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Non-Magickal Comabt

Anyone can use the Basic Combat Maneuvers, even if they have no levels in any Combat Technique. If they choose to dodge, then they get no actions for the round, but their Dodge Skill bonus is doubled. The Advanced Combat Maneuvers are only open to characters with some level in any Combat Technique.

Roundhouse Kick- Using this kick, the warrior delivers the strike to anyone within 5 feet of them.

Stun Strike- By using this maneuver, the warrior seeks to make their opponent unconscious, rather then to kill them.

Quick Strike- With this maneuver the warrior gives us some potentional power instead to increase the speed of their attack. This maneuver adds one action but every attack made that round must be a quick strike.


One of the most common Combat Techniques practiced, Aikido began in Nippon, but has since spread to all corners of Karsadia. This technique focuses on defense and remaining in control.

Reqs: Weapon Skill: Polearm or Staff

Novice Level: The Unbendable Tree.

The first lesson taught to the students of Aikido is to maintain your calm and focus, and watch for your opponent to give you an opening. Increases your defense.

Student Level: The Unstoppable Rapids

By centering their focus and calm, and allowing their opponents to give away any advantages they may have, the student has learned when to strike hard and fast.+1 action per round.

Veteran Level: The Penetrating Winds

The student of Aikido has learned that when they do strike, to make it count and not to waste the effort, while not opening themselves to a counter strike from their opponent. Making contact worse and them harder to hit.

Master Level: The Unbreakable Rock

The student of Aikido has learned that they can focus the strength and healing abilities of their body, and can lessen harm down against them. If a Critical Strike is made against the student, they can miss their next action to reduce it to a regular strike.

Grand Master Level: The Unmovable Mountain

Upon reaching the status of Grand Master, the student of Aikido has learned how to thwart any attempt to dislodge him from his chosen place.

Can never be made to lose footing; adds to defense.

Dance of a Thousand Knives

Taught within the shadows of the romany fires, this fighting style is entirely unique to those of the Blood, and is NEVER taught to anyone else. This combat technique focuses on combining the fluid movement of dance with precisely timed strikes.

Reqs: Romany, Weapon Skill: Dagger, Thespian Skill:


Novice Level: Fire Flicker

The student has learned the basic principle of the Dance, the speed of the flame is within them, but not yet the grace. +1 action per round.

Student Level: Burning Shadows

The student has now learned to strike when their opponent least expects it, and to quickly pull back into the safety of the shadows before their prey knows they were there. May negate one attack.

Veteran Level: Raging Flame

With enough experience now, the Romany has mastered the basic principles of the union of combat and dance, and has become a very formidable opponent. +1 action per round on top of the first.

Master Level: Shadowdance

Upon reaching the status of Master, the Romany has learned how to use their own movements, as well as their clothes and shadows, to evade the attacks of those that would do them harm. Adds to defense. May negate one attack.

Grand Master Level: Fatal Strike

The Romany has learned the way of the Blood and Fire, and knows when it is the right time to strike, and when to hold back. If the victim is caught unawares, the Romany can take a single strike to make an attack and double the damage.

The Code: Knights' Blade

In most of the lands the rulers have a form of the Knights. Either as noble defenders of the crown, the people, and the land, or perhaps as militant enforcers of a tyrant rulership. In most cases these Knights are taught to fight based upon an ancient style refered to simply as The Code.

Reqs: Any Close Combat Weapon Skill

Novice Level: Strike First

The basic principle taught within The Code is that is you are the first to strike, and your strike is true, then the conflict should be resolved. May go first.

Student Level: Know they Enemy

Students of The Code are taught to watch the movements of their opponents to look for a weakness in their attack and take advantage of that. May increase another’s damage one level.

Veteran Level: Strike Hard

If your strike is true, then the conflict should be resolved. With experience the student of The Code has learned how to truly make their strike be true. +1 action per round; May go first. May increase one damage on another one level.

Master Level: Know thyself

While many Masters teach their students to look at their opponents for a weakness, some forget to have their students look to themselves for the very same things. May negate one hit.

Grand Master Level: Strike Last

Under the strength of The Code, no opponent remains, stories say. The student of The Code has learned to make every strike cut down upon their opponents like the lightning from the Thunder God. +1 action per round; May add one level of damage.

Shadokaun Karate

This technique was first mastered in Nippon, and has since became the standard form used by their city guards. But as the Monks of Nippon went into the world, the technique was taught to others and has become the foremost used unarmed fighting style.

Reqs: Weapon Skill: Hand-to-Hand

Novice Level: Iron Strike

The first lesson taught to the student of Shadokaun is that their hands can be just as deadly as any weapon. They are taught the basic principles of the proper method of striking without injuring themselves.

May Parry Unarmed; And add one level to damage if hit.

Student Level: Blinding Strike

The second lesson taught to the student of Shadokaun is that no weapon can match the speed of their hands, and that advantage should be used with deadly effect. +1 action per round; +1 level of damage if hit.

Veteran Level: Knife Fist

The third lesson taught to the student of Shadokaun is to known where to strike to inflict the most possible damage, making each strike as efficient as possible.+1 level of damage.

Master Level: Chi Strike

The fourth lesson taught to the student of Shadokaun is that we all have sacred energy within us, and they can focus this energy into their attacks. Unarmed attacks considered magickal.

Grand Master Level: Nerve Strike

The final lesson of Shadokaun is that if your opponent can not act, they can not attack. The student is taught where to strike to stun their opponents.

If the student deals a Strike, or makes a Called Shot: Nerve Strike, their opponent loses one action on their following turn. If the attack is a Called Shot then it still deals normal damage as well.

Zen Archery

The bow has always been a popular weapon, for war, defense and hunting. Those who study the principles of Zen Archery has learned to focus their Chi energy into each arrow. The technique of Zen Archery is as much a self-taught style as much as a well-trained technique, and is found in all regions.

Reqs: Any Bow

Novice Level: Called Shot

Most archers are expected to make the shots that count, to take out the opposing leader, Gifted, or warrior who is impossible for the melee fighters to close in upon. Only suffer a bit on Called Shots.

Student Level: Rapid Shot

Truly talented archers are almost always out-numbered by melee fighters, and the student of Zen Archery has learned to make their speed fast enough to strike down even a greater number of enemies. +1 action per round; increase attack by one level of damage.

Veteran Level: Squadron Shot

The student of Zen Archery has learned, after much practice, how to fire two arrows with a single shot. If the archer wishes to use one attack to fire two arrows. If the hit succeeds, then both hit.

Master Level: Darken Skies

The student of Zen Archery has become fluid with their actions, knowing how to properly place and sort their ammunition for ease of use. +1 action per round; increase attack by one level of damage.

Grand Master Level: Shatter Arrow

The student of Zen Archery has learned to watch for the single opening that will give them the kill shot. By only taking a single shot, without using the Squadron Shot Technique, the archer can ignore all armor and shield bonuses of their target.