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T & T Parrot Place

Happy Birthday Dad

Dad Thank you for all your patience with me.
Thank you for your love.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you for your wisdom.
Thank you for your strength.
Thank you for your goodness.
Thank you for working so hard to make sure we had all we needed. You did a great job!
Today I want the whole world to know what my Dad means to me. My Dad has been my pillar of strength though good times and hard ones. I always knew my Dad was the smartest person alive. Sorry Dad I know I must have asked you some pretty tough questions, but hey I knew you would always have the answer for me, and you always did. Thank you! Buy the way. How is it possible for the Universe to never end and why is it so vast? I know you’ll know.
So on this day I want you to know how much I love you .
Happy Fathers Day!
Your Daughter
Dad and his grand daughter
And a special note from your Grand Daughter
Always love always happiness always together.
Your Grand Daughter

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Updated: March 28, 2005