The London Anarchist Forum began
formally in 1983, as as a follow through discussion group to a series of evening classes on anarchism held at The Mary Ward Centre in the same year. It caught on and is now in its twentieth year.

Its core was initially drawn from a local community of anarchists centred on the revived Freedom Press Group, who had been holding regular, informal 'pub meetings' since the late 1940's. Some of these original members still occassionally attend our meetings.

These informal meetings in themselves were a revival of a tradition of anarchist 'pub meetings' (attended by some of these post-war anarchists) that had existed before WWII, and extended back to to the time of the founder of modern anarchism, Peter Kropotkin, who gave his first London lecture at SPES and with the original Freedom Group initiated regular discussion meetings in the area. Thus arguably a chain of attendance can be traced from these groups to todays Anarchist Forum.

Today the Forum continues as an open discussion group for anarchists and those wanting to learn more about anarchism. A place open to all radicals and anarchists to express themselves freely.

We hold general discussions, debates, and 'symposiums', as well as host talks on a variety of anarchist related topics.

We aim to be a neutral medium for all anarchist and left libertarian opinion. A place where people can argue, agree, debate or just agree to disagree, and perhaps even learn from each other. Regular attendees and visitors come from a wide range of anarchist and non-anarchist backgrounds and groups.

The Forum is non-hierarchical, and any organization, publicity or chairing required is performed by facilitators open to deselection by the group.
The dialogue is an open, free and informal one, engaged in at a conversational level. All meetings are usually unchaired. The work of the group is focused on the clarification of anarchist arguements, concepts, feelings and theoretical orientations.
Any propaganda work or activism that our members may (or may not) be involved in is carried out within other groups.

The group also has an important networking function, as well as being one of the first ports of call for overseas comrades.

It has also become something of an anarchist 'social club', with most meetings followed by optional alcoholic relief in a nearby hostelry.




Conway Hall (SPES),
Red Lion Square, London, WC1
(look for LAF on notice board for room details)

Currently Friday Fortnightly 8-10pm

(Normally Every 2nd and 4th Fri of the Month)


Admission Free
optional collection made to cover cost of the room
(£2 suggested donation)


Anyone interested in giving a talk or facilitating a discussion send an E Mail to

If you require more information about us come along to a meeting, ask a question in the online forum or send an E Mail to the above address



LAF Talk Transcripts



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