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About Nippon Territories

Races: N/A
Population: N/A
Imports:> N/A
Exports: N/A

When the lands of __________ (oriental) first came to Connothos they established a small village called Nippon. While many of the first-comers did not feel comfortable in this new land, the Emperor of ____________ saw possiblities in learning and trading with the native people of Connothos. The Emperor called forth the Daimyo of each clan, asking which wished to serve the Empire in the new land. Three clans wished to be the chosen.

The Shadowtigers were the first to step forward. One of the youngest clans, they had little land to call their own and the possibility to be the first in the new land held great promise for their continued surivival. But in them the Emperor knew was much hosility, which might make further growth by his people unwelcome by the natives of Connothos. Just a moment behind the Shadowtiger Daimyo were the Daimyos of the Scarab and Kraken Clans. The Kraken would be a wise choice, as they were the most knowledgable of water travel and cunning merchants. But then the Scarab, who valued knowledge and truth, would also be a wise choice, for they would not be easily taken back if the natives sought to manipulate them in their initial dealings. In addition the Scarab had the true resources to spare in sending large numbers to establish a new stronghold.

The Emperor came to his decision quickly and the Scarab would chosen. Within a month the first ships were underway, each filled with supplies and crew. When the Scarab reached the village of Nippon they found that the village was well established and welcomed by the natives. Instead of risking building a fortess elsewhere that might threaten the natives the Scarab simply added upon the village. Using the natural terrian at their disposal they built their stronghold on the side of the mountain, while the village grew it would come very close to the stronghold and a large defensive wall would eventually be erected.

Nippon now stands as the primary Scarab stronghold and the center of commerce between Connothos and ____________.

Families within the Scarab

Kidas- The dominant family within the Scarab, virtually every Daimyo who has ruled the Scarab has been born to this family. The current Daimyo, Kidas Diakuni, rules from Nippon, entrusting the Scarab strongholds on ______ to other ranking members of the clan.