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The Classes

The Warrior

  • Tribal
One of the typical men of the tribal villages. They have learned since birth that they have to live on the land. The tribes have very little access to the techno-magick of the land, more relying on their ancestral and spiritual ties.
  • Archer
In both the cities and in the tribes, some warriors decide to take more time to specialize in the art of the bow. They are the defenders of the walls and hunters of the food.
  • Ranger
But the former concept of the woodland knight simply will not do. They are rangers and warriors of all fronts. Their training is intense and never-ending. The true ranger of Asgard is at home in the woods as he is in the city. He can dance along with any waltz and understand and interpret any political treaties. Those that have no talent with magickal arts are trained to defend well against their use. Those that have been gifted with the talents of magick are taught how best to employ them, when not to, and to never rely upon their use solely.
  • Guards
These are the personal bodyguards or they are the protectors of the individual castles their sole purpose is to protect and defend the castle that they reside in. Which can be as little as protecting on an empty room or as big as protecting the queen and king. Personal assignments are given as honors and recognition that they have done well.
  • Militia
The land rules the tribes, but in a city there must be some law and order, and someone must raise to the cause. Not always bound to the word and command of a superior, these are people who have taken up the sword to defend their home from invaders.
  • Knight
Easily confused with the Paladin. A knight is simply a noble and honorable warrior who follows the law of a lord, instead of that of a god. They are tasked with leading the militia in defense of the cities, and the more experienced will go on crusades for the cause of their lord.
  • Bounty Hunter(not a pc class)
Simple as the name suggests. Warriors who have worked to bring to justice those that seek to escape it. Some of the hunters have learned to harness minor magickal arts.
The Clergy

  • Paladin
Where the Knight defends the people and law, the Paladin defends the temples and acts as the sword of the exalted. Each caste of Paladins operate in different manners, depending on their traditions.
  • Chaplain
If Paladins are the sword of their exalted and the Creator the Chaplain is the shield. The directly defend the temples and lead the common men to battle against those that would do them wrong.
  • Cleric
Clerics would be the hand of the Creator. Taking the blessings and prayers out to the people in the outskirts and roads. Seeking the poor and homeless and bringing them under their wing.
  • Priest
Priests are the heart of the Creator. They are given to remain at the temple and minister to the people who come under their roof. Their tasks are the same as the Cleric, but each has their own realm of service.
  • Druid/Witches/Warlocks
The worshippers and defenders of nature itself. At peace with the land, and seeking to make sure that others respect it and allow it to grow in it's own way, just as civilization does.
The Gifted

  • Spellweaver
The traditional mage. Spending most of their in study to become more skilled in the art, but they have also been taught to use some weapons in the case that their magick falls short of them.
  • Mindweaver
Members of the Gifted who have tapped into power of the Mind unknown of before.
  • Spellsword
Typically most wizards spends their entire lives in the study of magick. But the spellsword is different, they have been gifted with some nature talent, or during their study they curved away some. They took up the sword and learned to bring the sword and magick together.
  • Battlemage
The complete opposite of the spellsword. Most mages can be taught some basic maneuvers with basic weapons to help defend themselves in the case that their magics would fail, but those who become Battlemages have spent 100% of their time learning how to wield magic. It is their very life, to their core.
  • Songweaver
Closer to the traditional mage then either the Spellsword or Battlemage, but with one difference, their songs are their magick. They need no books, no fancy potions, just the melodies that power their art.
  • Creator
These are the mages who are known to create the golems and more advanced weaponary, as well as more common devices that are used on a daily basis. Their skills in war are lessened for the items of power that can give to others.
  • Awakeners
The rarest of all the Gifted. These workers have the ability to summon the power of the avatars and master them to do their bidding. The very summoning has killed many of their kind, but if they are able to get powerful enough, a single Awakener can wield the power of an entire pantheon.
The Others

  • Rogue (not allowed as pcs)
Bandits, thieves, con-artists, pick-pockets. Their skills vary as widely as much as does their reason for doing what they do. Some are villians, and some use their skills to pave the way safely for their fellow adventurers.
  • Seer/Haruspex
People gifted with the blood sight. The ability to read cards, runes, palms. There are many different ways to see the unseen and perceive that which is denied to the normal man. The strain can be great at times, but the fore-sight has been known to save countless lives.
  • Monk
Dedicated men and women with a strict code of believes who have learned how to tap into the elemental essences, or Ki, around them to fuel strange fighting techniques unknown to others.
  • Minstril
Men and women who make their live with poem and song. They seek to entertain and inspire common men to greater feats. While not as impressive in battle, they are the lore-keepers, and without them, there would be no history.
  • Others
There is a whole slew of positions that are not major classes that you might be interested if so then contact the King or Queen of that home and see if they will allow that position. This is the positions of the worker class.
Class Codes

Each class maintains a series of beliefs and rules for its members, which are followed when one is practicing one's profession. These are called the class's "codes" and deal mainly with matters specific to that particular profession; i.e. a member of the class of merchants would follow his or her caste codes in regards to maintaining a profitable trade, presenting merchandise in an honest fashion, haggling, etc. Each class's codes are different.

((There are more available classes with approval of the Council.)) Society in Aezyder is divided into "Classes." Each profession or occupation comprises its own class, and each caste is ranked according to its particular place in societal interaction. Many of the castes contain within their sphere several distinct sub-classes, particular to precise activity and requirements of the profession involved. For instance, the caste of slavers is considered to be a sub-class of the larger and more comprehensive class of merchants. Classes are hereditary, meaning that a person is born into the class of his or her father. Although the class structure is rather rigid in its requirements, it is possible for a person to alter his or her class, or to "raise" or "lower" his or her class according to personal ability and aptitude.


Aezyderian classes are divided into two categories, High classes and Low classes. There are five "High Classes" in place within society. They are listed below, ranked according to their prominence in government:

High Class

Class of Warriors: First and Highest of the High Classes except for Royalty. This class includes infantry, scouts, cavaliers, guards, knights, cavalry, Griffen Riders and Roc Riders. They are known to have one of the strictest sets of caste codes. Members of this class comprise the military branch of government.

Class of Priests: Second of the High Class. The supposed representatives of the Religious order. They are responsible for guiding the spiritual life through their rituals and prayers. Some are recognized by their white robes, their shaven heads and faces, and their refusal to eat meat or imbibe alcohol. They are also required by their class codes to be celibate. They tend to be learned and well-read, although they are feared and often distrusted by those of the lower classes. This is one example of the many religions within this vast realm.

This is the class of those who concern themselves with the healing arts. Healers, herbalists, apothecaries, medical researchers and health practitioners are all members of this class. Universally recognized as non-combatants during time of war.

Class of Wizards: Third of the High Classes. These are the spellcasters of all types. They can make magical weapons, invent, and fight with technology and magic.

Class of Scribes: Fourth of the High Classes. They are the scholars society, the writers and the historians. In their keeping is almost all of the accounting, record-keeping, and writing. They tend to be serious and studious, with an attention to detail and a passion for knowledge. Sub-classes of this class include the class of Mapmakers (explorers), the class of Magistrates and the class of Litigators.

Class of Builders: Fifth of the High Castes. This caste includes architects, engineers, draftsmen, stonemasons, and many other professions which concern themselves with the creation of the physical and engineering marvels. Also among the class of Builders are the inventors and technicians who develop such works. They work with the wizards to make items.

Low Classes ~mostly commoners~

Class of Merchants: This is a very broad class, and contains literally hundreds of sub-classes. Those who are of this class are concerned with the sell and trade of merchandise for a profit. There are almost as many sub-classes of the Merchant class as there are products to be sold; a few notable ones the class of Spice Merchants.

Class of Moneylenders: An additional sub-class of the Merchants; these are those who engage in the trade and speculation of money for a profit, and the only product they handle is money. They are the bankers.

Class of Bakers: Another very broad class, which consists of hundreds of sub-classes. Generally, those who are members of this class are those who prepare bread, or vegetarian food, in any of a hundred thousand forms.

Class of Butchers: This caste, in conjunction with the class of Bakers, is responsible for maintaining the majority of the industries involved with food service.

Class of Winemakers: This class concern itself the professional production of most fruit based alcohol. Class of Brewers: This class concerns itself with the production of most grain based alcohol.

Class of Sailors: This class includes several dozen sub-classes, each with its own specialty. There is a sub-class of the class of Sailors known as the class of Bargemen, those who propel and steer the great river barges upon the freshwater waterways.

Class of Fishermen: A sub-class of the class of Sailors, they are concerned with harvesting the vast variety of aquatic life for human consumption. There are additional sub-classes of this class, including the Classes of River Fishermen and Deep Sea Fishermen. The class of Net Makers, an artisan class, is often considered a sub-class of the class of Fishermen.

The Class of Artisans: This is a very broad class which includes hundreds of sub-classes. Since any production of hand-made goods, no matter its use, is considered by the typical person a work of art, this class is very broad indeed.

Class of Pot Makers: A sub-class of the class of Artisans. They are involved in the production of containment vessels.

Class of Saddle Makers: A sub-class of the class of Artisans. They produce the saddlery, harness and tack used to manage all of the various riding and draft beasts.

Class of Metal Workers: A sub-class of the class of Artisans. They are concerned with the production of most metal items fabricated. Sub-castes of this class include the class of Sword makers and the class of Armorers, who produce the various shields and helmets. Additionally, there seems to be a wide-spread sub-class of the class of Metal Workers which serves in a similar capacity to a blacksmith or ferrier, repairing wagon wheels and shoeing draft and riding beasts.

Class of Cloth Workers: A very large and expansive class, containing numerous sub-classes. Concerned with the professional production of woven cloth for the use of the populace.

Class of Rug Makers: A sub-class of the class of Cloth Workers, with several smaller sub-classes. Concerned with the professional production of woven rugs for the use of the populace. Members of this class, however, usually regard themselves to be an independent caste, separate from the Cloth Workers.

Class of Weavers: A sub-class of the caste of Rug Makers. Concerned with the professional production of textiles for the textile industry.

Class of Carders: A sub-class of the class of Weavers. Concerned with the professional production of woven cloth for the textile industry.

Class of Dyers: A sub-class of the class of Weavers. Concerned with the professional staining and coloring of cloth for the textile industry.

Class of Clothiers: A sub-class of the Class of Weavers, which produces articles of clothing.

Class of Dress Makers: A sub-class of the class of Clothiers which produces female garmenture.

Class of Rope Makers: A sub-class of the class of Artisans. Produces rope, binding fiber, thread and cordage of all types.

Class of Leather Workers: A sub-class of the class of Artisans. Concerned with the fabrication of various leather goods from animal hides of all types.

Municipal Servants: A large class category which contains many specific sub-classes, all concerned with providing various public services to the inhabitants of a particular city or village.

Guardsmen: A sub-class of the class of Municipal Servants. This class is responsible for patrolling the city or village streets, arresting those who violate local ordinances and laws, and insuring the general well-being of the citizenry. They are the Asgard equivalent of a police force.

Class of Lamplighters: A sub-class of the class of Municipal Servants. This class concerns itself with lighting the oil lamps used to provide illumination to the city streets.

Class of Waste Collectors: A sub-class of the class of Municipal Servants. This class concerns itself with the management of collecting the assorted garbage and waste by-products stored in local waste bins and, in conjunction with the caste of Drovers, seeing that it is properly disposed of in carnariums (waste pits) located beyond the city limits.

Class of Animal Handlers: A large class category which contains many specific sub-classes, all concerned with the use and care of domestic animals in use.

Class of Drovers: A sub-class of the class of Animal Handlers. This class concerns itself with the care and feeding of the various draft animals in use, as well as the task of using wagons drawn by such creatures to ship goods from city to city.

Class of Goat-Keepers: A sub-class of the class of Animal Handlers, this class concerns itself with the care and maintenance of herds of Goats and other animals.

Class of Woodsmen: A large class category which contains many specific sub-classes, all concerned with protecting and managing the vast resources of various forests claimed by a particular city or village. They are experts in various forms of woodcraft and are the forest hunters, forest marshals, and forest trackers.

Class of Wood Carriers: A sub-class of the class of Woodsmen, this class concerns itself with the harvesting and transportation of the trees of the forests and tree farms.

Class of Oil Makers: This class concerns itself with the production of various types of oil, used for purposes of lubrication and as a burnable fuel source.

Class of Charcoal Makers: This class concerns itself with the production of charcoal for use in forges and ovens.

Class of Perfumers: This caste concerns itself with the production of various types of scented perfumes, used for purposes of esthetic appeal. Often works in conjunction with the class of Oil Makers to produce scented oils and such. Also works with the class of Charcoal Makers and the class of Spice Merchants to create incense.

Class of Entertainers/Minstrils/Bards: A large class category which contains many specific sub-classes, all concerned with providing entertainment to other members of society.

Class of Singers: Also known as the Class of Poets. Sometimes considered to be a sub-class not of the Entertainers, but of the class of Artisans. This is probably because the view of the creation of a poem to be no different from the fabrication of any other, physical, work of art. This class concerns itself with the creation and performance of verbal entertainments, often set to music.

Class of Musicians: A sub-class of the class of Entertainers. Often working in conjunction with the class of Singers, this class concerns itself with providing and performing instrumental musical works, as well as accompaniment for those of the class of Singers.

Class of Rice-Growers: A slightly higher class than the class of Peasants, this is the class of those who dwell in the various marshes and swamps, and who harvest rice. They reside on great floating man-made islands amidst the marshes and are highly territorial and secretive. Known for their adoption and usage of the "Peasant Bow" in combat.

Class of Assassins: This class is comprised of those who kill strictly for pay; once evident throughout, their existence has long been suppressed, though they still appear occasionally. They refuse to use poison to dispatch their enemies (they consider it the mark of an amateur) and are required by their caste codes to renounce all ties of friendship and family. In addition, they can claim a Home but will be under disguise. Almost universally despised and feared by other castes.

Class of Thieves: This class is comprised of those who make their living by stealing, robbery, picking pockets, etc.

Class of Peasants (submissive on Asgard): The lowest and most common of the classes, which is concerned with the maintenance, planting and harvesting of the vast lands surrounding most cities which have been divided into plots and set aside for agricultural use. These are the free farmers; although a Low caste they refer to themselves as "the Ox on Which the Home Rests" due to their vital role in the production of raw foodstuffs for society. They have rather strict class codes, and are considered the masters of several forms of distinctive peasant weaponry, including the quarterstaff and the Great Bow, or "Peasant Bow."