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Ceremonies and Oaths

Ceremonial Oath to the City

"Please kneel before the Throne to state the oath to the City"((any Council member may do this however the Queen or King normally has the honors))

~ raises my sword, Storming Justice, with several runes etched on the blade and many jewels on the hilt high to the sky looks like a katana carrying a silveryblue shading on the blade and the sword begins The Creator's blessing for the sake of the Throne as the sword begins to glow.. with a blessing to the Lord/Lady looking to the one kneeled before~Will you M'Lord/M'Lady respect, honor and protect the Aezyderian Territories protecting the Royal Family at ALL costs keeping its laws and decrees and faithfully execute your position to the best of your ablity? ?

~They answer~

~still glowing as a blessing comes down upon you with Destiny lowers the sword to the right shoulder tapping 2 times and then to the right tapping 1 time.. ((burns if undead or evil)) (for women: lowers the sword to the flat of the blade tapping the top of the head and then raises again) slowly the glow disappears~ Arise M'Lord/M'Lady.. (profession of Aezyder) and be welcomed Home! ~holds out my hand for you to kiss the ring~


When You become part of a House/Clan one makes a pledge to uphold the honor of the House/Clan and protect each Other at All Costs. This pledge is greater than that of a City.

Blood Sister/ Blood Brother Ceremony:

A ritual is made like that of what the Native Americans did. A cut is made on the finger or hand to bleed free then the two bloods are mixed symbolizing He/She become Blood. A statement is made and a vow of the Highest Honor is bestowed on each Other. This vow is stronger than the Clan/Houses and City bonds.

Pledge to the City and the Royal Family (Queen):

A/all make a pledge to the City and Royal Family to show Y/you will respect, honor and cherish the City and It's Royal Family at all cost.


Important to the success of the City. A wedding is set up however way the two people wish it. However as a tradition at the end the swords are raised to hail the new Couple. A Priest or the Queen may perform the ceremony. To help with learning about each other first by dating one month RT or three months VT before intentions are announced. The marriage may be dissolved by a Council Member or if One becomes a slave or dies. The marriage is permanent but may be renewed to show Your love for each other every year.


Births in Asgard go for 3 months. No deadly miscarriages or still births will be allowed. Please think before declaring Yourself pregnant.


No Suicides allowed PERIOD, No killing of servants or noncombatants. If Y/you wish to die ask a Council Member to bring in an NPC to do the deed or just tell a Council Member You wish to leave Asgard. Allow People to say good-bye.

Funerals will be given to the dead to help with the loss. NPC's may kill noncombatants and servants, but must be talked about a head of time. Deaths to NPK's will not be acknowledged otherwise. Deathspars may happen but only with the both Combatant Members being Here at least one month.

Employing a servant

~After testing you of your skills I take out the sash of the color I wish to give you as my employee. and holds it on my arms as I ask you a question~ Will you (name) honor, respect, protect the Royal Family and me as your employer and keep all laws, decrees, and rules given to you? ~the servants answer~

~places the sash over your head and smiles saying~ Rise (said name and teir job) of Asgard City employeed by (who it is) and be welcomed Home.

Knighting Ceremony for an Aezyderian Dragon Knight and Phoenix Knights


~moves to the throne and has you kneel before me~ M'Lord Candidate’s Name .. please kneel before me for the beginning are worthy to be a knight. in the vigil.. one take a time for complete silence. as the others look upon you and tell of what you have done in order to be knighted.


Kneels in complete silence.


I pose to all in this room .. this man wishes to be a knight..why should he be such? why should I grant this? any others wish to tell of this man's accomplishments?

Queen To cand:

Ask what your heart wills.


i ask that Creator and the old ones grant me keep my heart pure and true to my loving wife and hers to mine...that I serve my home and my city and my kingdom with honor...that i find courage in battle...that i am patient and kind to all.


~lays my hand upon your head.. ~ and you feel you have been training in the proper way of a knight?


aye and I will continue to do so always.


There are things upon this table near me.. they are yours. undun what armor you have on ((keep clothes on tho)).. for we shall redress you in the new life of a Knight.


looks to you and removes what I have on.


"Right mindful of your prowess on the field, and responsive to the wishes of your peers, we are minded to make you knight. Know that to wear the belt and chain of a knight is to hold a sacred trust; that the obligations of knighthood will demand your efforts every moment of your life. ~servants and Gold Guards help you place these on as I hold each out to you~ "A knight of the Society must be respectful of all religions, never offending the faith of another. A knight must respect all those who are weak or defenseless, whether because of age, infirmity, poverty, or vow, and be steadfast in defending them. A knight must love his Kingdom and his province, and fulfill most faithfully his feudal duties to his baron and his Queen and King. His word must be dependable beyond doubt or question. He must never flee from the face of his foes. He must be generous to all. And, always and everywhere, he must be the champion of the right and the good. The Laws of the Society and the customs of the Kingdom require that a knight be prow, as you have demonstrated you are upon the field; that a knight be courteous, as you have shown yourself to be and as these noble gentleman (and ladies) attest; and that a knight be loyal to his Kingdom and the Society. Do you then desire to accept the burden of knighthood and swear fealty to the Crown?"


aye My Queen,I here swear fealty and do homage to the Crown of the Kingdom of Aezyder; to ever be a good knight and true, reverent and generous, shield of the weak, obedient to my liege-lord, foremost in battle, courteous at all times, champion of the right and the good. Thus swear I, Urien ap Taliesin."


The Sword: "Is there a sword which you will offer in service to your crown?"

((candidate answers))


May I have his sword? ((witness gives it)) ~accepts the sword and places it in your hand~ "One edge to cuts to the truth one edge to administer Our justice and a scabbard to counsel mercy. Is there a belt?"


aye Majesty.


~takes up the belt and has it don on you~ "The knights' white belt symbolizes purity, and chastity that a knight must reign in his body steadfastly, avoiding the scandals of the body: gluttony, sloth, and lechery. Purity of purpose and a new beginning or rebirth (like baptism) to begin again the steps one the Path Chivalry. Are there spurs?"


aye Majesty.


: ~picks up the spurs blesses them and places them in a servants hand to don on~ "As knights spurs goad the warhorse so should they goad the knight to Valor, Service, Diligence and Swiftness. Let the spurs hasten the knight to his duty that he might maintain his order in the high honor that belongs to it. By placing precious golden spurs near his feat a knight displays disdain for worldly things. They should be worn with honor and discretion lest they be hacked from your heals in shame and disgrace. Is there a Coat of Arms?"


aye Majesty.


~picks up the coat of arms and places it over your head~ "Shamefastness or Fear of shame. These arms ensure that all might know this knight from afar, and judge him fair or foul, to ensure obedience to the order of knighthood. It symbolizes the hardships and travail that a knight will suffer foremost in battle and always placing his body between his Kingdom and her foes just as the surcoat receives any blows, rain, or insult before the armor and body of the knight. The candidate has been invested with the trappings of the office to knighthood. Is there a chain with which to bind him in his oath of fealty?"


Aye Majesty.


Please put on the chain yourself for no one may help you as it is your burden to bear.


takes the chain from the table and carefully wraps it and then fastens it then returns to kneel before you.


"The chain is of gold, purest of the metals to signify the purity of the chain of fealty which binds the knight and his sovereigns to one another. The chain is heavy to symbolize and remind the knight of the heavy responsibility he bears. The chain is strong and runs round the neck of the knight signifying obedience to the commands of his sovereign and the order. The chain is the unique symbol of the knights of the Society for Creative Anachronism, and as such is the badge of our order just as the fleece, the garter, the star, and the cross have been used to signify knightly orders by our forefathers. Pray let your behavior and deeds charge this our symbol with as great a reverence and respect as the symbols of our forbearers. Give me your new sword."


carefully hands you my sword hilt first.


~takes the hilt and blesses the sword .. praying to Majestyka there is a glow upon the sword. with the flat of the blade begins the dubbing~ "In remembrance of oaths given and received." (Strike the right shoulder) "In remembrance of your lineage and obligations." (Strike the left shoulder) "Be thou a good knight." (Strike the head) "Rise, Sir Canditate's Name."

~Cand rises~

Congradulations My Knight ~places the sash "Aezyderian Dragon Knight or Phoenix Knight" upon you~ "We see many knights gathered before Us, We thank you for honoring us with your presence, and would honor you by borrowing a custom from your homeland. We seem to recall that in your lands We would now charge the candidate: Know, now that you are made a knight, that you must succor the defenseless, seek justice for those of every station, and maintain the honor of Knighthood. Let this blow remind you that Knighthood shall bring you pain as well as honor." ~holds out my hand for you to kiss the ring~


~bows and kisses the ring showing respect and honor to the Royal Crown~