evangelions. An assault rifle, normally hidden in the Tokyo 3 weapon storage 'buildings' to be retrieved during Angel attacks.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Long-Range Angel Combat
RANGE: 1000m
MEGA-DAMAGE: 2d4x10 M.D. for a short (3 round) burst, 5d4x10 for a medium (10 round) burst, 1d4x100 for a long (30 round) burst, 2d4x100 for a full melee (100 round) burst.
RATE OF FIRE: Short, medium, long (all use one action), or full melee (uses all actions for the round)
PAYLOAD: 300 rounds. The rifle cannot be reloaded in the field.
M.D.C.: 150

HANDGUN: A secondary armament, usually employed when the Evangelion can't get close enough to use the progressive knife, or if a rifle isn't available.
RANGE: 300m
MEGA-DAMAGE: 2d4x10 M.D. per round.
RATE OF FIRE: Single or double action (for revised burst rules, see the
Netbook of Modern Firearms)
PAYLOAD: Each clip holds 7 shots. One extra clip can be stored in each of the Shoulder Wings.

SNIPER RIFLE: The EVA-00 is generally not designated to go into close combat like EVA-01 and 02. Instead it's used to giving long range weapon support, as such it has the option of using a heavy caliber cannon. The size of this cannon is such, that it cannot be hidden in the Tokyo 3 Weapon Storage 'Buildings', it must be deployed on the surface to be picked up by the Evangelion.
RANGE: 2000m
MEGA-DAMAGE: 1d4x100 M.D. per round.
RATE OF FIRE: Can fire 3 shots per melee.
PAYLOAD: 10 rounds. Cannot be reloaded in the field.
: +1 to strike, bonuses from the Espionage Skill 'Sniper' can be used with the rifle.
M.D.C.: 100

MISSILE LAUNCHER: An emergency bazooka-like long-range combat armament. Normally these are hidden in the Tokyo 3 weapon storage 'buildings' to be retrieved during Angel attacks.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Long-Range Anti-Armour Combat
RANGE: 3000m
MEGA-DAMAGE: 1d6x100 M.D. per rocket.
RATE OF FIRE: Can fire two rockets per melee.
PAYLOAD: 5 missiles. Cannot be reloaded in the field

M.D.C.: 150

ANTI-GROUND POSITRONIC BLASTER: A two-handed shoulder-mounted weapon system that is rarely seen in the series. It works on the same principle as the Positronic Sniper Rifle, except that it creates a 'ball' of energy as opposed to a coherent beam. This allows for more impact as opposed to penetration. Also this blaster has a much higher rate of fire, but sacrifices it for lower range and limited payload..
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Mid-Range Heavy Assault
RANGE: 300m
MEGA-DAMAGE: 5d6x10 M.D. per blast
RATE OF FIRE: Single or double action (for revised burst rules, see the
Netbook of Modern Firearms)
PAYLOAD: 20 blasts before the capacitor is depleted.

ANTI-AIR POSTRONIC BLASTER: Only ever seen once in the series, this is a postronic blaster with an even more limited payload than the Anti-Ground version, but has a very sufficient range, admittedly not as much as the Sniper Rifle, but it has a higher rate of fire, and the firer can remain mobile while doing so. However energy drain for the increased range results in a VERY small payload.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Long Range Anti-Air Assault
RANGE: 5000m
MEGA-DAMAGE: 1d4x100 M.D. per blast
RATE OF FIRE: Single or double action (for revised burst rules, see the
Netbook of Modern Firearms)
PAYLOAD: 8 blasts before the capacitor is depleted.

From left to right: Shoulder Batteries, Umblical, Postronic Blaster, Sonic Glaive, Smash Hook, Prog Knives, Entry Plug, Pallet Gun, Missile Launcher, Postronic SniperPROGRESSIVE KNIFE: The primary close combat weapon system for beginner Evangelion pilots. This is essentially just a giant vibro-knife, which uses a sonic field around the blade to cut through just about anything. The Evangelion can hold one knife in each Shoulder Wing.
RANGE: The knife is approximately 7m long
MEGA-DAMAGE: Each strike with the knife does 2d4x10 M.D (a two-handed two attack power slash does 3d6x10 M.D.). By stabbing the target with the knife and holding it in, 2d4x10+20 M.D. can be done every action, as the Evangelion keeps the knife in place, as long as the knife successfully struck the first time, no further strike rolls need to be made for further damage.
PAYLOAD: The knife has enough power for 5 minutes of constant operation. If powered via back-link cable, the knife can be returned to the Shoulder Wing and fully recharge in 1 minute.
M.D.C.: 25

PROGRESSIVE AXE/SMASH HOOK: Basically an axe version of the Progressive Knife. Because of it's size it cannot be stored with the Evangelion, instead it's normally hidden in the Tokyo 3 weapon storage 'buildings' to be retrieved during Angel attacks.
RANGE: The axe pole has a length of 20m.
MEGA-DAMAGE: Each strike with the axe does 3d4x10+20 M.D. (a two-handed two attack power cleave does 4d4x10 M.D.)
PAYLOAD: The axe has enough power for 5 minutes constant operation.
M.D.C.: 50

PROGRESSIVE SPEAR/SONIC GLAIVE: A spear/glaive version of the Progressive Knife. The glaive unlike the axe, has a telescopic rod and can collapse. Because of it's size however it cannot be stored with the Evangelion, instead it's normally hidden in the Tokyo 3 weapon storage 'buildings' to be retrieved during Angel attacks. (Note: The Glaive is wielded two-handed, so no other weapons can be held while using it)
RANGE: The spear pole has a length of 65m
MEGA-DAMAGE: Each strike with the blade does 4d4x10 M.D. (a two-attack power stab does 5d4x10 M.D.) By stabbing the target with the blade and holding it in, 4d4x10+40 M.D. can be done every action as the Evangelion keeps the blade in place, as long as the blade successfully struck the first time, no further strike rolls need to be made for further damage.
The naginata has enough power for 5 minutes constant operation.
M.D.C.: 50

PROGRESSIVE SWORD/SONIC KATANA: What all of you have been waiting for, a vibro-katana weapon, which can only add the menancing apperance of the violet devil samurai. To large to be stored in weapon buildings, it must be deployed with the Evangelion by one means or another. (NOTE: The Katana is wielded one handed)
RANGE: The sword blade has a length of 40m
Each strike with the blade does 3d6x10+20 M.D. per strike. (a two-attack power slash does 4d6x10+10 M.D.)
PAYLOAD: The sword has enough power for 5 minutes constant operation.
M.D.C.: 50

PIN-POINT POSITRONIC ACCELERATOR RIFLE: This is a last ditch weapon system used by the EVA's for the purpose of piercing high strength Absolute Terror Fields, like the one used by the Angel in episodes 5 & 6. Normally this gun runs only on a generator, but in Episode #6 it requires the generating power of all of Japan in order to create the 186 GigaWatts needed to pierce the AT Field.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-AT Field Sniping
RANGE: 10km
MEGA-DAMAGE: Using the normal strength generator, 2d4x100 M.D. per blast. However when using the high-energy system like in Episode #6, damage is 5d6x100 M.D.!
RATE OF FIRE: On normal strength, can make one shot every 2 actions. On high-energy setting, can only make one shot every 3 actions (first fuses have to replace, barrel has to cool, then targeting system has to line up again).
PAYLOAD: When running off a normal generator, the sniper rifle will be able to make 15 shots. When running on the high energy setting, only 4 shots are available before all the generating power in Japan is used up!
NOTES: Because of the superior CPU targeting used in tandem with the Positronic Rifle, the EVA has a +2 to strike, and bonuses from the Espionage Skill 'Sniper' can be used with the rifle. Also note that while hooked up, the EVA unit firing the sniper rifle cannot get up and move around, leaving it vulnerable.
M.D.C.: 100

LANCE OF LONGIUS: A legendary 'holy' artifact of the Christian Church. The Lance of Longius was the spear driven into Christs side. While it appears to be pronged, when hurled the blades entwine and the entire spear enters a state of pure energy, allowing great throwing distance and massive damage upon impact.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: A.T. Field Piercing
RANGE: Evangelions can throw the Lance of Longius 1100km (1.1 Mega-Meters)
MEGA-DAMAGE: 3d6x100 M.D. thrown. Automatically pierces ANY A.T. Field, regardless of strength.



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