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This is my old site-Please go to for my newer sites TONY HAWK PRO SKATER CODES MEGA CHEAT MODE=CRUDCRUST(ALL CODES DONE HOLDING L1) BIG HEAD MODE=SCULL(RESTART) LOCATION START=SCXUD TOGGLE BLOOD=RUST TURN OFF DISPLAYS=SRUT SLOW OR FAST MOTION=SLUSL GET ALL TAPES=MEGA CHEAT MODE UNLOCK LEVELS=TRUSTLUST 13xSTAT=XSSTUD 10XSTAT=STUD SPECIAL METER=XTCDUR OFFICER DICK INTO PRIVATE CARERA=TUTUCULT(NON SHAKE) Tony Hawk's Specials The 900-Right, Down, C-Right 540 Board Varial-Left, Left, C-Left 360 Flip to Mute-Down, Right, C-Left Kickflip McTwist-Right, Right, C-Right Bob Burnquist's Specials Backflip-Up, Down, C-Right One Footed Smith Grind-Right Right, C-Up Burntwist(Must be done at the lip of a quaterpipe/halfpipe)-Left, Up, C-Up Geoff Rowly's Specials Backflip-Down, Up, C-Right Double Hardflip-Right, Down, C-Left Darkslide-Right, Left, C-Up Bucky Lasek's Specials Fingerflip Airwalk-Left, Right, C-Right Varial Heelflip Judo-Down, Up, C-Left Kickflip McTwist-Right, Right, C-Right Chad Muska's Specials Frontflip-Down, Up, C-Right 360 Shove-it Rewind-Right, Right, C-Left One Footed 5-0 Thumpin'-Right, Down, C-Up Kareem Campbell's Specials Frontflip-Down, Up, C-Right Kickplip Underflip- Left, Right, C-Left Casper Slide-Up, Down, C-Up Andrew Reynold's Specials Heelflip to Bluntslide-Down, Down, C-Up Triple Kickflip-Left, Left, C- Left Backflip- Up, Down, C-Right Rune Glifberg's Specials Front Back Kickflip-Up, Down, C-Left Kickflip McTwist- Right, Right, C-Right Christ Air-Left, Right, C-Right Jamie Thomas's Specials Frontflip-Down, Up, C-Right 540 Flip-Left, Down, C-Left One Footed Nosegrind-Up, Up, C-Up Elissa Steamer's Specials Judo Madonna-Left, Down, C-Left Backflip-Up, Down, C-Right Primo Grind-Left, Left, C-Up Officer Dick's Specials Yeehaw Frontflip-Down, Up, C-Right Assume the Position-Left, Left, C-Right Neck Break Grind-Left, Right, C-Up Private Carrera's Specials The Well Hardflip-Right, left, C-Left Somi Spin-Left, Down, C-Right Ho-Ho-Ho-Left, Up, C-Up