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About Forest of Dreams Territories

Races: Wyld Elves and Faerie Folk
Population: N/A
Imports: None
Exports: None

Within the Forest of Dreams one can see the a huge tree, so large it may envelop an entire village where some say the Wyld elves live.

Also within this forest there are several little villages and numerous cultures.

During the travels there was even found a City for the Little People. Here it was like a sand castle residing on the mountain and within this area three other Cities like it would reside feuding amongst each other.


Hidden within the forest is the ancient Elven city of Avalon. Legends tell that Avalon is the true homeland of all Elves, and the Wyld Elves that remain are the true-born who remained behind to defend the home while the others left to gain new lands.

Finding Avalon is impossible unless the city wishes to be found, though Elves pure of heart are said to have little difficulty in finding an entrance.