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Description of Karsadia

Written by: Tambra Mangas

Karsadia looks act and seems to be like Earth. Only its size is 6 times larger and it is not a planet but a dysen sphere meant to protect the survival of the human and earthen creations to help them escape extinction. There are no volcanos and no platonic earthquakes because it is a sphere and not a planet.

The land goes down for miles and miles until you get to the inside of the sphere and only Dwarves know how to do this. For the sake of the home they will not share the truth with others other than Dwarves and are sworn to secrecy or death. Very few outsiders even know that Karsadia is a sphere and not a planet as well as very few know how to get down to the spheres entrance.

The atmosphere and weather is about the same as that of what is on Earth. And do include monsoons, tornados, hurricanes, drought, floods, and desert areas as well as rainforest type areas. In all sense and purposes Karsadia became like a second Earth.

As the planetoid settled down it became apparent there will be alot of water and 5 major continents and a few smaller ones as well as a variety of islands. One of the major continents is Chonnothos. In this book we will mainly look at this continent for playing purposes.

To make Karsadia masked to be a world and to protect the creature's that God created. They took as many as they could to populate the home. They would have at least each gender to propogate the species and also did the same for the plants.

The Two Moons of Karsadia

Finally when it made it to its destination the Seraphs began to orbit Sierra-1 but found they were dragging two moons to their position. When they stopped the two moons about the size of Earth themselves began to orbit Karsadia. One moon was called the Shadow Moon and the other Luminesse.

The Shadow Moon would orbit but was rarely able to be seen completely except once every 6 months. It is called the Shadow Moon because what one can see as Sierra -1 sets in the horizon is an outline and a shadow of the moon but nothing after it becomes completely dark.

Luminesse is like that of the Moon that Earth has it shows through the night in phases. Normally when there is a full moon there is a shift in the waters as well as a shift in moods. A full moon does strange things.

But stranger things happen when both moons are equally full and showing. When someone marries or has a child or conceives on this day they are either very well blessed or cursed. Many weddings and children are born or conceived on these two days of the year.

Radiation Leak

After a couple of millenia of maintaining and keeping up Karsadia. Something happened in the southern west part where Melimlona is found. In that area below surface and within the diasen sphere there was a huge radiation leak with one of the reactors. Some of the Seraph creators were working on a new project when there was a leak and the entire area was closed off.

The radiation was not just able to destroy inhabitants trapped in the large sector of the sphere but also change the face of Karsadia. It was also able to change the looks and races of the inhabitants, plants, animals, humans and seraphs alike. Radiation spilled out onto Karsadian waters and the land causing many Seraphs and humans to die.

However, the catastrophe was also beneficial to the land. With all the radiation upon the land the people and the seraphs that did not die went through numerous changes. Of theses changes some of the creatures and humans fused together creating new races. Seraphs too were affected and some of their essence fused with the plants and humans. Furthermore there was a change with the land. Plants and animals all were affected. If they survived the radiation some were changed significantly causing the creatures we see today.

After a while the radiation came down to minimal effects however once the radiation leaked throughout the world was forever changed for it was the children that were born after the radiation leak that were different. Some how the body was changed. However not every human, plant, animal and seraph changed just most of them did. the rest that survived and were unchanged had a chance to have mutated children.

Sol and Chances for Children to be Different

One such race that to this day can be created with a 1/100 precent chance to become a mutation of heighten senses and special abilities is the Sol. When two humans come together even after the radiation been dissapated for so long there is still a chance their child will become a Sol, an enhanced form of human. When a human and another type of creature comes together there again is still a chance of the change to a Sol. If the child becomes a Sol only the human abilities and that of a Sol remain.

There are other ways that one who of a different race has a child with another. The more pure blood will be more outstanding and prominant losing the other abilities and traits to the point the blood will be purified as to one. For example a Seraphuim and a Seraph may come together and have a child. The child will be a Half Seraphuim.

"The Vision of a Fantasy Warrior" First Appearance

After several millenia of surviving on Karsadia and making up their own culture. A book called "The Vision of a Fantasy Warrior" first was discovered.

No one was sure why or how this book came to be or who made it up but there was a few rules to the powers of this fantastic book that seem to cause some to think the book is sentient.

One of the rules is that the person has to be a humaniod able to cope with the society they are sent to. Another is that the individual has to be Non-Karsadian. The individual must have been on its last piece of hope feeling there is no where to turn to and hoping for a better life.

The book itself is able to be read in any language or in any way. For example for a blind individual it will either be in braille or read the story out loud to you.

But in the end the book used by NonKarsadians are teleported or sent through a portal to end up on the part of Karsadia that they could start a new life on. The book became famous but was never able to be caught and placed in one of knowledge's so the secret of how the book works is still a mistery.

There was one time a powerful spellweaver that was able to get a hold of the book but before he could find out the powers of the book it vanished.

The Book's Impact on the World

No one had an idea of what an impact this book would have on the world until there were significant changes in religion, in culture that differed from the old culture.

Places that resembled an Egyptian land called Nephretes, fuedal Japanese land called Nippon, an Arabic land called Ja'Thar, but the most prominent change of culture that impacted the unsuspecting world was the Celtic culture of old.

The norse celtic culture was first discovered around Asgard and the region there. The midevil culture of Earth became an introquet part of the region and spread throughout. The ideas of chilvary and the feudal system began to spread as it was well liked by the people for the most part.

Yet, some areas looked out for the people than other lands. In a perfect world the royals and nobles would make their stations better than they were born in. They did have a chance to make things right. Asgard was one of those places.

The Royalty were helpful and cared for the meek making sure that no one starved if it was possible. Peasants and commoners were treated as people not animals. And where the Knight of the old code was followed.

This code was to show vitrue, valor, helping the humble and meek, looking out for all, being chivalrous to a lady, showing honor and loyalty to their cause and not for their own gain but for the good of the people. There words and actions did not deter or deceive of what they were like.

The true knights of the old code were common place in Karsadia. Stations were also kept in some areas but unlike most midevil societies with luck, money, and fame one could change their station and become whatever they wished to be. Tho the children were taught an early age to be apprentices in their mother or fathers work. Rarely did they deter from this.

Guilds were common place and if you were part of one you had more respect, more say, and better chances to succeed do to their perks. However, if you were not part of a guild there was a chance in the market place or whatever station you have it would be harder to increase in your abilities of that station.