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Site was last updated 08/07/00

URGENT MESSAGES: Check out our new showz center! Go there, and follow the instructions, it's so cool! I strongly reccomend you join our mailing list we are having MEGA changes! And, I know Easter was a while ago, but, I got such a fantastic response, I decided to leave the Easter Egg Hunt up for a couple more weeks, so you can still stumble upon prizes! Go to the contests page to find out how! Please, enter our show :-)

Hi!! Welcome to Ppckc, my name is Laya. Please refresh to get the latest updates! And don't forget to bookmark us because we're updated all the time! And once you've had a look around here, check out our other 2 sites, the Petz Station and PPCKC's Top 50. Now excuse me, but, I've gotta get back to my game of cowboys and Indians, see you later!

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