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[the Acropolis and suns of Vergina]Panhellenic Amateur Radio Federation



=OCTOBER 5,2000=

[My photo] Visit this Page often for updated News, Info and Photo Galleries. See pictures of the friends you hear on the air and lots more. My ambition is to make this a central Page, written by Greeks for Greeks. To accomplish this the Page needs your cooperation. Send your stories, your jokes and your radio amateur encounters. Write them in any way you can and I will edit them for you. I will send you the finished product in order to get your approval and then I will publish it. Don't forget that the Page is also your open Forum for discussions. Any matter and any item will be accepted providing that it is written in a proper way, and in an accepted, style and manner. Try it you may like it! I'll be waiting...

I was thinking to start my text by offering some explanation for the change of the content of my Page and the reason for posting so many pictures of Greek radio amateurs from Diaspora and from Greece.
I guess the reason is very simple! The change will bring some relief from having to write page, after page, after page, not an easy job because I had to think a lot and this I found to be a very difficult task requiring the consumption of gray matter! What did I write? Now I have to look into the Dictionary to find out what gray matter is... I also thought that the posting of the pictures would create some additional interest to the Page and at the same time generate endless discussions over the air.

The News section will be updated as soon as I get new info about matters relative to our hobby and immediately after the News section you will find any work sent by our friends. (I have to repeat here that you can send your text in Greek or in English and I'll do the translation). Yes I do believe it sounds now like a broken record but again ONLY John,W8GXU wrote an article ( again a good one, as always)and even if he is busy, always tries to help. Thanks John. You are a real amateur and a good friend, indeed.

The pictures are stored in a different link of the Page and now, at the beginning, you have to do a little work in order to see them and perhaps they are not appealing as much as I wanted to, but be patient I promise to learn soon how to handle them. This is a very important matter for me. Since they all say that " one picture worth a 1000 words" (that's why the computer needs 1000 times more time to download a picture!) I'll post a few thousand...words at every new update!

This Page is quite different from other Pages, because even for the Various Links you'll find here, I have added a few words, explaining what they are. I try to simplify matters, to make things easier for you, so you won't have to waste much time. Once again, please sent your comments and your suggestions and I will publish them exactly as you wrote them or I will edit them if you so desire. Don't forget this is YOUR Page. It is the Page for all Greek radio amateurs. So don't be shy! Send your cooperation to the Page. You will contribute a lot to our common cause. In case you need any clarification, or for any other reason, contact me via e-mail.

My e-mail address:

To go directly choose and click on any topic below, or continue reading.


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e-mail addresses.

This time I've got many more e-mail Addresses of the Greek Radio Amateurs from Diaspora and from Greece. Again I state that many addresses are old and perhaps are not correct, because (one more time) many of us change our ISP (Internet Service Provider) more frequently than we change the oil in our car. HI!HI!HI!You know when an address is not correct so I don't have to repeat myself. But if you know any new ones please send them to me to put them in the list. It is very important to publish the correct addresses.

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Important Links

In very simple words the following Links will take you close to the Ideal that is GREECE. No doubt that the older of us had been there. Then, I'm sure, when they will visit these Links, some nice patriotic memories will resurface.
The younger generation, which has little time to study the Greek History and the Great Greek Tradition and Culture, will find many interesting and exhilarating things which we always keep close to our heart. Let me think, don't they say that a Master's painting never needs a golden frame, so the Links that follow need no praises from me... I want to draw your attention to the Link XRYSA LOGIA ( Golden Words) of my good friend George,SV1AM. He did a very nice job and you will return to his Link over and over... ENJOY!

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Links for radio amateurs

I think this list of "special" Links for radio amateurs will help many of us to find information which does not exist anywhere else. The first one will take you to the ARRL site. The others are: The Amsat site has all kinds of technical information about the amateur satellites. The NASA site which is useful as it offers information about satellites and other items in orbit, as well as space projects. The next two sites are the familiar Call books from commercial companies. You have to try them yourself to find out which one is the best for you, or use both.

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Web Pages of the Greek radio amateurs

The list of the Web pages of the Greek radio amateurs consists of the Call signs of their owners who clearly show that they come from various call areas, which correspond to the various regions of Greece.

I have added Web Pages of Greek amateurs who live outside Greece -in Diaspora- and frankly many of them have done a superb job in putting together some fabulous Web Pages. Please pay extra attention when you visit any Web Page of your fellow radio amateurs, you may learn a few things that they don't exist any where else. It will be a very nice thing-at the end of your visit- to sign their visitors book-if they have one- and definitely you must send an e-mail message with your comments about their Page. Don't forget your NETIQUETTE!

It is a good idea to visit all these Web pages, at least once, because all of them are very interesting especially to the visitors who live outside our "Fatherland". To visit a Web page just click on the call sign.

I'm not sure which Page is working and which has been closed a long time ago. I ask all of you, when you have some extra time, to check these Pages to find out the "dead" ones and please notify me, so I'd be able to weed them out.

  • SV1AK
  • SV1AM
  • SV1IG
  • SV1LL
  • SV1RD
  • SV1WE
  • SV1XV
  • SV1AWL
  • SV1BKE
  • SV1CDM
  • SV1CNS
  • SV2RR
  • SV2AGW
  • SV2AOE
  • SV2BBO
  • SV2BXZ
  • SV2BWM
  • SV2CLJ
  • SV2DFK
  • SV2DXO
  • SV2DSH
  • SV5BYR
  • SV7DMU
  • SV7DNI
  • SV8CS
  • SV8RX
  • SV9AHZ
  • SV9DJS
  • W0PJB/SV
  • M0BFV
  • [Back to Menu]

    Web Pages of my friends.

    I have only two Web Pages, one belongs to my good friend George,SV1AM and the other to my good friend Lazaros,M0BFV. Both are very good and you should visit them to get an idea how a good page looks like. Not only the pages but their owners are nice and very kind persons too, ready to help any one who needs help for his/her Page (like me for instance!!). I thank both of them for their Patriotic, Friendly and unlimited help.
    To visit their Pages just click on the URL.

    Home Page of George,SV1AM

    Home Page of Lazaros,M0BFV

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    This is the section in which we are going to see -I hope in the very near future-a lot of discussions, ideas and suggestions. It will be for all and for everything. Only we have to be careful for the material we want to publish. We are not alone so please try to submit ONLY subjects written in good taste rated "for all ages". I hate to think that some good humor will be destined never to see the light of the Monitor screen because of some bad language...I hope I made myself clear... Now try to find that elixir for the fingers, oh yes! That famous snake...fat. Rub with it the joints of your fingers, crack them once and start writing...I'll be Waiting...

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    I finally reached the end! Now I have to add a few closing words about the Page and the great pleasure I feel, being able to keep it alive. As in every project when you reach this point "the end" the "completion" you feel a special exhilaration which shines like a bright beacon illuminating your work and at the same time signaling the beginning of a new project or the birth of a new idea.
    If you ever jogged, you know what I mean. In other words, some times to finish a work is tantamount to start a new work....Strange but true! And the pleasure never ends!! I hope this time you'll answer my call for cooperation. Send your stories, your jokes and your hobby encounters. All are welcome and all are needed. You should agree that a Web Page of such great scope addressed to so many people could not be the responsibility or-worse yet-the result of the mental work of a single person.
    No matter how I try for diversity still everything that I write are my creations good or bad...But it couldn't be. If you cooperate the Page will have a collective character. It will be by the Greek Hams for the Greek Hams. The possibility to arrive at a great Page with important and interesting articles is great indeed and it will be the result of the work of many Greek radio amateurs, and the Web Page will become a true PANHELLENIC WEB PAGE. Let us prove once again that we Greeks always answer the call to contribute to a common cause. I have a feeling that it will happen again, HERE and NOW.


    George Evan,KE2WQ/SV1AK

    To e-mail me click on my name above

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