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Q and A for Karsadia

Is there slavery ?

Yes there is slavery but not in the rooms or on Asgard Territories. It is one of the things that the people banned together against.

Are nude aves allowed?

No they are not allowed. All aves need to be PG 13. Because there are times children will watch the rp reguardless how much you try to keep them away. So No nude aves. Tasteful avatars and remember avatars that have just a bikini have no protection or very little protection. Follow the MC rules also for size 350 *500.

Is there open conduct and /or cybering?

There is No cybering in public allowed. Kissing.. holding hands.. lovey dovey stuff. a little necking is allowed. However in some cultures it is saved to marriage or at the very least courting. Anything dealing with heavy stuff should be taken to pm.

Are there automatic weapons and is there technology?

This is fantasy there are ways to do a weapon using dragonfire to allow an almost automatic weapon however there is no true guns or technology of that calibur in the Vision. Also NO modern technology exists without magick.

How did the Vision come about?

5.5 years go my husband and i got tired of gor.. after we pooled our experiences together we decided to make a sci-fi fantasy game that was a mixture of Whitewolf and DND but only to a degree.. We made our own world for one of our sitdown games because we were tired playing the same thing over and over.. and thus Karsadia was born and soon we had a storyline building from it in our sit down game.

What is the Vision about?

we took a sitdown campaign we created and made it a game and it has grown since then. Becuase it was a small adventure we decided that we let the people help with the game as some would be used for NPC when we finish the book thus it is a collection of stories and ideas from gaming experiences. The vision is a new system that allows for you to flesh out your char even more with merits and flaws.. and more prestige classes for dnd .. it is a new setting that can companion dnd games.

What is Karsadia?

Go here for the Description of Karsadia

Are there dragons and if so why can’t I play one?

Yes there are Karsadian Dragons however they are 3 times the normal size of a DND dragon and there are so few of them it is very rare to see one. The reason you are not allowed to play a dragon but are allowed to play a dragoon is due to the impact it can have on society. For over 5 years we decided to not allow dragons, gods, saiyans and ww mages due to the fact many that play them tend to over do it and godmod. As well as they are utterly different here so most do not know how to play them. And gods are not really gods but past heros that have died and some how are able to channel power. In order to be a god you need to have been a godling at one time and take the trial to do so. And I will not make any exceptions. Dragons and gods will only be played as NPCs.

What magick is allowed here?

DND/ADND and Vision is allowed. Anything else you need to contact the Karsadian Coordinator for approval before using it. No non member may use magick higher than 4th level dnd/adnd or moderate in the Vision. However, we make one exception for healing powers ONLY.

What is Mana?

Mana is the energy. It is found in all things and it is what fuels our magick and powers. Without mana the magick does not work. And you can get too much mana or go low on mana. Both are dangerous for the person and can cause death or mana coma. And the only way to fix it is to renew and refuel the person of mana. Some have more than others it depends one on how long you have been channeling mana and what the spell/power you are using. All new people have the following online :

200 mana for honorary members

200 +15/month for regular members and 200 per year after you hit one year r/t.

Mana is increased for more seasoned people.

RC 1000 mana plus 200 per r/t year or 15/month

Realm Council +500

Council members in a room 750 plus 15/month up to 200/year

Regular Members 200 +15/month up to 200/year.

How to regain mana?

You can regain mana by meditation/prayer, eating fruit, absorption, sleep, items, mana crystals, spells , (water/waterflow), nature, (order/renewal) and/or by sharing it from another person.

How can magick be dispelled countered, or not work at all?

Sometimes there are glyphs that can cause magick not to work. Runes one like bracelets for antimagick keeping the magick user restrained and unable to escape through magick. There are antimagick and wyld magick zones just like in DND/ADND. Spells can be dispelled if the opponent uses more mana then the spell that was cast to stop it. That is an equal action to what it took for the caster. Therefore if you try to dispell a supreme spell you need over 100 mana if it starts at 100 and you need 4 actions. The higher the mana you use the less it can be dispelled. Counter magick is also available to cancel out but you must use the proper magick that would go against it and more than the mana they used.

For example. It takes 1 action for minor and 5 mana and you need to dispell it . It will take you over 6 mana and 1 action to dispell.

Actions to Cast/Dispell:

1 action =minor and cantrips (5mana)

2 actions =moderate (10 mana)

3 actions= major (25 mana)

Supreme is at least one post long. (( OVER 100 mana))

How much magick may I start out with and if so what can I use?

You may use magick from ADND/DND but you are only allowed 22 spells slots TOTAL unless preapproved by the Karsadian Coordinator if you are going to use magick.

Slots are free for cantrips.

1 slot for minor or 1-2 adnd/dnd levels

2 slots for moderate or 3-4 adnd/dnd levels

3 slots for major or 5-7 adnd/dnd levels

ONE supreme spell only for starting chars.


You can take from the following core lists

W, W & D Core Spell List Chances fore the Spell working is to the Right if The room wishes to spend the time using it.










Elementals (air, fire, water,lightning, earth)




















These are specialized and can only start with one of them until you have researched or studied new ones that need to be taught to you and researched by your character in the room.

Mind Magick, Benedictions, Order, Dream Magick, Quintessence, Shadowmancy, Illusions, Time & Space, (Necromancy and Chaos -REALLY limited as some people don’t wish it), Technomancy, War, and Rune magick.

All other magick must be researched in the room and pre-approved if it is not of the Vision.

Where and how do I get my aves?

You can get your aves either as drawings or off the internet through searching for actors/actresses, singers, and/or models. We ask for original names if at all possible. If you need a a name that suits you there are sites that the RC’s can help you with to find names that can work for you. Try to stick with the culture.

What if I say the wrong thing?

Most rooms are lenient as long as you are not disrespectful. You can even ask in pm after asking to ask for pm anyone to see what you should do in a situation. However there are some things you can do to protect yourself. One look over each room’s website. Two research the culture using wordsearch online. But understand not everything is the same in the rooms as we do have to accomodate modern realities, problems with technical situations and some things just can’t be done or you have no members.

If you say the wrong thing that depends on what room but it is always best to observe to see how things go and participate when you feel comfortable enough and when you can. That is why you have a probationary period so we can see if you will fit. But if you make a mistake best thing to do is appologize and understand others make mistakes too. However do try to keep a good team work and sportsman player attitude.

Where do I go to find what races are allowed and what classes or prestige classes that are allowed on Karsadia?

You can go here (RACES) and (CLASSES) to help with writing up your character. Once you have found out what you want. Try to stay original. Yes you can use classes and races provided they are accepted by the RC and Karsadia Coordinator from DND/ADND however. The prestige classes like Spellfire or Rune Knights will be under scrutiny and will also be limited at most if not at all accepted for the sake of the room. If you come her wanting a powerful character that does not follow the way of the vision you could be wasting your time as we try to keep the rooms balanced in order for all to have fun and be able to play. WE do not want a one player show stopper, godmoding character. If at all possible we want to involve everyone in the rp.

There are professions and occupations in each room that if you are willing to be flexible may be for you. Just ask the RC of that Room.

Can I play an Evil character?

We prefer you don’t. Also for the sake of the rooms most do NOT want evil pcs. Try to accomodate. Chances are if you are evil you will not last long. It is just the nature of the rooms not persay Karsadia as there is a lot of evil just we prefer you not to be evil and to be a team player. Makes it easier to involve you with the group.

Any race that is accepted can be played in any way. There are NO true evil races only evil individuals and groups. You can be a vampire and not be evil. You can be an seraphim and be evil. Race don’t matter it is how you act that does.

Can I use a concept that is already published or copywrited for a character in a book?

You can but only if the RC accepts and it is guaranteed that character will not be used in the book for the Vision. All royal characters are the property of The Vision if they are from Karsadia and with that in mind may not be played elsewhere. Any concept or ideas that are used in the rooms can become property of the Vision with proper credit. Keep with the spirit of Karsadia/Vision.

Where are the message boards, what type of culture and who are the RC for the room? The date however for all the rooms is 1573aa as of January 2003 and grows a year per 3 months.

Asgard Territories (celtic/gaelic/french/ with a bit of british/ more Late Midevil early Reniassance (900-1200ad)= Fredrik/Bjorn and Anastacia De Manjrick

Drimnagh (Dublin Ireland/Midevil) = Katie and Andrew Ford -Berneval

Forest of Dreams (Mayan Indian-like)=Makila and Vanessa also holds the Vision School

Nippon (Feudal Japan/Bushido 900-1200ad)= Akido Torananga, Tsukune Shen and Akido Yoko

Thentrax (Feudal Middleages-Pirates of the carribean like)-Felron and Sophie-Anne Thorgrim

When do they normally play?

Every room is 24/7 however you will discover that most the rooms are played in the evenings after5pm central –2am weekdays and at all hours during the weekends. Nippon is normally busy before 10 pm central and Asgard is busy the whole time in one of the three rooms that are attached. Asgard does however really pick up between 4pm-7pm and then after 9pm central.

Thentrax is more of a day early evening room or after 11pm.

Forest of Dreams is between 6-11pm weekdays and Sunday

Drimnagh is normally between 4pm central-7pm central weekdays.

((Karsadia Coordinator's Schedule if you wish to know where she is))

(Sun is flexible to whatever or Asgard)
Asgard Mon, Tues after fencing, Wed, Thurs after date night, Fri, Sat, Sun ((most the time after 9pm or before 7pm because that is when people are around))
Drimnagh Mon, Wed before 8pm. Fri and Sat non paid weekends
Laridia Mon, Tues after fencing, Wed, Fri, Sat
Nippon Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sun
FoD/Thentrax  Weekdays between 6-11pm,Tues after fencing, Weekends 

Where can I get help and can I get a mentor?

You can get help from the RC , Karsadia Coordinator, any Council or Title chars. You can and may be paired off with one or more seasoned player(s)/character(s) to help you out. They become your mentor and or your teacher as you are their assistant/apprentice. Ask any if you need to in pm however ask for permission before you go into pm. Some like to use msn or icq to talk while rp goes on in the room.

What are the rps like?

RPs or roleplays are what drive the rooms. You will find that in most rooms we are not cyberplay and relational. We like a mix. Therefore you may find an rp on war, attacks, knowledge, questing. Anything you think can happen in a dnd/adnd book is possible here to a degree depending on what creatures are used. We are really not out to kill your character but to give you a challenge and more than just a place to chat. WE do NOT want you sitting on your duffs doing nothing. We want you at the very least play your profession. There are times of peace but there is alot of defending the home for the sake of the Guards and players that tend to want a little action.

What are the creatures like what are the rooms like?

It really depends on the RC of that room except for what is expected in Karsadia. Each has their own culture. And as Karsadia is a dysen sphere with the people living on the outside of it yet it still has its own atmosphere created by the plants and animals over time. THERE ARE NO VOLCANOS OR TRUE EARTHQUAKES. Abyss or hell is a plane not found to be below. If a creature can be seen or felt it can be attacked. The Elyssium is the gods heaven. Where the Summer plains is where all the others that die go to. THERE are no free Seraphs at this time. And most Seraphims have been captured and taken to the Krystalis Palace to prepare for the Reckoning. Some of the rooms have a predetermined culture. For example if Everway ever made it online the room would be ruled by dwarves highly runic, but hardly any magick users, all the power would come from runes. Not to mention there would be restricted areas that you would not be allowed in if you weren’t a dwarf.

Nepheretes is of the Egyptian culture and preset.

Ja’Thar is very arabic and closest thing to Afganastan. Slavery is big there.

It just depends on what culture /room/city you are in.

What is the 1AA, Freezing, Thawing, Gathering, Reckoning?

1AA is when the first time that the Unknown was discovered it is also the year of Athena De Manjrick’s (now Eva) birth.

The freezing is a time where Athena De Manjrick made Asgard City turn to stone with all its inhabitants She had cursed herself to be alone and was so for nearly 1000 years until the curse was broken (lived in Forest of Dreams during this time).

The Thawing is a period of when the people began to awaken from the slumber and is when the curse was broken.

Gathering is a time when all the kingdoms are preparing for the final fight with the Dark Lands and the Unknown. It is also the time when the High Queen Athena De Manjrick is killed and made a goddess of the light and life passing the powers and the rule to her son and daughter Anastacia De Manjrick.

The Rechoning is when the final fight or the change for Karsadia is to happen it is where the Unknown either wins or loses. And where the face of Karsadia is forever change to evil or a different reality. It is what the Apocolypse is to us.

What are Seeker and Agents of the Unknown?

Seekers and Agents of the Unknown are creatures that scout and look out for very heavy magick users and godlings (immortals) and absorb their powers or find them so that the Unknown may absorb their essence gaining their powers and strength much like some of "The Highlander series/movies" are like. They can be anything and anyone. But they are Evil and they are only allowed to be NPCs. When spotted kill them before they get away or run. If they get away the room with the RC permission will go under a low magick advisory until the threat is no longer there or it is perceived to be.

Seekers are about the only race that is almost nearly nothing but evil. There blood is acidic, they use the shadows to escape, They cannot be attacked by normal means and magick only does half damage it normally does. Mind magick, lightening, magick items, holy water, blessed items, tho the power is absorbed or be destroyed by them can and will harm them. Take their heads to finish the job but you will be burned by the acidic blood when they explode and your magick items need a saving throw.

What are the creatures that can be found on Karsadia?

ANY creature that has ever been part of mythology or history/pre-history like dinosaurs, DO exist. And then there are some magickal creatures that are either created or made up by the writers imagination or credited to another’s imagination. NO there are no pc dragons and no creatures that can not be defeated without a wish. There are ways to defeat them or to learn from them. You just might need to research it. NOTHING is the same as what you may think when playing DND/ADND goblyns or halfings dnd are and can be powerful. The lil green orcs or kobolts may be different from what you think. This is a different world different way of things. Even a Drow normally bad in dnd is good and called a shadow elf on Karsadia. There may be some similarities but don’t expect your ooc knowledge to always work for the rooms. You may just have to reseach like the new people have to that never played dnd/adnd.

Is there a Map?

Most rooms have their own maps but below there is a link to go to for the Chonnothos Continent. Thentrax is an Island off of Asgard to the far southwest and is not found on the map. All rooms* are attached by a portal room so that we can easily move throughout Karsadia and to make it work for online. If you have seen Stargate then you have an idea what it is like.

Who is the Karsadia Coordinator?

Anastacia De Manjrick High Queen of Asgard Territories.  Yahoo  karsadiacoordinator

She is the Mistress of the Vision.

She and her husband are the writers of the Vision. If it don’t go with them you don’t get to do it, sorry. It is her baby. She created this for her friends and husband in hopes for all to have fun and an alternative to Gor and other rooms. Created because they wanted to be remembered and have some type of legacy to their name. If you don’t like it you don’t have to play. However she will be as accomodating as she can.