The Aezyderian Rangers

When one normally thinks about the term Ranger they think of the knights of the woods. In most cases this might very well be true. But Asgard now Aezyder has given birth to a new breed of rangers. Where once stood the Shadow Guard now stride the Rangers.

The former concept of the woodland knight simply will not do. They are rangers and warriors of all fronts. Their training is intense and never-ending. The true ranger of Aezyder is at home in the woods as he is in the city. He can dance along with any waltz and understand and interpret any political treaties.

Those that have no talent with magickal arts are trained to defend well against their use. Those that have been gifted with the talents of magick are taught how best to employ them, when not to, and to never rely upon their use solely.

They have no fear of hiding in shadows, though each are trained when the shadows are their safest of havens.

Requirements and Codes of the Aezyderian Rangers:

  • First and foremost swear utmost loyalty to the King and Queen. There is nothing in existence that is more important then their well-being. A Ranger will give their life and soul for the crown.
  • Only the King or Queen can approve the acceptance of an Aezyderian Ranger.
  • A Ranger never ceases their training. If the Ranger is not on assignment then they must be furthering their own skills for when their next assignment is given to them.
  • And while training is important the Rangers have a bond, a friendship, that is rare. There is no ill-will between Rangers, and all Rangers are encouraged to enjoy R&R time, but they shall never allow it to become more predominant then their training.
  • All Rangers are expected to be knowledgable fighters. If the Ranger is capable of magickal then they are expected to understand the principles of the magick of Asgard and use them.
  • Rangers, like Knights, are examples to the people. There should simply be none better.
  • Captain of the Rangers

    Among the Rangers stands one alone who has proven his worth and loyalty. The King and Queen rely upon him to maintain watch over the rest of the Rangers. He is the best of the best of the best, as it were. And while this positions carries the title of Captain, his authority is that of the Knight Chamberlain, only the King and Queen has direct authority over him.

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