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Karsadian Powers (gods)
Powers For the Blessed, Gifted and Bards to get their power for their spells from.

There is God above all.

The Powers of Good...

The Goddess Exalted Nature

Anubis Exalted The Dead

Artemis Exalted The Hunt

Athena Exalted Knowledge

Bahamut Old One Dragons

Bast Exalted Cats

Odin Exalted Justice

Prometheus Exalted Learning

Seraph Gabriel Old One Gatekeeper

Seraph Michael Old One Holy Legions

The Powers of Balance....

Helios Exalted Sun

Katarn Exalted Creation

Majestyka Exalted Magick

Neos Exalted (can take form) Judgment

Sif Exalted Combat

Seline Exalted The Blue Moon

Seraph Azreal Old One Death

Seraph Eva Exalted (can take form) Life and Light

Shapeshifter Vol Exalted (can take form) Champion of Life

The Powers of Corruption...((no player takes these on))

Apocalypses Reborn

Ashkora Reborn (can take form) War

Loviatar Exalted Death, Pain

Set Exalted Night, Serpents

Tiamat Old One Dragons

Tsukiyomi Exalted The Dark Moon

Vormav Exalted Darkness and Vampires

The Non-Aligned Powers....

Andromadous Muse Love

Arnik Exalted Blades

Bragi Muse Poetry

Chronos Exalted Time

Serendipity Muse Theater

The Elder Gods O. Ones Chaos

The Elemental Lords Elementals

Other power not yet known: THE UNKNOWN out to find and absorb essences from the godlings and high magick users. Destroying anything in its path.