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Sparring Rules

These rules are for all spars; death, honor, battle or practice; that take place within Karsadia. These rules are to be followed whether you are a full member, an honored guest or merely a visitor. Failure to abide by the rules can result in your posts being completely ignored and even in extreme cases, such as a death spar, the death of your character.

These rules are rewritten by Angelique De Manjrick. If you have any questions contact her at or MSN .

  • First, no force posting. Force posting is defined as posting an attack and stating in your post how your opponent reacts to it. You must allow your opponent to post their own reaction to each of your actions. If you force post the opponent has the opprotunity to totally ignore your post. A council member or judge may decide if its force posting. Don't make a scene tho if you are the opponent in the room .. go to pm or to msn and dispute it. An example of force posting is:
Bob says to Dave, 'as I punch you in the face, your head snaps to the side and everyone can see a tooth fly free from your mouth and blood drip from your nose.'
  • Second, no speed posting. All opponents are given 10 minutes to reply. In the case of disconnections or RTI any judges can determine if the spar is close enough to still be a tie and postpone till later, or if there is already an obvious winner and go ahead and declare a winner.
  • Third, realism and honor. While magic and supernatural powers are acknowledged as existing you must still keep your posts realistic and believable. Magick however fantasy always has a hint of reality as what was magick back then is science now. If you post and your opponent doesn't see how that move is possible, seek a judge. If one can not be found, either repost or delay the spar until one can be found. God-Modding will not be tolerated.
  • Fourth, remember only members and honored guests can use magic. This includes any battle magic while in a spar. Members can use magic against non-members who are prohibited except to minor and cantrip magick from that same use. If the member agrees, the non-member may use magic, but must abide by the room rules in its' use. In addition, this magic use is to be kept in the spar and once the spar is over the permit to use magic is at an end. Magic includes, spells, powers, items, chi powers, basically anything your average Earth Human can't do.
  • Fifth, each opponent gets three actions per post. Most spars typically involve three posts, but depending on the nature of the spar this can vary. Those who go second or last final post is only for defense. The way the first is determined is by timestamp and the judge saying pick a number 1-10 the one closest to their number wins the choice of first or second or the order. Most anything you do in a spar besides basic movement is deemed an action, examples include, though not limited to:
Offensive actions, Full Defensive actions, partial defensive actions will be discussed below, picking up a discarded weapon, Casting a spell, using a power. Minor powers typically take one action, Moderate typically take two actions, Major typically take three actions and Supreme take four actions or two whole posts.
  • Sixth, always assume your opponent is your peer. Never underestimate your opponent and always assume their powers and skills are on par with you unless you have reason to know otherwise, such as a Knight training a Squire.
  • Seventh, no one-post kills. In truth you can never make a post declaring your opponent dead, as that would obviously be force posting.
  • Eighth, no assassins or raiding will be acknowledged in most situations. If you want to be some kind of hunter or assassin and come into the room, you must have such in your tags and have a character sheet ready, a good RP reason for doing what you are doing AND permission from the room controller or Angelique De Manjrick.
  • Ninth, if you use a power, you must state it in full. Examples include:
Bob says to Dave, 'in getting ready for the spar Bob casts (Time/Moderate/Accelerate) boosted for three rounds to gain an additional action each round.'
Dave says to Bob, 'Seeing that you seem to speed up slightly, he decides to even the playing field and uses (Celerity 3/1 blood) as he lunges at you and... '
  • Tenth, multi-person battles will follow a ordered pattern of posts, determined by the room controller, judge, or RP coordinator. Each person can make their post in turn during that time. This is to maintain order and prevent utter chaos and dismay.
  • Eleven, all details of the spar must be agreed upon by both parties before it begins. This includes, though not limited to, the nature of the spar (Death, Honor or Practice), number of posts, limited magic-use or open magic-use. Battle spars are typically RP oriented and on the spur of the moment, thusly they might have far more then the usual number of posts and dieing is a very real possibility, though not a certainty.
Full Defensive Actions versus Partial Defensive Actions

A Full Defensive Action is one in which you intend to completely avoid a single attack. A Full Defensive Action requires an action to be spent. An example would be:

Bob says to Dave, 'I swing at your face with my left fist, hoping to give you a black eye.'
Dave says to Bob, 'seeing your fist come at me, I duck below it as your fist passes over head... '

On the other hand a Partial Defensive Action is one in which you take the hit, but in such a manner that the damage is reduced. A Partial Defensive Action does NOT require an action to be spent. An example would be:

Bob says to Dave, 'I swing at your face with my left fist, hoping to give you a black eye.'
Dave says to Bob, 'seeing your fist come at me, I raise my right hand to block the punch, feeling the impact on my arm instead, but leaving my face untouched... '
Multiple Attacks versus a Single Defense

While realistically you might be able to trip your opponent as they charge at you, completely ruining their previous post, you can not assume your trip, or action, will succeed and ignore all their attacks. If your opponent makes two attack actions you MUST reply with two responses, either Defensive or taking the damage. Failing to do so will cost you heavily in a death or honor spar.

The best way to deal with this is if you think your first action will indeed stop them entirely then make a what if post. An example being:

Bob says to Dave, 'As you charge at me, I lunge forward, leaping over you.. ((this is where you SHOULD assume your opponent would turn around and continue his attacks, but since he/she might be RPing an inexperienced fighter, maybe they won't be as quick as you. The leap itself would count as one action, and easily able to set back your opponent enough that their first attack would have to be reconsidered or miss entirely but any other posts would still be fair game)) .. and if you follow him quick enough I raise my arms to block your other punch to my stomach, and then strike back towards your face.. or if you couldn't turn around to face him quick enough I will strike twice towards the back of your head.'

While this might be confusing, a little explanation should clear it right up. Better to be clear on your post and fair, then to assume your opponent is less then you. But simply stated again: One defensive action can NEVER be assumed to stop more then one attack action.

More then Three Actions

It is entirely possible for a member or honored guest to be able to use a spell or power to gain additional actions. The actual gain is limited to just what power they are using. If additional actions are gained it must be clearly stated why and how and how many and for how long these actions will be effective.

Wyld Magick

This still applies to magick posts but for fighting it is predetermined if it is used in non magickal spars.