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Team-K.O.L.E protocol Luscious T. Hypothesis Rafael L. Assumption ------------------------------------------------------------------------

. Preface. Moderators Article 2. Basics. Article 3. Weapons Article 4. Inhibition of team Article 5. Vehicles. Article 6. Objectives Article 7. Instigation Article 8. Communication Article 9. Booting Article 10. Tactics

Article 1. Preface. Moderators 1. The moderator: Microsoft, and Bungie DO NOT CHEAT DO NOT BE A BIGOT (Racism/Sexism) DO NOT PURPOSELY KILL, INJURE, OR HINDER YOUR OWN TEAM DO NOT REPEATEDLY HARASS OTHER PLAYERS DO NOT MISREPRESENT YOURSELF AS AN OFFICIAL BUNGIE, MICROSOFT, OR HOMELAN EMPLOYEE OR VOLUNTEER When a player with the title "HF" is attached to a player name; they are online moderators, And can ban you.

Article 2. Basics. 1. Know your environment and how to manipulate it to your team's disadvantage. 2. Look for teams with mics; they are talkative and will not hesitate to announce displeasure with your actions. 3. Give assets to the enemy. 4. Control objectives. 5. Avoid getting booted. 6. The key to TKing is not to team kill, but to force your Team to commit a bootable TK. 7. Destroy all vehicles. 8. Start subtle. 9. "Appear" dangerous. 10. Hide objectives.

Article 3. Weapons 1. Control powerful weapons. 2. Know their spawn point(s). 3. Give powerful weapons to the enemy by sacrifice. 4. Use small arms fire to invoke a reaction from the team mates. 5. Use grenades to destroy vehicles. 6. Fire upon fuel cells when a team mate is in deadly proximity. 7. Take advantage of infinite ammunition turrets, or destroy defensive turrets. 8. If a player brags, or claims an item: beat them to it and put it to no use, or brandish and taunt with it. 9. Shield killers: Single non-head sniper shots, fully charged plasma pistols hits, and medium-proximity grenade blasts. 10. Make sure teammates enter your line of enemy directed fire.

Article 4. Inhibition of team 1. Stand in the way of snipers. 2. Use plasma shots to give away sniper positions. 3. Block grenades with body. 4. Block rocket launchers with body. 5. Block escape; attack routes, door, and hallways. 6. On Team Slayer, sacrifice to the enemy or commit suicide often. 7. Use boxes to hide assets. 8. Destroy escape vehicle. 9. Distract other players with heavy breathing (if you have a mic) 10. Blow weapons from spawn points with grenades.

Article 5. Vehicles. 1. Know vehicle spawn location(s). 2. Destroy all vehicles you do not need. 3. Take control of the Warthog, and go nowhere. 4. The banshee is good for destroying other vehicles then flying off of cliffs. 5. Usually vehicles respawn in less than 30 seconds. 6. Upon exiting a vehicle; destroy it. 7. When team exits vehicle; destroy it. 8. People want ghosts. 9. Play chicken with disgruntled ghost ridding teammate. 10. Destroy escape vehicle, or take control and drive sporadically Amongst other team.

Article 6. Encountering other TKers. 1. Congratulate. 2. Join cause. 3. If in collaboration, take fellow TKers to secluded position, Load them up with power full weapons and kill him,So you can accumulate weapon cash to your disposal. 4. Don¡¯t TK them, even if they TK you; never boot them. 5. Do wicked awesome, furious pwnanation crouches in celebration. 6. Participate in ritual TK dances. 7. Melee his fallen brethren and foe alike. 8. Give him a parting jump and a spin when he is booted. 9. Tell him he "rocks" and that he should "rock on." 10. Use turrets to carve (TK) in the pwned teams base (learn to do this fast).

Article 7. Instigation 1. While two team mates are in close proximity shot one withoutThe other paying attention to him; like a sniping team. 2. Use small weapons fire to instigate. 3. Use plasma pistol to remove the shield while under fire from enemy. 4. Make melee attacks in front of a team mate (not striking them) After he commits a justified TK on you. 5. Crouch repeatedly after showing off to a teammate when you bail them; Brag about you leetness and make them feel noobish 6. Prey on there insecurity. 7. Side step unwanted attaches. 8. Melee occupied vehicles, then stand on them. 9. When team enters Warthog with you driving, exit then furiously crouch, or laugh if possible (Additional option: Drive superfluously slow, without commenting on your own speed) 10. Shoot around subject, or shoot sparatically without harming them directly.

Article 8. Communication 1. Choose silence. 2. Choose noobness. 3. Be arrogant. 4. Be childish. 5. At end of game congratulate sincerely. 6. Be calm. 7. Be mordant, and sarcastic. 8. Do what you say. 9. Mislead. 10. Be polite or just show off. 11. Use the Communicator to inhibit your team in any way possible. 12. Annoying voices are very useful.

Article 9. Booting/Not Booting 1. If a boot is possible it is not always benificial to do so. 2. If you think you will be booted disconnect and reconnect cable. 3. If looking to get booted, wait until 4th game to commit bootable offence. 4. Getting booted for lag is unavoidable. 5. If you wish to listen and engage in after-game talk with your angered teammates, do not boot. 6. Never boot fellow TKers. 7. It is ideal to boot entire teams. 8. Some player may become fed up and leave. 9. Play far around moderators.

Article 10. Tactics 1. Mock often. 2. Use many physical expressions. 3. Steal claimed weapons. 4. Destroy weapons and transportation. 5. Eliminate any friendly asset. 6. Know the level. 7. Taking no action is as good as an antagonistic one. 8. Become center of attention. 9. Open gates, and enemy access points. 10. Control the objectives and make them see you as expendable. 11. Give the other team tactical information about your team over the X-Box communicator.

Disclaimer: This is a protocol directed with the purpose of enhancing online game Play for those who are and have free time, lost interest, boredom, Insecurities or just want to have fun with redundant online game play. Most of this material is relevant to halo 1 and halo 2 (trade mark of bungie). When it comes to team killing; have fun but chill out every now and then and find The renewed enjoyment of a clean game of pwnage; that is if every one on the internet Still trust you, hehehe. So if you get booted, get over it.

Tkers rock!