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Whoa Damn!....

I Gots Me A WebSite!

Well I am finally actually learning something in my computer class, so I figured I would try to apply my knowlege of basic HTML and throw up a webpage. Around the site you'll find a lot of shit...and you might even learn somethin too! There's plenty about me, stuff I like, friends, some cool files, and even a place where you can post all you want (nothin stupid if you can help yourself). Anyway...enjoy, and send all your shit to the toilet: Nick

NickThumb.jpg - 8129 BytesALL ABOUT ME
A Short Biography and Profile (click on picture)

My Opinions on Religion, Sex, Life, Gun Control, etc...

Those people that actually mean something in my life (even if it isn't much)

Here you can find info and homepages for all the greatest bands according to me.

Named after a shopping center here in S.A.--but you can't buy anything at mine. Instead, here's where you share questions, comments, insults, idiotic impulses, or even arguments with others on my page. Don't leave without sayin somethin! like to play games???
This is the part of the website where I actually give back to visitors like you. Of course...Im not that generous, so its not easy to get anything out of this site. one is stopping you from trying, so go for it, and try and win some $$ (Im not joking)

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Updated 29 JUL