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Out of the darkness comes a light
Goddess of Light and Life
Karsadia (MC)~RC~
Was Athena De Manjrick
Knight of the Rose
Vol's Loving Eternal Mate

1 of 4 gods that can actually have a body to use when she is around.

.. I am the goddess of life and light.. I don't wish my people to suffer.. on the contrary .. wish them to live .. have tithings and use the money to help the poor . and heal the sick.. In life I sold my bobbles as I rarely wore jewelry .. for the poor and hungry.. I don't wish to be the taker from the meek and poor tho help them

let those that wish to tithe do so .. the priestesses will soon be given powers as I gain they gain.. and they will be expected to help the poor and hungry

In Life my contributions are known .. but one is the Hospital.. the priestesses will be healers.. of the land and people

if a priestess refused to help one of need they will find their powers diminish until they attone

.. tho in life I did not like evil they will have the ablity to know... and will be able to wear a sword .. and chainmail.. nothing more than chainmail .. as I could not wear more.. but the sword should be the last thing they use if at all possible

In life .. I had a sword called destiny.. ti could detect unlife and evil.. and burned those .. my priestesses will have that ablity.. and I did not like evil so most the time as a paladin would .. I fought ..

tho in all things I tried diplomacy before the sword.. the priestess should learn to keep their temper

Slay the darkside.. if you can save them from the darkside do that first

don't kill unless you have to.. tho those of war are necessary take prisoners if at possible .. at all possible save the people .. and slay the darkside.. the Dark forces are gathering .. don't let them get Asgard .. for if Asgard falls the Unknown will soon win

then the Paladins weill keep the balance tho will also know that of detecting evil.. the can wear more than Chainmail.. tho it will not be common.. and gifted with flight

they too must help those they can .. be true Knights of old if at all possible.. chivalry.. and duty.. however they can lose their powers if .. they fail to help those in need .. or fail to keep the ways

and they can be spellswords if they wish.. for more tho it will take more to learn to use the magick from within.. and there will be restrictions

songs are from the heart and are prayers. I love them.

Priestess Accolyte.. to be one you can wear no greater protection then a chain armor.. you may use the sword but try words first .. and to keep your power you must not refuse one of need ,.. Evil shall not be part of this temple.. keep the balance but utter evil is not allowed.. you are empowered with the ablity to detect evil and to harm evil by the touch of your hands.. at the same time you can touch and heal with a crystal with yoru hands.. ((aka healing sphere)) you have open to you the following spheres: benediction, mind magick, healing, order, protection, nature, elemental, supreme lightning supreme healing when you get to that point .. and order. you may not pick up necromancy or chaos ever

Temple of Vol and Eva- It is multiply spired the Spires platformed at intervals and spiraling into a central point at the top some ninehundred feet to where the Soul stone is incorporated at the top.......

It is build around a giant amphitheatre capable of seating 1 and a 1/2 times the populatinon of Asgard. In the very centre is a pentacle covering the size of half a football field and inlaid into black marble floor in which are aset jewels matching the constellations and star patterns in the night sky above the centre of the pentacle is the position of Asgard's Star as it appears in the heavens and when night comes the open roof matches the floor on a cloudless night.

Also at the centre of the Pentacle are the crystal stasis chambers containing the reconstituted bodies of Athena and Dargo softly lit and glittering above which is a daius and Throne for When Eva chooses to incarnate that is directly in line with the soul stone ninehundred feet above. The pillars that support the structure are engraved and inlaid with gold retelling and depicting the entire History of Asgard and Athena's reign in particular. Ands set within each cunningly concealled is a holographic projector that recreates from the downloaded memory of the living witnesses the events of Her life with particular attention to those leading up to and including Her accention In each seat is a neural tranceaver by which the observer may feel the emotional content of the witness as if they were there. At the points of the pentacle are set small stands each representing one of the five elements in fact When Eva incarnates Elementals dance upon each.

There are no enclosing walls upon the structure but great silk curtains in soft hues divide the various areas ob the outer disc like base before entering the temple proper are lavers filled with gold and offering from which those in need may take and those Who feel moved to give may contribute. They never run dry. Within and without Clerics and Priests perform rituals and burn incense

The Whole temple is set upon the pinacle of Mount Scartaliss Which is in direct geographical juxtopostion with the Palace upon it's sister mount Around the mountain leading down is a large spiral Boulevarde inlaid with semi precious stone [Aquamarine] and upon which no carriage or device of transport may travel since it it considered a pilgrimage to walk from the base to the temple and back again. Something undertaken by everyone Young or old once a years. The sick or in capacitated being allowed to be carried upon litters by their close kin or friends. In each the Vision is alive and active confronting and comforting. A place of Self appraisal and discovery for nothing remains Hidden.