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Summer Ski Runs

      The long winters with heavy snowfall combined with the mountainous terrain around Anchorage produce superb skiing. In addition, many of the chutes and gullies hold winters snow all summer. Hard-core carvers slice the snow 12-months a year. Its not uncommon to find a July tent city at Crow Pass and a dozen or more skiers / boarders shredding. This ski guide is primarly for summer skiing but all these runs are skied during winter too. This list is just but a fraction of what is skied but these runs are the major runs in the local area that can and do last through the summer.

Guide Book

      There is no published guidebook for skiing in Southcentral Alaska and most of the posted names here are what the local skiers I know call them. Other names I am sure can be found. For more information on these or other ski runs in the area, please send an email.


      These are not groomed and safe ski runs at the local resort with standard colored shape rating. These runs are in mountainous terrain and all the hazards exist. In the warmth of bright sunny days they can be perfect corn snow. On the cooler days and later in the summer they can be hard-packed ice. Don't forget about protruding rocks and the snow abruptly ending.


      Most of these runs are accessed by way of a hiking trail and are less than an hour from the car. The exception is Turnagain Pass and hour of sloggin up steep-snowy slopes is a common occurrence.


      Avalanche awareness is more of a winter thought but not in Southcentral Alaska. Snow slides, falling cornices and collapsing seracs all happen frequently during the summer. And, winter conditions with high winds and snow can happen during any month of the year in the high country.

Obtain professional avalanche training

The Ski Runs

Swan: Looking south from Anchorage this huge swan like snow figure can't be missed with two wings and a long snaking neck. The left wing is the steepest.

The Rodents: Located on the northern flank under the wide area known as football field with several gulleys.

Christain's Run: On the southern side of the football field between the football field and the ridge, this is long mod gulley.

Ptarmigan Col: Another obvious area seen from Anchorage that is a great summer alpine snow climb, this 1000 col is for those with a taste of extreme skiing.

Crow Pass: Located above Girdwood, a very popular area that has several runs from easy to the extreme.

Turnagain Pass: Known for world-class skiing, this high pass along the Sewerd Highway recieves large amounts of snow fall. Also known for it's would class avalanches too.


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