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Clan News

2-15-08 - Snibberlot here! See there are some avid TFC fans out there still viewing the website. Hope it helps you guys out there. Sorry it hasn't been updated in a while, personaly I have gone through alot and I'm sure Bender has also. Hope all is well with you Bender. I almost forgot the site login info haha. We need to get together and play some tfc. I forgot most of what I knew about HTML so I'll have to give myself a refresher course. Untill next time!

9-16-07 - Bender here, still alive and kicking ;) Been a long time and with the coming of the TF2 beta tomorrow, I figured i'd see what's up with this old ass page. Ten years and i'm still longing for some Team Fortress action! I'll hopefully be on most of the day tomorrow shooting up the servers. Look me up on Steam and add to friends if you wanna play, should be See you in battle! -Bender

4-30-04 - Sup bender you have been doing a NICE ASS job with the site man i have checked in ever so often to see how its going and ur doing nicely. We should really get this clan up and running again and kick some ass. You know anyway we can get a server going? BTW got ur e-mail a while back and forgot to reply to it and then it got deleted and i been busy and have not had a chance to e-mail you back. Anyways keep up the good work i will play more TFC and get more sniper screen shots instead of those demo and such ones you got :) oh and another thing i like how you added ur e-mail to stuff cause i did not know hwo to do that with html yet :)

2-3-04 - New image on the tips page. Im surprised it turned out that good, all I have to work with at school is MSPaint :\ Also created the Allies/Enemies page. Enjoy! - Bender

2-2-04 - Finally fixed the images page. Gonna make custom create some nice looking headings :) -Bender

1-30-04 - Slowly making improvements, maybe we can get this clan up and running again. Ive been too lazy the past ... 3 years hehe. Let the revolution begin! ;) -Bender

11-13-03 - Yah its been a long ass time huh Bender. Site still going and kicking strong. I get a few e-mails about joining but do not respond as i do not play much TFC anymore. I like the pic though you got up there at the front page its nice. I nvr have learned enough HTML to do pics and shit but glad you did :) e-mail me sometime and we can go play catch up on old times and shit - Snibberlot

8-29-03 - Wow, its been years since I updated this site :) Its Bender, with Snibberlot at unknown status (email me ;)). I have nothing to do in class, so I should be updating this site frequently. Enjoy :)

11-01-01 - Hey all. Just for an update, i got cool pics im going to add very shortly. Plus i got Calagari Truespace4 so im gonna add some VRML to this page :) well i got free time tomorrow :)

9-20-01 - hey sup to all that come to this page this site will be running soon i am changeing shit and putting new pics onto the site so look forward to that :)

9-8-01 - Wow its been a year... lol Well this is Bender. Ill be updating this site often cause i learned HTML, Java, and Flash over the summer. Look forward to big changes to the site :)

6-14-00 - Hey,I'm sorry snibber for not keeping your site updated but i thought you were going to get a book on html.But from now on i will keep your site updated:)that is if you still have TSC running.
