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FF7 walkthrow


1. WALKTHROW~-~-~-~-~-~-~-



DISC 1 I. REACTOR REACTION ACTION To begin Final Fantasy 7 we start off by opening the CD case and inserting CD 1 into the Playstation...don't worry, I'm just joking, Im not going THAT much into detail! Ok, watch the beginning video and when the train pulls up you, Barret, Wedge, Biggs, and Jessie jump off. The two guards that were thrown into the train both have potions so just "talk" to them (I use "talk" alot, like: talk to the treasure chest or talk to the innkeeper or talk to the safe, so that pretty much means press circle (or whatever may be your "selecting" button) and you will get them. Now, run to the end and take a left (while walking around, press select so a red arrow indicates where a door or entryway is, you will now have a pointer above your head as well). After going through the doorway, meet up with the rest of the gang and you will get to name yourself (I named Cloud Apollo). Then, after Barret scolds all of you, head right (you could just follow everybody), then go around to the top of the "screen" (I also use "screen" alot, by screen, I mean literally, the screen you are playng on (tv screen if you are still baffled), well, nonetheless, you will eventually get what I mean if you STILL don't understand) and go left. At this intersection, you can only go up, so go up. Then talk to Barret (I named Barret Jugger -short for Juggernaut)and he joins your party. Then, talk to Jessie and she'll open the gate, then have her open the other gate at the top of the room for you. When she does that, go to the right into another room and pick up the Phoenix Down in the chest. Go back out and have Jessie open the elevator door at the top. Take the elevator up and go out. Follow everybody down the stairs to the more complicated part. Run across the catwalk and Jessie will stay in her spot. Grab the potion in front of her. Go down and take all the ladders and stuff to the bottom. Then, save at the save point and pick up the Restore Materia before you and Barret set off the bomb. Set it off and run. You will fight Guard Scorpion (boss). Use Bolt on him and DO NOT ATTACK HIM WHEN HE RAISES HIS TAIL. You will receive about 75 damage to both you and Barret. When you beat him (kkkeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeee, recognize that sound?), equip the prize, Assault Gun, on Barret. You now have 10 minutes to retrace your steps back out. When you get to the part where you left Jessie, get her loose because she got stuck. If you don't you can't open the gates in which you came from. Just talk to her to get her loose. Be sure to save where you first saved. Go back up have Jessie open the gates. I would suggest getting a few levels by fighting around if you have the time for it. When you are ready, exit and watch Reactor No. 1 burn to the ground! Now, when Jessie blows out a hole in the place you were hiding, leave and follow Barret up the stairs. When you come out, you are in Midgar and you meet Aeris for the first time. It really doesn't matter what you say when you see her, but if you want to be better to her than to Tifa, don't hint that anything happened to her and buy a flower from her. Go down and get the Potion near the middle of the screen. Go down again and keep running from the guards (unless you really want to fight them). You will jump onto the train, escaping the guards. Go to the front of the train and await arrival at the Train Graveyard. On the way, you will get a descriptive overwview of what Midgar is like, so PAY ATTENTION! Not that it really matters, it's just that the first time I played FF7, I had no clue what Midgar was supposed to be like. It all comes together, though. Head to Tifa's Bar (Seventh Heaven) from the Train Graveyard. When yo first go in, you can give the flower you might have bought from Aeris to Marlene or Tifa (It doesn't really matter who you give it to, it just depends on who you want to be good to, Aeris or Tifa; I named Tifa Angel). (At Tifa's bar, look on the top floor in the bottom-right corner of the screen, it says Texas, are we in America!?, something to think about. Something else, after everybody goes down, talk to Tifa at the bar and she'll give you a hard drink if you want one.). Now, talk to Barret and everybody and when you go back up, Barret will give you 1500 gil. You can explain what materia is materia to Barret and you will get that Restore materia you picked up at the reactor (you don't have to explain it, but I'm not quite sure if you have to explain it to him to get Restore). After all the dialogue is completed, run outside and go to the beginners hall (big building South of Seventh Heaven). You can buy Iron Bangle/Assault Gun/and Grenade from the shop on the first floor. On the second floor, you can talk to people about Final Fantasy 7 (they'll give you help on certain topics) Be sure to pick up the All materiawhen you first come in, and get the Ether that is in the box that drops down from the roof. You can sleep in the bed on the third floor for 10 gil. There's really not much you can do in this place, except talk to people (you can get some REALLY weird conversations like the guards outside the town on the bottom right corner of the screen, or the people left after Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie scurry off (what did Tifa and Cloud do last night?), so just go out at the top exit of town (remember, you can buy some useful materia from the shop next to the bottom exit). When you come out, go to the right at the intersection and keep going to the train station. Get in the train and head off. You will encounter an ID Checkpoint in which you fail to pass and you get to run to the front of the train. When the timer begins, talk to the guy at the back of the train and he will give you a Phoenix Down. Then, get to the next car and run (talk to the guy at the front and he will give you a Hi-Potion (talk quickly). Keep running down the train (there's nothing else to get from people, so don't bother talking to people). At the end of the train, jump off and you will end up in the tunnel (Bolt is excellent down here). You have the option of going down or up. If you go down 4 screens, you will see Shinra soldiers. You can either stay and fight them (excellent place to gain levels) or run off. You have the option of running off between battles. Ice and Fire are both good against the soldiers. From what I've played, there are probably an infinite supply of Shinra soldiers to fight. You can win Antidotes, and Grenades from them. I spent about an hour trying to find something about this (and using an All-Ice combo; I got to level 11 -almost 12 for Cloud; 16 Antidotes and 1 Grenade), but it seems as though it's just an infitely long battle (my FF7 disc keeps messing up here...whine...whine...whine). If you go up you will end up at vent where you must go through to get out. When you go in the vent, grab the Ether and go down the ladder. You will be in a big clearing area where it looks confusing. Go up the first ladder to the left (or the second one by Wedge, it doesn' t matter) of the one you came down, through the vent and out where Jessie is standing. Grab the Potion by the corner and go down the ladder on the left side of the screen. Go around to the Save Point, grabbing the Tent, use the Tent (if you need to) then save. Talk to Biggs and go up the ladder, through the vent. You will end up at the reactor. Go to the bottom door and blow Reactor 5 after another one of Cloud's memories. Then run out and go up the stairs to the top door of the reactor. (God! I hate my FF7 disc!!!). Push the button to open the gate and leave. I would suggest saving if you plan on dying against Airbuster (a boss). You get the advantage with a double sided battle, but make sure both sides have a Lightning materia. Watch out for it's Counter Attacks, they're vicious. He has abut 1200 HP. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= II. MIDGAR MADNESS When you beat Airbuster, Cloud falls into Aeris' church. Immediately equip Airbusters prize, Titan Bangle. It doesn't really matter what you say when you talk to her (same story, who's good side do you want ot be on)You can talk to a man before he comes out if you go to the front of the church before the entrance while Aeris is checking her flowers. Talk to Aeris and you can name her (I named her Cetrianne). Then Reno will come and you get to run away. When Aeris yells for help, tell her to hold on and push the barrels on the rafters off in this order: left side-bottom, left side-top, then right side-top (don't push the right side-bottom one). But only push them when she yells for help. Ice is good in this place when you fight. Then, Aeris will come and you will run off together on top of the church. Keep running off to the left and you will end up at the path from Aeris' Church to the Sector 5 Slums to the Wall Market. Go to the Sector 5 Slums and poke around there a little (buy 3 more Titan Bangles while yer at it). Be sure to steal the little boy's 5 gil in his room in the house by Aeris' House (check the wall for the first Turtle's Paradise newsletter). Now, exit the Sector 5 Slums at the top exit leading to Aeris' House. Before you save or go in, go in Aeris' garden and grab the Ether and Cover materia in the lower section. Now you can save and go in. Stay the night and before you exit your room, grab the Potion/Phoenix Down by the door. In order to exit without being caught, just WALK, don't run, walk the whole way to the bottom of the stairs. Leave and head left on the road from the Sector 5 Slums. Sector 6 is challenging so this is how you get through it: go up the wood pile, across the bar, around and down the pink board, under then around road, up the pole, and down the second wood pile. After the dialogue with Aeris in the park, leave and you will end up in the Wall Market. While there, you can do whatever, but you should go to the back of town and go to Corneo's Mansion and decide to get a dress for CLOUD (yes, Cloud). Go to the Boutique and get the story of hte lady's father who is at the bar. Go to the bar and have him make a dress (it doesn't matter what you want it to look like, one that feels clean is the Cotton Dress and one that feels soft is Silk Dress; the second choices have nothing to do with the resulting dress) then go back to the Boutique and get it. You will then need to get a wig so go to the Men's Hall (...) and race Big Bro' for a wig with squats (...). Then go back to the Boutique and you are now dressed as a girl. (...uhhh...what's with this town!) If you tell them "I'm not ready", you can go buy stuff from the guy who's closed if you couldn't have already. Now, head up to The Don's (heh heh) Mansion and go get Tifa who's in the basement (farthest door to the left up the stairs). When you can move freely, grab the Ether by the fireplace. Then go to Don's room and he will choose which person to take (it's random, Cloud can even get picked). When you get to the room with all the other guys, take the Phoenix Down from the bottom right corner of the room. Then talk to everybody, then go talk to Scotch at the top of the room and you will bust out after fighting them all off. After all that, run down to the basement where you will meet Kotch who's chasing Aeris/Tifa around. Then go in The Don's room where he is putting his moves on Tifa/Aeris. There, you will interrogate Don Corneo and after he tells you everything, grab the Hyper behind his bed (?) and walk over to Aeris and Tifa then he will ask you about how he feels about telling you about all that, you will choose from 3 answers (none of which are correct by his book) and you will be dropped to the sewers through a secret door. You will watch how the Shinra is going to go about dropping the plate above Sector 7 and then you will be in the sewers. (I think Heideggers saying something about mayors when he talks about Mayor Domino (mayor of Midgar); you will learn to like Reeve, although he's a real pain in the ass when your not used to him...) You will then fight Aps in the sewers (he hurts himself more than he hurts you!!! HAHAHA!!!), so be prepared. He has about 1300 HP. Bolt and Ice are good against him. When he dies, go up the stairs near the fence to get to the Potion that awaits you. Then climb the ladder , go around and go down the other ladder to the other set of stairs on the other side of the fence which leads you to Steal materia. Behind Steal is a vent that you take down to some more sewers. Run down the stairs and climb up the big green thing and go up the ladder. Now you are in hte (I swear to god, if I spell "the" like that again, I am going to kill myself) mega-pain-in-the-butt Train Graveyard. Be sure to save because this part is no fun. First, go inside the train closest to you and talk to the barrel outside the other entrance for a Hi-Potion, then climb hte (arrrrgghhhhhh....BBAAAMMMMMM!!!!!!, I died) ladder to the top of the first train closest to you for another Hi- Potion. Follow it down to a big peice of metal and go right on it and go down and grab the Potion. Go back to hte metal peice and go left and get the Echo Screen in the barrel on the tracks. Go down, under the metal peice and enter the train. Go out and climb the ladder to the top of another train. Go up and go down another ladder, then get in hte train, follow it to the back and grab the Potion outside it. Go up and out of hte first section. Go under the trains and left and back around the trains to get a Potion. Go back up and left, around more trains to a barrel to get an Ether. Then go all the way right and get in the cockpit of the different colored train and move it, then move it back after it smashes the other train out of the way.Then go through the newly created path and go in the train cockpit of the different colored train and smash it into the peice of metal, then go up the ladder on the first train to the right of the just-moved train for a Hi-Potion.Then jump across to on top of the newly-moved train and run across the peice of metal and yer out of the Train Graveyard. Go to the left of the station and you will find out that a battle is occuring on the support structure holding the Sector 7 plate. You can buy stuff from the grey-haird man. Now, save and head to the top of the structure! When you get up there, Barret joins your party and you will fight Reno (unfortunately, you can't steal anything from him THIS time). Once you beat him, Tseng will fly up in a helicopter with the recently-kidnapped Aeris and the structure will blow. You will end up in the park again and after you leave to the Sector 6 path, keep going , and Barret and Tifa will come to you, then go back and grab Sense materia by the fence near the entrance. Now, go through Sector 6 and go to the Sector 5 Slums, then to Aeris' House to talk about Aeris' kidnapping and how Elmyra came to take care of her. When you can finally move around freely, go upstairs and go in the room where Barret and Marlene are, leave and, if you need it, go to the room next door to sleep. Then, leave Aeris' House and you will begin to head to the Shinra Building. You will need to go back to the Wall Market, so, get on over there. When you get there, go to the Gun Shop and talk to the guy who isn't selling weapons and buy the Batteries from him. Then, go up past the Gun Shop and follow the kids that you encounter. Go up the wire and you are now in a hard part. Climb as far as the wire goes then go around, under the wire to the yellow box. Go up to it and put a Battery in to activate the propeller which soon dies back down. Then go up on the pole where the yellow box is and climb to the rails. Go up it and put the Battery in the yellow box, moving a bar up, so you can now access the swinging bar part. Climb the rod to where Cloud talks and when he finishes, jump on to the pole. When the pole sqeaks is when you are supposed to jump on to it. Jump off at the other end and climb up. Keep climbing up and go right to where you can climb down on a pole. Go down and put a Battery in the yellow box for an Ether. Climb down the left-hand pole and do the swinging bar section again. Go back to where you climbed down the first time, but go up and get on to the bar and go up to the Shinra Building. The Shinra Building can be a real pain in the ass for some people, but if you pay attention here, you should be outta here in no time flat. Unless you want to climb about 69,000,000,000,000,000,000 stairs (not literally, but there A LOT!), you would probably want to "bust on in!". At the entrance, I would suggest saving. You will have to fight some Shinra soldiers, but its no problem. Go to the back of the first floor and check the board on the left side for a Turtles Paradise Newsletter. Keep in mind that there is a Save Point outside, don't hesitate to run down and use it when needed. Now, go up the stairs (not elevator) and in the room at the top-right corner and you can buy items from the lady at the desk. Unfortunately, you can't open the treasure boxes until you stop by here again. Talk to the man watching the TV and him and the girl will run, now you can watch the TV (pretty interesting TV program). Now leave and hit the elevators (don't bother going up the next set of stairs). An alarm will sound while going and you will have to stop the elevator, fighting people until you reach the 59th story. When there, get in the elevator that the guards were guarding using the Keycard 60 that you just found. Go to Floor 60. Now, go to the top-left room and you are at the fun part. ONLY MOVE WHEN THE SOLDIERS ARE MOVING. Just hide behind the yellow statues once the soldiers move, do the same for the others, using the O button. Then repeat the process again to the other side (this side is harder because the soldiers run). Go up the stairs on the other side and you are on the 61st Floor. Don't worry about enemies up here, you don't fight any. Everybody tries to hint to you that you have to have a Keycard to access floor above 60, so unless you got the Keycard 61 from the man in Wall Market like I told you MANY MANY MANY times to do earlier in the walkthrough, your screwed...just joking, talk to the guy closest to the elevator and he will ask you who you are and what you want, answer him with a "...." (if you ask him about Aeris, you will learn about a coincidence with "her") and he will give you Keycard 62 under the impression that you are a repairman fixing the doors. Now that you have it, go up to the 62nd Floor and go in the room where Mayor Domino is walking around. He will let you try to guess a password for the Keycard 65. You can go all out and guess the password (it's randomized, so I can't tell you what it is) or go to each of the 4 libraries in this floor and collect clues (you can ask the public servant in front of Mayor Dominos door for clues (500 gil for the first one (check around in the library for clues), 1000 gil for the second one(materials from each library might be mixed around), and 2000 gil for the third and final one(match numbers before files with letters on files). If you get it on the first try, you get somethig like Elemental Materia or a weapon, the second try you get an Elixer, and I don't think you get anything on the third try. Now you have Keycard 65! Now, go up to Floor 63 for another fun thing. I doubt the possibility of you being able to get the item in the middle room (All Materia), so just get the end two (Four Slots, Star Pendant). Then leave and go up to the 64th Floor and poke around there for awhile. You can use a couple of the machines in the fitness room, beat the soda machine up, and rest and save here as well. In the locker room at the top of the screen, check the lockers for items (Phoenix Down, Ether). Once you are completed with this floor (be sure to sleep and save in the "nap room") run on up to the 65th floor. You can get in fights in this floor so watch out (Bolt is pretty useful in this area). This is a tricky section, go to the top room to the left and open the bottom treasure chest. Go to the middle room and place the Midgar parts in places where it looks broken (if you imagine the Midgar model being a clock, where 8 o'clock would be, you can't put anything). Now, go to the bottom left room and open the top treasure chest, place it in Midgar and go back to the same room, taking the bottom chest item and placing it in Midgar. Now, go around the model room and pick up the Midgar Pieces in the plant room and put them in Midgar. Finally, go to the top-left room and grab the top chest's item and put it on Midgar. Now, go to the stairs and get the treasure chest there for the Keycard 66. Go upstairs and go to the top-right room (yes, the bathroom!) Go in the stall (yes, the stall!) and flush the toilet a bunch of times (yes,, you don't need to, just do it for fun, waste those bastard Shinra's money (I'm sure if you flushed the toilet enough times, you might run their water bill up to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 gil!!!)) Now, climb up the toilet (yes, cli- OK, enough of that) climb the toilet and go to the other vent opening (when Palmer rolls around and says "Oh man", I could swear he split himself in half jumping up and down!). When you are finished, go back down and follow Hojo out. Then go up and do the whole thing with Hojo and look at Jenova (doesn't look an aweful lot like the Jenova I know; be sure to steal a Hardedge sword from guys with big swords). Then go up and grab the Poison Materia in the box and save. Then head up in the elevator and talk to Hojo. He will get eaten by Red XIII and he will join your team (I named him Skyfire).You will then fight a boss, don't worry about the little orange guys. Be sure to equip the Talisman. Then after you pick your group and equip all your stuff, grab the Enemy Skill Materia in the glass case where Red XIII and Aeris were. Then, go up to where the guy went to activate the cage thing and get the Keycard 68 from him. Then get the 2 Potions from above the door and the 2 Potions from past the door and go down the stairs to the 66th Floor elevator, where everybody's waiting for you. Now, the Turks will catch you and bring you to President Shinra. You will be thrown in jail and then talk to everybody. When you sleep, you wake up and everybody's dead. Talk to Tifa and bust everybody out. Then, run to where you acquired Red XIII and go in the elevator you came down here in after babbling at him. Then go out to the stairs to the right and go up to the 69th Floor (wooohoo!). Just pretty much follow the blood (one of the few instances in this game where there's blood). Then get to the 70th Floor and you will see that Pres' Shinra is dead, killed by Sephiroth. Run out to Rufus after he lands his snazzy helicopter and talk to him, you will split up. Tifa and Cloud don't really need materia, so take their materia away. Then prepare for a boss battle in the elevator at the 69th Floor. It would be a good idea to let Red XIII and Aeris have Lightning Materia, because only long range attack weapons can reach him. He has 1600 HP and is weak against Lightning. Use Grenades on him if you happened to stock up on them (this battle is good to waste items that you wouldn't use otherwise). The second part of the boss has 1000 HP and is weak against Lightning and Wind. Keep pumping him with Grenades and you'll do jis' fine (ooooohhhhhhh how I love you Healing Wind!). Ohh, Mythril Armlet....oh oh oh, give it to Cloud!!! GIVE IT TO CLOUD!!! hehehe. Anyways, give the Mythril Armlet to Cloud and use the materia exchange feature in the materia menu to trade off materia. Then, get ready to do battle with Rufus (heheh, his attacks look funny, hehehhahah). He has 500 HP, not much, and his dog (where in the hell did that thing come from?) has about 250, I never checked. HA! Do you like Climhazzard!?!!?! Huh!, huh!, HUH you dirty son of a bitch!!! oooooohooo, get ready to get hot and sweaty........uhh....FIRE!!! How do you like that!!! What!!! You wuss! Huh, oh, sorry about that, just a little in-game action. After he dies, run back inside and meet Tifa on Floor 69 (heheh). Be sure to save it though. You will control Aeris and Company now. Run to the exit and talk until ol' Cloud shows up on his hog (what the hell kind of truck is that!!! What's up with the door!) Now, we're gonna have some fun. This is an insanely fun part of the game, but you will fight a boss soon, so equip All->Lightnings and make sure, you have all the stuff you want equipped. I don't think I need to walk you through this part. Now fight this boss, the damages to the truck paid off here, plus he runs you over. Grenades once again are useful. He has 2600 HP and is weak against Lightning. Oooh, very weak....let's not get into that again.Ohhhh, Star Pe-...oh, sorry. After you beat it, you will be ready to venture out of Midgar. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ III. HOW KAN I BE KALM AT A TIME LIKE THIS!? Do as Barret told you and head NE to Kalm. It shouldn't be that hard to find, just look at the map ([select]). While you're at Kalm, be sure to snoop around in houses, steal items whenver possible. On the bottom floor of the house right of the Inn is an Ether in the little door, a mysterious treasure chest in the second house (I have never been able to open that, it may be something to look into) and an Ether in the wardrobe, a Guard Source upstairs (first staircase) in the third house, Peacemaker (you'll find a use for this one later) in the treasure chest up the second staircase, and an Ether in the bottom floor of the house on the other side of town. Now head over to the Item/Materia/Weapons shops and buy!buy!buy! If you run out of money, sell the Peacmaker for a ragin' 1750 gil, or Ethers, they run expensive these days! When you go to the Inn, go to the wardrobe behind the staircase and grab the Megalizer (yes, already!). He will say he can't reach it, but press abunch of buttons and he will reach up an knock it down. Talk to everybody and you will learn about Cloud and Sephiroth's past (...) together. I won't explain it because it's boring enough, but I love those videos. Man, Sephiroth's weapon's stats are awesome 255 Attack %, whew. Ultima Weapon has better Attack, though...(oh, you'll...uh...ummm...j-j-j-just..uhhh..y-you'll..ummmm....uhhhh...y-y-y- you-you'll get it s-sometime in the g-g-game........oooohhhhhh kaaaayyyyy...). Ooooohhhhboy, I absolutely love the Sephiroth-fire video. Oh man, all these videos...ooohhhhhhh to good for me. Remember that scene where the screen keeps going back and forth between Cloud and Sephiroth, you'll see another one sometime. Ok, now that that's finished, equip everybody's stuff (use PHS) and sell their old used stuff. I would recommend having 5 Tents right about now. It's not a neccesity, but its good, also have all your guys on Fury (use a Hyper). It pisses them off, so their limit gauge fills faster, but you will miss on physical attacks more often (but its not a noticeable amount). Now, go off to the East until you reach a farm (Chocobo Farm). It probably wouldn't be all that bad of an idea to save before you go in (you can save w/out a Save Point on the world map). Steal Ethers from the Ostrich-looking birds. When you get to the Chocobo Farm, talk to the Chocobo who's standing by the fence: tell it "wark" not "warrrk", they will do a gay little dance and you will get your first Summon Materia, Choco/Mog. Now, go in the Chocobo Farm and head over to the house and talk to Choco Bill (tell him you are crossing the marshes), he will tell you to go to the stables (behind the Chocobo area), go there (if you want to sleep, go to the bedroom in the house and you can rest there; did you know that while you are sleeping there, Choco Bill is watching ou sleep! Kinda freeeaky!). Talk to Choco Billy and tell him you want a Chocobo. You can learn on how to catch Chocobos if you ask him (do it if you don't know how). When finished, buy the Chocobo Lure Materia from him (2000 gil). Then buy some greens (the more expensive the better). Now go outside and catch a chocobo (if you didn't pay any attention to what he said, your screwed, 'cause I ain't tellin' ya...just joking, equip the Chocobo Lure you bought, go outside and run around in the chocobo tracks, feed it greens (the more expensive, the longer they last) and kill all the enemies (except, obviously the chocobo; unfortunately if you do attack it, it can't die even though it has 150 or so HP)). Take the chocobo across the marshes (don't get caught by the Midgar Zolom (3500 HP and about 800 damage per attack!)) and into the Mythril Mines. Go right when you come into the cave and go up. Grab the Ether and Tent up there. Then climb the vine up near the exit of this same screen and get the Long Range Materia (put it on somebody to be able to attack from the back row w/out penalties). Go back out and go left (be sure to get the Flame Thrower Enemy Skill from the Ark Dragon (flying guys, usually with 3 snakes) by having him cast it on the person with Enemy Skill Materia). Go left and down, then right at the three openings for a Mind Source. Then go right, past the three openings to exit this screen. You will have a meet-up with Rude (from the Turks) and you will learn a little bit about the Turks. After all that, don't follw them, go up into a room that has an Elixer and a Hi-Potion. Go back out and follow the Turks out. You are now on your way to Junon. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= IV. AIN'T JUNON BIG!?!?! To get to Junon, just follow the mountains to the West coast. When in Junon, just mosey around for awhile. When you've completed moseying, go to the fish skelton hanging by the house and get ready for a boss fight. When finished getting ready, go down the stairs nearby to the water. He has 2500 HP, and is weak to Wind (hint hint...Choco/Mog). When he does the barrier thing on one of your guys, use a Bolt spell (on it, not the person it closed) to break it. Flame Thrower is useful on it as well. After you kill it, you will have to do CPR on Pricilla. Just keep doing it for awhile and you will get it. Go down to the house nearest to the entrance to Junon and go in the house where the lady is standing. You can rest if you want, after that go up to the house where the bunch of stairs is leading up to. She will give you Shiva summoning materia (she calls it an amulet). Follow the girl out to the water and you get to jump on Mr. Dolphin so he can take you up to Upper Junon (don't get it the first few times, its funny to watch Cloud fall). When you get to Upper Junon, you get to see the airship for the first time. Go out and get dressed in the Shinra Uniform. Now, you get to do the funny part. Just follow the Commanders instructions and if you do great (35+ points), you get a, uh, i don't know, good luck if you try to get it, I can't, if you do so-so (31-34 points), you get 6 Potions, if you do bad (30-0 points), you get a Grenade. (finally, I think my FF7 disc is working right now). After doing the parade, you will meet Rufus, Heidegger and the rest of the Soldiers at the train thing. You will go to the locker room and the Commander will tell you how to do the performance thing. After that, go to the docks (just keep follow the buildings, buy stuff if you feel the need to). When you get to the docks, you get to do the presentation for Rufus and Heidegger. If you do great (100+), you get a Force Stealer, if you do so-so (50-90), you get an HP Plus, and I'm not quite sure what you get if you do terrible, I think you get a Grenade. You will then get on the boat after everybody leaves, and you will then meet up with your party (all, even Red, are wearing Shinra uniforms). When you are on the ship, be sire to grab the Ether and All Materia near the entrance. Talk to everybody on the ship and you will find out who's who. Talk to Aeris twice and she will ask about Barret. Go up on the deck and go past where Red XIII is and talk to Barret. You will hear of a suspicious character onboard (hmmm...suspicious...), go to the main part of the deck and talk to everybody. Select your party (wisely), and equip for a boss battle. You can talk to the other people who aren't in your party to select a new party if you want to. Now, go downstairs to find dead people, and go in the engine room (the door that that one soldier was guarding; you can fight down there, so be careful). You can steal Shinra Betas from the Shinra guards down here. When you first go in, go up the ladder and get the Wind Slash (a weapon for a character you don't quite have) next to the dead body. Then go back down and talk to the Shinra Commander who dies. Sephiroth will appear and you will soon fight Jenova Birth after a breif conversation. She has 4000 HP. Grenades, Shiva, Climbhazzard, and Fire are all good against her (that BITCH killed Cloud right before the end of the battle!!! arggghhhh!). After all the dialogue, grab the Ifrit Summoning Materia laying where Jenova was. Leave and you will be in Costa Del Sol. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= V. COSTA DEL SOL -COAST OF THE SUN After you leave the docks, Heidegger and Rufus will come out and Rufus will get in a helicopter and leave. When you can move around in Costa Del Sol, go to the Villa across the bridge, and go downstairs to the basement. Take the Fire Ring, Motor Drive (Tifa's Weapon), and Power Source and equip/use them. If you hapen to have 300,000 Gil on you, you can buy this villa from the man sleeping on the first floor, not really worth it though. Poke around the town for a bit (don't forget to buy armor from the guy in the bar). When you're finished, go to the beach (if you slept at the inn, Hojo won't be there, if you didn't, Hojo will be there). Either way you will find out where to go: Mt. Corel. Leave and head over there. Whaddya mean you don't know where it is...oh, ok, go up to the mountains near Costa Del Sol and follow the dirt path between the mountains to a cave. Follow it out to a reactor. Follow the walkway to the main reactor part and go down. Follow the train tracks (don't bother going down the stairs), just follow the roller coaster tracks, grabbing items and stuff 'til the end. When you get to the last hump in the tracks, go up and follow the tracks until it curves around. Once you hear chirping, climb the wall, and you will see a bunch of chocobo chicks. Tell them you will take the treasure and you will fight a bird guy (the same bird guy you fight on the tracks). When it's dead, you will get 10 Phoenix Downs. Then go back and go in the shed. Hit the switch and go all the way back to where you decided up or down on the humps in the tracks, and go down instead of up (Cloud moves awfully fast on the tracks doesn't he?). Then follow the tracks to the end of the screen. Just keep going on the rope bridge to the end where North Corel is. After Barret gets yelled at for ruining this town, talk to him and he'll tell you the story. Then, just mess around in the city for a bit. When you are finished, go to the left side of town and get ready to go to the Gold Saucer! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ VII. BLOW YOUR MONEY AT GOLD SAUCER! (for Gold Saucer tips and tricks, go to Take the ropeway station to the Gold Saucer and buy a Ticket to get in (3000 gil, make sure you have it). When you get in, pick your groupmate and go to the Wonder Square (follow Barret). You will meet Cait Sith for the first time here (I named him Win-Lose). Man, I didn't get a very good batch of chicken tenders from Burger King! When you finish doing things in the Gold Saucer, go to Battle Square (if you haven't already!). You will be caught by Gold Saucer Security and Dio (Gold Saucer Manager) and be sent to the Corel Prison where you will meet Barret. After talking to him, he will run off, follow him to the house in the bottom-right corner of the prison (upper house). After hearing Barret's story about North Corel, go up as far as you can go ang go right at the fork. You should be blocked by a fault, go right. Then go up again, and you will be at another fault, and go right once again. You will be at a dump area, follow it up and you will meet Dyne. Equip Barret with all the good stuff because you will fight Dyne. Dyne has 1200 HP and attacks at a higher rate then normal enemies, so make sure Restore is used (Big Shot has never found a better place in the game than here!). When you finish fighting, he will give you a pendant. Then you will be in the truck where Mr. Coates is. He will then allow you to enter the Chocobo Races after you show him the pendant. Then, with the aid of a manager, you get to race Chocobos. While in the setup room, be sure to grab Ramuh Summoning Materia in one of the jockeys lockers. Then, you will get to race. I would suggest putting it into manual and using a lot of turbo. You can replenish stamina by holding R1+R2+L1+L2+up. You can use it while turboing and it will slow down the rate of stamina usage by about 50%. After all that, Dio gives you a buggy and you get to go to Gongaga (over a stream to the South, and down to a reactor in a forest. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= VIII. GOING GA-GA OVER GONGAGA If you want to, you can go to part IX (Cosmo Canyon) before this part. You can get better weapons and stuff there, but the enemies are a bit harder there too. Once you go in, you have to complete the section before you can leave. When you get in to Gongaga, you will see Reno and Rude talking about Aeris and Tifa. Then you will fight them. Reno has 2000 HP and Rude has 2000 HP as well. After you win, you will get Fairy Tale. Then, go up to the dead reactor. You can steal Phoenix Downs from the Big guys in the reactor screen if you need any. When you get to the reactor, Scarlet and Tseng will show up and you will learn about Huge Materia (ha! weapon!). After they leave, check where Scarlet checked and you will get Titan Summoning Matiera. After all that, go back to where you fought Reno and Rude and go left to the next screen and get the Deathblow Materia then go into town. Shop and stuff (be sure to buy Time Materia from the accessories lady and get the treasure chests scattered across town) then go to the house nearest the exit (Zack's house, you probably don't know him yet). You will learn a little bit about Zack and Aeris will leave the house. Follow her out and you will learn about her and Zack's relationship. Now, there's realy no point in hanging out here, so head off to Cosmo Canyon for Section IX. Be sure that you don't drive past Cosmo Canyon or your buggy will break (it'll get fixed though). While your out and around, go into a forest between Gongaga and Cosmo Canyon and you will fight a ninja girl. Beat here and after he battle, she will be laying there. She will jump up and ask you to fight, decline, she will ask if your scared, tell her your petrified, she will say she's leaving, tell her to wait, then she will offer to give her a name, tell her there's no time to. Whatever you do, don't go and save at the save point, she will steal money from you. I was joking around when I named Yuffie and somehow she managed to end up with the name "you bitch". I didn't remember that I didn't want to save when she has that name, but I guess I'm screwed now! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= IX. COSMO CANYON COSMOS Once you get in Cosmo Canyon, you will be greeted by a man who knows Red XIII (Nanaki). Then, when you can finally go in, go up to Bugenhagens place up high on the left side of town. He will ask you to pick 2 more party members, go talk to one (you will be able to select from all your party members when you talk to one person) and come back. Bugenhagen will take you up in his machine and show ou about Earth and all that astronomy stuff. After all that, you are ready to roam the place. Go up to the Cosmo Candle (flame in the center of town) and talk to everybody. After talking to everybody then Red XIII, go up to the locked door by the ladder leading to Bugenhagens house. Then you will go through it and down to the Cave of the GI. You will have to go in the little cave things and break open the rocks to open a door at the end. Break open the one closest to it to do it. Once you open the door, go through it. You will be in a maze-like area, I will leave finding the items up to you because it's not that hard. Just watch out on the part where the ground looks greased, if you run on it, you will go sliding into some spikes, doing mega-damage to your characters. After collecting all that you want or can, go to the top and exit. The next section is a real pain because you have no option but to fight the spiders (2200 HP)that guard the road with their webs. At the spot where there are 5 holes to go into, take the one to the right of the middle one and get the X-Potion at the end. Whatever you do, do not use it! You will find a use for it later, believe me! Then go back around and go in the one left of the middle one and follow that to the back (Man, for being that hard, the spiders sure don't give a lot!). After you pass first web on the left, go left and down, but press right as you walk along the wall, you will get that treasure chest which contains a Fairy Ring (useful in here). Then go past the other web and before the eixt, run left along the wall to get the Turbo Ether that awaits in the treasure chest. Then leave this screen. Now, don't bother with this boss, he's easy as cake as long as you didn't use the X-Potion. Just use it on him if you didn't already and BOOM! he's dead! Funny huh! It just does 5500 damage and it's over! After it dies, equip the Wizer Staff on Aeris (if she's in your group) and grab the Gravity Materia lying on the floor and follow everybody past the screen. (OK, my Playstation disc is going to lead me to suicide if it doesn't start cooperating with me soon, it keeps stopping, not locking-up, and I have to take the disc out and clean it or just open and close the disc cover and it will start up, but now it won't!ARGH!). After you learn about Seto, you will be back at the Cosmo Candle. After you leave, contrary to what Cloud thinks, Red will join the group. Put him in your party or the next time he's your party, equip the Saraph Comb on him (an extremely good weapon). Your buggy's fixed if it broke down also. Now you get to head off to Nibelheim, Cloud's home town. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= X. NIBELHEIMLICH MANEUVER Once you get into Nibelheim, go around and you will see black cloaked guys. Some of them will give you very useful items when you talk to them. Make sure you talk to all of them. Also, be sure to go to Tifa's room in her house and read the letter that's there, it will explain a lot. After you have roamed the city, go to the Shinra Mansion at the top of town. Beware in here, you can fight people. Be ESPECIALLY aware of the floating pumpkin guys, they are ruthless! I would suggest running away if you can't handle it! Use Demi on the guy hanging from the blade. Also remeber to get the ???? Enemy Skill from the guys with weights. In here is the safe where Odin, the Basement Key, and Cosmo Memory is located. It's in the top room on the second story at the left. Use the combination Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, and Right 97 to open it. But beware, there is a hard boss guarding it. So make sure your ready if you do it. He has 7000 HP and there are 2 stages of him, hard and harder. Watch out for Lost Punch, it can do 1000-2500 damage! Choco/Mog and Cross-Slash is good on him. Haste yourself and try to stop him with Seal Evil also. Man, talk about a hard battle! That bastard son of a bitch killed Aeris 3 turns before he died! Argh. Oh, well, when he dies, grab Odin (all hail Odin!) and get the Basement Key still inside the safe. Cosmo Memory is Red XIII's L4 Limit Item (if you don't understand limit items, here a breif explanation: when you get a L4 limit item (say Cosmo Memory for example), you can use that to get the characters Level 4 Limit Break. Of course, it's not that easy, you have to have all the limits up to level 4 before you can use it (all level 1, 2, and 3 limits are needed). Then, you can use it on the character and WHAM! that character has that limit (don't forget to set it)). (WOW! M- Tentacles does A LOT!). Well, back to the game, go right before the stairs into a room that contains Silver M-Phone (Cait Sith's weapon). Go in the door under the stairs, you will end up at a 3 way intersection, go right and up to the other room for Twin Viper (Yuffie's weapon). Go upstairs then left (that Ghirofelgo fella is funny!) and in the plant room for Enemy Launcher, Barrets weapon. Go upstairs and right, then up for a Magic Source. Go down where you went up for the magic source and in the basement stairwell. Follow it down into the basement hallway. (you hear the music playing? I can play it on the guitar!). Follow it down. If you got the Basement Key, go to the second screen and go directly up to a room that's right out of the line of vision. (Watch out for Ying and Yang, they are pains!) Talk to the coffin in the middle and Vincent will come out. When you have the option of talking, talk about Sephiroth, (aha! my Excessive Speed demo download is complete! 18.6 friggin megs!) and he will go back in his coffin. Talk to him again and ask him who he is. You will get to name him (not a vulgar name this time, I named him Raziel after Raziel from Legacy of Kain). He will again close the coffin. This time leave and run off, he will come to you and join your group. (Sorry Vincent, Aeris and Red XIII are more important right now). Then after all that (if you did it), go to the right end and in the basement door. Go to the back and you will meet Sephiroth. He will tell you about the Reunion and to go to Mt. Nibel to find out more. he will then throw Destruct materia at you. Now leave and go outside of the Shinra Mansion. Once you are outside it, follow the right side of it all the way back to the area between Nibelheim and a cave. Go in the cave and you will be at Mt. Nibel. You must cross this whole area (recognize it?). Keep going and climb the first mountain to the right to get Rune Blade. Then climb the other mountain for a Plus Barrette. Then leave to the next screen to the bridge (recognixe it?). After you pass the bridge, you will end up at some tubes. The one left to the middle takes you down to the treasure box, which has All Materia in it. The one right to the middle, leads you to Powersoul (a great weapon for Tifa). While you are down here, watch out for Dragons, they have 3500 HP. If you fight it, steal Gold Armlets from it. Don't use Fire on them, it heals 'em. Next to the big spider (Materia Keeper), is a cave opening. Go in it (it's not insanely necessary, only if you want to go down all the pipes) and jump down to the other hole. Go in and go all the way to the back of the cave (don't leave) and get into the hole near the top. Follow it around to the Elixer in the chest then you can leave. You will be at that materia area and Elemental Materia will be laying on the ground. Leave and you will be at another cave. Go right and take the next left to get a Sniper CR gun for Vincent. Then go back right and down to start over from an area just like the beginning of this area, it will take you to a reactor. There's really no point in going in the reactor. Go behind the reactor and into a little door which will take you back to the tubes. Just climb the stairs to get up there (I would reccomend folding the stairs near the bottom down so you can climb up if you need to). Now would probably be a good idea to save because you are going to fight that big spider guy. Be prepared, he has 8400 HP (!) and absorbs Fire. Be sure to utilize Haste and Big Guard. Odin and Titan are both good against him as well. Make sure you have Enemy Skill because you can learn Trine from it. You will get Jem Ring and acquire the oh-so-wonderful Counter Attack Materia. Now leave to the path where the Materia Keeper was guarding and you will be back on the world map. Now, you get to go to Rocket Town! Just go around the mountains and head NW. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= XI. ROCKET TOWN!!! When you first get in here, you will notice the thing that gave this town its name...a rocket. First, run up to the man who is standing in front of a building and talk to him twice and when he asks if you will look at the rocket with him, do it and he'll give you Yoshiyuki, a great weapon for Cloud, its limitations are obvious though. Now just run around here and buy things. There are treasure chests in here, so look around for them. After you have messed around, go to Cid's house and in the backyard. You will see the Tiny Bronco in the backyard and Shera will pop out of the house. She will tell you to visit Cid in the rocket, so go up there. Talk to him (I named him Tomas) and he will tell you about his past. When he finishes, go back down and talk to Shera. Cid will come in and swear at Shera a lot and she will tell you how Shinra No.26 failed. Cid will come back in and swear at her some more. Palmer and the rest of the gang will come and Cid will go outside to talk to Rufus. (I just love the way he talks to Palmer! hahah!). Go outside and you will find out why Rufus and Palmer are here. Shera will tell you to go in the backyard and you will fight Palmer. He's not much of a challenge, but it's a good idea to get ready for him. He has 6000 HP. (Palmer getting ran over is the funniest thing!). You will get Edincoat and will get on the Tiny Bronco. It will get shot and you will land in the ocean after grabbing Cid. Now, you have to go back to the Gold Saucer area. A little bit SE of the Gold Saucer is a small house. Go there and talk to the blacksmith who lives there. After you getting all the info you want, sleep in his bed (9 people in 1 bed!?) and get over to Gold Saucer (through North Corel, the trashed city NW of G.S.).Once you are in Gold Saucer, go to Battle Square. (Doing the actual game is fun, try it, it's not easy though). When you are ready, go up the stairs near the right registration desk. Go up to the center display and talk to it, you will see the Keystone. You will have to do the battle square for him (you get the Keystone regardless of wether or not you win; I almost beat it, so I can't tell what you get when you beat it for him). When you try to leave, you will find that the tram is out of order and you have to stay here for a while. You will be at the creepy hotel and you will tell your story to everybody. Then, you will have to go with Tifa/Aeris/Yuffie to the Event Square. It really doesn't matter what you say, but I think you might be able to figure out how to really do the play. Then, you two will go on the Round Square tram ride. (The videos are cool). You will then have to chase that Cait Sith fellow around. He has the Keystone. He will give it to Tseng who you will later meet at the Temple of the Ancients. Cait Sith is R-...whoa! I guess I shouldn't blow it for you! You won't understand the thing he plays for you unless this is your second time through the game and understand what he's playing. You will end up in your room where you can take an Elixer from the wardrobe. Now you can leave to the Temple of the Ancients, which is a bit South of Midgar in a forest. You'll have to use Tiny Bronco to get there. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= XII. GET LOST AT THE TEMPLE OF THE ANCIENTS Now, before you go to in the temple, you may want to listen to what I have to say: if you like Aeris (as a character), take her out and treasure the moments you have with her. When you feel ready to go inside the Temple, do so, just use Aeris as much as you can. (People who have gone through this part of the game before know why you might want to level her up). Once you get in, talk to the dead black-cloaked guy and go in. You will meet Tseng and he will give you the Keystone. Place it on the altar and you will go down into the labyrith part of this place. It is so easy to get lost, so you might want to follow these instructions word for word. Go up the first small set of stairs leading to a larger set. Don't go up it but go around and down the other stairs. Go in the little cave and climb down the vines. Go strait under the BIG stairs and get the Trident in the treasure chest. You can steal Hi- Potions from the DoorBulls (centaur guys), Antidotes from the centipede guys, and Remedys from the sphinx guys. Go down the stairs in front of the treasure chest and climb up the vines. Go left of the cave and go after the wizard guy into the cave there (be sure to grab the Mind Source next to the stairs). Go in the cave and talk to the wizard guy. After everybody gets in your group again, talk to him again and you can buy/sell things, rest for free, and save (be sure to get the Silver Rifle in the chest). Then go out and go down the vine. Once you go down the vine, go down towards the Turbo Ether (you cannot see the entrance) and get it. Then go down the stairs and get the Rocket Punch in the treasure chest. Then go over towards the wizard and climb the vines, but don't follow him into the cave. Go up the stiars and climb the big vine there and go under the stairs to get "Lucky Plus" materia (it's really called "Luck Plus"). Then go into the cave where the wizard guy went. You will be at a challenging section where you must get in the little space inside the rocks that fall (be sure to get Morph Materia). Once you get to the end, Aeris will tell you to go to the pool where Morph was. You will see what Sephiroth is doing through Aeris. He kills Tseng and it will be over. When you are back at the pool, watch it, Sephiroth will jump in and out of it. Go away from the pool and you can rest and save using the wizard guy. I would suggest saving. Then go down the stairs and you will be at a fun part. You control where time leads and this is what each part of the clock is: I.A chest containing a battle. II.Rocks III.A chest containg a pain-in-the-ass battle IV.Princess Guard (Aeris' best weapon) V.Leads to treasure chest in labyrinth, contains the almighty Ribbon VI.Game where you have to catch the wizard guy, then leads to the place where Sephiroth was with the pictures on the walls. VII.Trumpet Shell VIII.Megalixer IX.Rocks X.Where you start from XI.Rocks XII.Big Bad Wall Boss (do it last, please!) (while crossing the numbers, you can get knocked off by the second hand. If you do , you get to fight 2 Ancient Dragons (don't worry, not full- fledged dragons) and you get a Nail Bat in the treasure chest. When you leave, you will be at the labyrinth outside the cave you couldn't go in before. Now you get to go through all that stuff again). You will probably want to go in I-V, and VII-XI before hitting VI and XII. Then go in VI first. When you go in VI, play the wizards little game and get the key to go in the room with the murals on the walls. When you go in, you will meet Sephiroth and he will tell you a vague version of his plan. He will leave and Cloud will go crazy. You will then fight a Red Dragon. He has 6800 HP and gives you a Dragon Armlet. Don't use Fire on him (I think, I didn't try it, I was too busy whooping his ass). Once he dies, grab the (ooooooohhhhh!!!!) BAHUMUT SUMMONING MATERIA!!! Yeah, Buhumut kicks ass. Then, go over to the right side of the room and you will see a floating pyramid. You will find out about what the Black Materia is and Cait Sith will volunteer his lifeless body to be the dummy that gets destroys the Temple. After all that, go out to the clock and go to XII (do you really have a choice?). I would suggest getting ready for a more challenging boss fight here. Heal up using the wizard if you need to. Run up to the door and you will trigger the boss fight with a ...wall...ahem. Doesn't really inject a great amount fear into you. He has 10000 HP. Cait Sith will go away and the Temple will fall to the ground. Cloud will give the Black Materia to Sephiroth (!) and Aeris will leave your group for a while... You will wake up at Gongaga where Barret and Tifa are there to greet you. Then, get yourself ready, get in the conviently placed Tiny Bronco (on the shore by Gongaga) and head up to the North Continent, to a city on the SE part. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ XIII. FORGOTTEN CAPITOL PUNISHMENT Once you get in Bone Village, you will come upon a bunch of guys digging in the ground. Ask the guy standing in the doorway to either buy things or hire people to try to find the Lunar Harp for you. Hire guys to get the Lunar Harp (you really don't need to use them, just use that option). The Lunar Harp is on the higher level up the ladder and to the right of the smoke coming out of the building on the first level. Once, you get it, go to the forest at the back and go through it. On the second screen (where the camera is at a top-down perspective) watch for a red dot floating around under the trees. Grab it and you will be rewarded with Kjata Summoning Materia then go up. Once you enter this sea-ish area, go right of the stairs and under the log for a Water Ring. Then go through the log and and follow the path down. Then enter Forgotten Capitol and go left and in the building for a Magic Source. Then go back out and go right this time instead of left. Go inside the first building on the right for a Guard Source at the top. Then to the next building to the right for an Elixer and a rest. Rest and in the middle of the night, Cloud will get up. Go back to where you can go left, up, or right and go left to save or up to continue. Go up all the way to the lake then in the little shell house. (it's getting closer!). When you get in, go all the way to the top and get, oh yeah!, Comet materia. Then go back to the main floor and through the little grassy circle down to a crystallized cave. Go down the steps and save. Get ready for a boss fight with another Jenova.She's pretty much water based so, make sure you have Water Ring on. Go over to where Aeris is knelt in prayer and talk to her. Swing your sword at her and Sephiroth will come down and kill Aeris. For good. Aeris is dead forever. Sephiroth will fly off and you will fight Jenova Life. She has about 14000 HP (I never checked, I didn't have Sense equipped) and is weak against Lightning. After the battle, you will lay Aeris to die in the lake. End of disc 2. STATS: TIME: 36:04 GIL: 78005 LEVELS: Cloud lv47, Tifa lv40, Barret lv39, Red XIII lv42, Yuffie lv38, Cait Sith lv38, Cid lv41, Vincent lv43, Aeris lv44. LIMITS: (only good ones): Cloud (Finishing Touch), Tifa (Waterkick), Vincent (Hellmasker), Red XIII (Lunatic High). =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Disc 2 XIV. 'TIS COLD IN THE ICICLE INN When disc 2 starts up, you will still be at Forgotten Capitol. Go outside and follow Sephiroth. Get the treasure box containing Viper Halberd (Cid's weapon) and climb the big tree thing. (While out here, steal Water Rings from the giant crab guys). Once you get in, climb around, getting the items and get to the ladder and go to the bottom on it. Then go all the way up the ladder to the top of the screen and into the cave. Get the Power Source and leave this cave. Then go basically NW to a town called Icicle Inn. Go in and buy things (ooooohh, Organics). (Don't forget the X-Potion at the topp floor of the inn, by the window). When finsihed, get the Glacier Map and go to the back of town and go down and talk to the person there. Elena and friends will show up. When she goes to slap you, press left to dodge the blow. Then, after she falls down the hill, go in the house with the dog outside (near the entrance of the town) and get the snowboard iat the back. You'll have to talk to the little boy first. Then you can go down by the lady at the back of town. You will get to snowboard now. It really doesn't matter where you go and how many baloons you get, so just get to the end. At the end, you will land somewhere (determined by the paths taken while snowboarding). While out here, you have about 15-30 minutes (real-time) to run around and not pass out. Get to NE area of the glacier (follow the map if needed by pressing square at landmarks) and go up at the 4 way intersection. Go left and get the Added Cut materia laying there in the snow. Then go left another screen and you should be at a hot spring area. Go up to it and touch it. Then, around the same 4-way intersection is another 4-way intersection that leads to a cave if you go up at it. Go in when you find at and talk to the guy (that's why you touched the hot spring) and you will fight him (her?). When you win, you will get Alexander Summoning Materia. Be sure to grab the All in the cave at the windy plains area (where you drop the red flags) and get the Safety Bit from the tent in the island after near the right side of the glacier. Also, steal Circlets from Snow (lady wearing a swimsuit in the snow). Then (if you haven't already made a stop by there) get to the top of the area and go up to Gaea's Cliff. Climb up to the first cave (make sure you raise your body temperature at each platform) and go in the first opening and take the one immediately to the left. Grab the Javelin (Cid's weapon) and go in the cave next to that. Then, go through the hole and push the boulder over, breaking some icicles blocking the road. Go back to where you went left then down and go up (you couldn't before). Go through the hole after you go in and follow the trail outside. Climb up (way up) to the next cave and go in. Get the Elixer in the chest and save (you can't get the item in the box up there yet). Then go in the only opening you can. Follow the trail around and go in the cave. Grab the Fire Armlet before you go under the big icicles. Then you get to fight the icicles (...). Fight all four of them (Fire 2 or 3 should do it)to get the Last Elixer (it's really just a megalixer (I think it might be 2 of them). You don't neccissarily have to fight the bats, just kill the icicle and the battle will end. Make sure you don't jump down or yer screwed. After you get it, then jump down and all the icicles you fought are in the slots down there. Go up to the chest near the Save Point (you couldn't reach it before, remember?) and get the Speed Source in it. Go back down and up to the other new cave hole. It probably wouldn't be all that bad of an idea to save now as well, you are fighting a boss soon. Grab the Enhance Sword in the box (not all that great if you bought Organics) and follow the trail around. Be sure to get the Bad Breath Enemy Skill from Marlboros (big toothy plant guy). (Make sure you have Ribbon equipped on one of your guys when he uses Bad Breath, or you will die). Follow the trail until you get back outside. Climb up again and go in the cave. You should probably save. Then, talkto the bright spot and your HP/MP will be restored. Go around and you will fight the boss, a double headed dragon. Shizo Right has 18000 HP and Shizo Left has 18000 HP. Shizo Left is immune to Fire and Shizo Right is immune to Ice. You get a cheap Dragon Fang when you win. Then go out and climb the hill (you don't have to replenish your body temp.) When you scale the hill, you might recognize the video, one of the frames of it is the logo for my website ( Now you will be at the North Cave. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= XV. NORTH CAVE, ANYBODY? When you arrive, you will be going down a slope. Go down more and a black-cloaked guy will die before you. Then go down and you will be at a cool looking part. Keep going and get the (oooooooooohhhhh yeah!) Neo Bahumut. Then save and keep going. Follow the trail until you meet up with Sephiroth, he will fly up and you will fight Jenova Death. She has 25000 HP. After she dies, give the black materia to either Red XIII or Barret (you can't give it to one of them if that one is in your group). Then grab the MP Turbo materia lying on the ground. Then save and get the Poison Ring and go up, out of the screen. After you pass the third and final barrier, you will go into one of Sephiroth's illusions. Just follow along with it until it ends with a scene with Rufus, Hojo, and Scarlet. (when the Earth starts shaking, watch the green eye that opens and closes briefly). Go through more cinema and the coolest videos in the game and you will be in Junon. Weapon and Meteor will be summoned and all looks pretty bad right now. Follow Tifa and the Shinra guard to the chamber where they will die. (recognize the big fat guy in the chair?). Tifa will get sent to the chamber where she dies and when the guard leaves, he drops the key that Tifa needs to get out (..hmmmm....). Then, when Cait Sith pops out of his disguise, equip him with stuff and have Barret go try to open the door where Tifa is. Weapon will get a blast from Junon's cannon and the video is awesome. Then, when you can control Barret again, get to the airport. Talk to Yuffie (if you got her) and she will join your group. Then keep going until you reach the Airship itself. You will be back to Tifa and use this combination to get the key and use it: grab the key with your feet using O and X, unlock her right hand using Triangle and X, then use Square to use her right hand to free the left hand. The water Weapon blows a conveniently place hole in the ceiling above Tifa where you can climb out. Climb down Junon and onto the cannon. (watch the Shinra guards fall off. Hahahah!). At hte end of the cannon, Scarlet will meet you and you will have a bitch fight up there. it doesn't matter whether you win or not, but Barret will drop a rope down from Highwind (the Airship) and you will have it after a little bit of dialogue (woooohoooooo!). At this part, you have a few options you can choose from: (1)Go to Wutai and get Yuffies little subquest done with, (2)Get a Gold Chocobo, or (3) go to Mideel (next part in the game). If you do Yuffie's subquest, just go to section XVI, if you are going to get a Gold Chocobo, go to section XVII, and if you go to Mideel, go to section XVIII. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= XVI. WU-TAI CLAN Wutai is located on the island keys on the far West. It is in an open area by the shore on the Northern section of the keys. When you get there, Yuffie will stop you and Shinra guards will fight you. Yuffie will steal most of your materia (pretty much everything except Magic Materias). You will have to follow her into Wutai and chase her. Go into the weapons shop above Turtle's Paradise (recognize that name?) and get the HP Absorb Materia from the treasure box (you can't get it any other time) and Yuffie will steal that from you as well. Then go to the house right next to the entrance to Wutai and talk to the little folding wall and Yuffie will pop out from behind it. She will run, follow her to Turtle's Paradise and talk to the wiggling barrel out front. Follow her back to her house and to her basement. She will give a little sob story and you will have to push a lever. It doesn't matter what one you push because a cage will drop and Yuffie will run off again. Then head towards the pagoda on the West side of town and into the buiding on the right. Hit the gong at the top and a door will open. Go in the door and find that Yuffie is tied by by...The Don.... Get the Swift Bolt and Elixer in the treasure chests and go up the stairs. Kill the guards and leave the building. Go over to Rude and Reno and they will agree to not fight with you. Now go (you might want to save) up to the big DaChao Statues. Follow Rude and get the Dragoon Lance from the treasure chest in the cave he's standing by then go out and down. You will see Yuffie and Elena tied up and Corneo standing there. You will fight Rapps. He has 6000 HP. He's very resistant to magic and is weak against physicak attacks (makes sense). You get Peace Ring when you win. The Turks will come and put Corneo to rest, a long and deep rest, far into the ground. Then, Yuffie will give you your materia back (not in the right places). +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= XVII. CHOCOBO RAISING BONANZA Stage 1 of raising a chocobo: Go to the chocobo farm and rent all the available stables. If you can't rent any, you are too early. It will take a bit to but the stables when talking to the lady in the house (not the barn; this lady watched you in your sleep while sleeping in the house). This will cost about 60,000 gil (70,000 if you haven't already bought Chocobo Lure; you can also find it lying in the bottom-right corner of the first chocobo farm screen, below the fence. Stage 2 of Chocobo Raising: You will need to head to the Gold Saucer area and catch a chocobo (using the equipped Chocobo Lure materia bought/found at the Chocobo Farm)accompanied by either two flying things or two flying things on the ground. Once on it in the main map, get off and choose to send to the stables (you will be prompted for this). Then head on over to Mideel and catch a chocobo accompainied by two spirals (roly-poly things). You may need to keep trying to get this kind of configuration in a battle. Go to the Chocobo Sage and buy 20, 30, or 40 Sylkis Greens (go for about 5,000 gil a piece, you will eventually need 40). Now, outside of Chocobo Sage's place, in the grassy area, or south of Chocobo Sages place, below the mountains, in the plains area, fight a Vlarkados (kangaroo-looking thing). It is rather hard if you aren't progressed very far in the game (about 30,000 HP hard). Kill/steal/morph him for a Carob Nut, you may want to do this 4 times to cover how many you will be using. Now give each of your two "great" chocobos 10 Sylkis Greens each (you can see what Chocobilly rates them when you move them from the fence area, which you will need to do, to the stables in the barn. You should have both of your chocobos "great", if not, get new ones using the method forementioned). Save your game: very important, if you do not get the chocobo you want, you can just reset and mate again. Mate your two chocobos using a Carob Nut. If all goes well, you should get a green or a blue chocobo. If not, you'll get a yellow one. If yellow, reset and mate again. Wait a while when the chocobos are ready (yellow->yellow) to mate again using Carob Nut. Save before doing this, and you should get a chocobo. Keep doing this until you get a m/f blue and a green one, opposite sex of the blue one. Race these up to "a" or "s" class at the Gold Saucer, talk to Ester and she will sign you up for a corresponding race for your chocobo. Chocobos acheived:Green, Blue Special area abilites: Green: Wutai area materia cave for Mime materia Stage 3 of raising a chocobo: Once you have an "a" or "s" class green & blue chocobo, mate them together using another Carob Nut. Save before this, so you can reset when you don't get the right chocobo. You should get a black chocobo. Go catch a chocobo on the SW corner of the North Continent (snow-covered one), catch a "wonderful" chocobo and race the black and wonderful to "a" or "s" class. Save game. Feed them both 10 Sylkis Greens each. Mate wonderful and black together using a Zeio Nut (found at Goblin Island NE of east continent (one w/midgar); steal/morph/kill a goblin to get it (find them in the foresty area of the string of islands). You will soon get a GOLD CHOCOBO!*YAY* Chocobos acheived:Black, GOLD Special area abilities: Black: North Corel area materia cave for HP->MP Switch, Mideel area materia cave for Quadra Magic; GOLD:Round Island for Knights of Round. NOW YOU ARE THE PROUD OWNER OF ALL THE CHOCOBOS! They will come in handy sometimes. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= XVII. MIDEEL WITH IT This shouldn't really be counted as a section but, it passes as one for me. Go to Mideel (South of Fort Condor, on an island) and buy things (notice the "Crystal" theme?). Then go to the weapons shop and try to go into the door in the back area. It is locked. Go across the bridge thing and walk behind the old man standing by the buiding until you hear a clink sound (you may have to walk back and forth a few times). Talk to it and you will get the key needed for the door. Then go back to the weapons shop and try the door. The key will break and the cashier will question you, tell him the truth and he will tell you that the door you were trying to open is a painting. He will give you Curse Ring. Then, if you want Contain Materia (I would suggest getting it), gleave and go to the Chocobo Farm and buy a Mimmett Green. Go back to Mideel and talk to one of the white chocobos running around in the stores. It will ask for Samolen Greens (don't worry, thats another name for Mimmett Greens), give it some. Then, when you get the option to tickle it, do it behind its ears. It will throw Contain Materia at you and you will have it. After you are finished, go under the bridge and you will learn that Cloud washed up to Mideel. Tifa will go and stay with Cloud for a while and you will be in control of Cid. Now, leave for Corel. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ XIV. HUGE MATERIA QUEST 1: NORTH COREL When you go to Corel, you can either go the back way (by Costa Del Sol) or go in the city itself and go to the back entrance. You will be going to the reactor at Mt. Corel. Go up to the entrance and kill the guards there. A train will come out and you will have to follow it on another one. You have 10 minutes to get to the front of the other train. There will be a battle on each car, geting harder each car. You can steal Warrior Bangles from the steel bird at the end of the train. When you kill the Shinra Guard at the end, slowing down doesn't matter all that much, just as long as you have time left. Then you will get the Huge Materia. The little kid who said he saw something in a well last time you were here will give you Ultima Materia (ooooooooooohhhhhyyyyeeeeeaaaaaaa!!!!!). +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= XV. HUGE MATERIA QUEST 2: FORT CONDOR Fort Condor is located North of Mideel, go there and talk to the guy out front, then climb your way in. Talk to the guy sitting at the table and he will fill you in on the details. When finished, go down the ladder and rest/save. Then go up and buy Materia (oohh, the only place in the game where you can buy All Materia) and items. After you are finished dilly-dallying around down there, climb WAY up to the top and talk to the guy standing on a chest. You will then be at the Fort Condor wargame. Set as many troops as you can and play this however you want. If you win, whooptydoo, if you lose, you have to fight a weak boss, whooptydoo. The best guys to use are Defenders. Unfortunately, you don't get anything for halting the attack. After you win, you might recognize the Condor video from my Materia section at my website ( When the guy tells you to go outside, do it and you can get Phoenix Summoning Materia out there (oooooohhhhh yah!!). Then go back in and talk to the guy at the table downstairs. He will give you the second Huge Materia and you will decide o go to Mideel to check on Cloud. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= XVI. MIDEEALT WITH IT When you get back to Mideel, go back into the hospital and check on the little guy (Cloud). When the Earth starts shaking, go outside to fight Ultima Weapon breifly. Ultima Weapon withstands about 10000 HP. You can steal Curse Ring from it before it leaves. When it flys away, the Lifestream begins to gush up and Cloud and Tifa fall in. Now, brace yourself because this part here will take about a half and hour to and hour to go through. I won't even bother explaining it to you. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= XVII. HUGE MATERIA QUEST 3: JUNON This is a fairly easy task, just go to Upper Junon and get to the tunnel where the Shinra guys are practicing. (before that, Cloud says he feels like he's forgetting something, I have yet, in my 1 and a half years of owning this game, to figure this one out, I don't know what he's missing if anything). (another thing, while in the hallway, this is just for fun, hit the big red button to sound an apocalypse alarm, heheheh). Follow the Shinra troops and just keep going down the hallway until you meet Reno by the submarine docks. He will move back and you will fight Carry Armor. He has 25000 HP and is weak against lightning. Use All->Lightning and Trine to put him off. Use your best summons too. If you keep fighting hard, you should be able to beat him (I finished him in about 1 and a half minutes). Just make sure that you always have Regen on and maybe even MBarrier because that damned pain in the ass Lapis Laser that does about 1500 damage. But, kill it before it kills you. After it dies, get the items around there (Leviathan Scales, Scimitar, and some other item, I don't remember the name, I wasn't typing this when I went through it). Then get the Submarine and when you can use it, go down and get the red sub's Huge Materia. It's in the greenish tall grass area near where the Temple of the Ancients used to be. Then, go up near the East side of the North Continent and get the Ancient Key (its tucked away in a cave). Whatever you do while you are down here, DO NOT RUN INTO THE GUY FLOATING AROUND THERE, HE HAS 1,000,000 HIT POINTS AND WILL KILL YOU IN A SECOND!!! If you dare fight him, you might want to go here: Now head off to Rocket Town! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= XVIII. HUGE MATERIA QUEST 4: ROCKET TOWN When you get into Rocket Town, go up to the Shinra 26 rocket and fight off the Shinra soldiers. Then fight off Rude and 2 guards. Don't worry about the guards, kill them off and kill Rude. He has 9000 HP. Be sure to steal Zeidrich from him, it's very good despite it's 0 Materia slots. When you finish off Rude, go inside the rockets cockpit and you will get to space......ahem. When the rocket blasts off and after a bit of dialoague and when you can move around don't leave the cockpit, go up the ladder and get the materia in there. I don't know the passcode, so don't even ask me...................................... ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ....actually, I do know it, but I'm not telling you what it is, so thats that! Actually, the passcode is CIRCLE, SQUARE, X, X. The forcefield will open up and you will be able to get the Huge Materia from it. Then go out of the cockpit and go down the ladder and follow the path to the escape pod. Shera will show up and you will bail out of the rocket in the pod. The rocket doesn't do what everybody expected it to do, it only broke off peices of Meteor. You will have to go to Cosmo Canyon to see Bugenhagen so go there. (I won't make a new section for this). Go in his room and into the machine room. Talk to him and he'll take you up there and he'll hold on to the Huge Materias. When you go up, talk to the blue Huge Materia and you will get Bahumut ZERO, but only if you have Bahumut and Neo Bahumut. If you don't have those, you can't go back and get them. Now you will have to get the Key To The Ancients underwater (if you haven't already gotten it). Then go up through Bone Village and up to Forgotten Capitol. Go left at the intersection and follow the path to the grassy cave. Go in and go down the steps to the treasure chest containing Aurora Armlet. Go up and over to where ole Boognhaygn is. A bit of dialogue, blah, blah, blah and yer out. Now you get to go to good old Midgar. Leave and head over there. When you enter the Airship, Diamond Weapon emerges from the water. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= XIX. MIDGAR MADNESS 2: THE MAYHEM CONTINUES Go over to the shores north of Midgar and wait for Diamond Weapon, you will fight him. In this times, I would suggest getting ready. Heal up and equip good stuff. When you fight him, steal Rising Sun from him. He has about 35000 HP (you can't sense, so I am guessing). Ultima and Bahumut ZERO are good against him. So is Ice. You had better be happy about what he gives you, you get 25000 EXP when he dies and 3500 AP as well. After it dies, you will have to fly to the North Cave, then you will have to fly back. In between, you will find out that Cait Sith is Reeve, or is at least controlling him. When you get to Midgar, you will parachute out of the airship and land in Midgar. Follow Cait Sith and talk to him and he will open the gate to Lower Midgar (I would suggest saving). Climb all the way down the ladder and go up the ladder to the left for a Aegis Armlet. Then climb back down and go right at the first ladder you came down and fall down to the lower level. Climb the ladder at the back and climb up. Get the Starlight Phone and Elixer and climb down and jump down to the little tube and climb up. Then climb up the ladder there and get the Max Ray at the top. Go back to the bottom of the tube and climb the ladder right by it and go up the stairs. Save at the top of the stairs and go in the hole. When you come out at the other end, you will fight Elena, Reno, and Rude. Rude has 28000 HP and you can steal a Zeidrich from him, Reno has 25000 HP and you can steal Touph Ring from him, and Elena has about 26000 HP (you can't Sense her) and you can steal Minerva Band from her. When she loses, go down the corridor 8 screens for a Power Source, 10 screens for a Guard Source, 12 screens for a Mind and Magic Source, and 13 screens for the almighty W- Item. Then you get to go all the way back up. When you get back to the main sewer screen (the one with the ladder), go up 3 screens and go left instead of right, into a little branch off the sewer. Then climb up the ladder and you will be able to go to the Shinra HQ. Go in and go to the back of the first floor and talk to the Turtle's Paradise Newsletter on the bulletin board. Then go up the stairs (not the elevator) and go in the little shop and steal Pile Bunker (it says Pile Bunker when you get the item, but when you go to equip it, it says it's Pile Banger...???) and Master Fist from the treasure chests. Then go out and take the elevator to the 64th floor. When you get in there, talk to the lockers and get the HP Shout (Cait Sith's best weapon). Then leave the HQ and go down 2 screens and go left there instead of right. Climb up the bar structure and fight Proud Clod (Proud Cloud???). He has about 50000 HP and is a little resistant to magic attacks, but Bolt and Ultima do him fine. You get the almighty Ragnarok when he dies. Put Barret in your group (if he isn't already) and save and go up the stairs. On the stairs, near the railing will be Missing Score, Barrets best weapon. Equip it and go up the stairs and fight Hojo. He has 5 forms. The first level has 3 weaker forms (all under 10000 HP), the second form has 25000 HP and the final form has about 50000 HP (you can't Sense it). Hojo is weak against Ultima and really isn't resistant to anything. Just Haste/Wall (of Barrier/MBarrier)/Regen yourself and you will succeed. After you beat him you will go through a lot of dialogue. end of disc 2 STATS: TIME:50:42 GIL: 253503 LEVELS: Cloud lv60, Barret lv57, Cid lv55, Tifa lv53, Red XIII lv52, Yuffie lv50, Cait Sith lv50, Vincent lv53. LIMITS: Cloud (Finishing Touch), Barret (Satelite Beam), Tifa (Meteodrive) +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= disc 3 XX. NORTH CAVE ANYBODY, AGAIN? this is just the North Cave section off of my website, it is subject to change Section 1 You will start off outside the airship. Take the ladder down the side of it and follow the path to where Cloud asks if you are gonna run down yet. Run down and you will be at the beginning of the cave. Make sure you have plenty of Ether/Turbo Ether/Elixer/Megalixers and Phoenix Downs when you are travelling down the North Cave. I reccomend being about level 45-60 in this area. Jump down and go to the treasure chest where you will get the vital "Save Point" item (there are no save points in the North Cave if you were wondering). Don't use the item yet, you will want it for later. Follow the spiral down down to the bottom fighting Gargoyles (2000 HP), Parasites (6000 HP), and Dark Dragons (14000 HP). When you fight the Gargoyles, they cast "L4 Death" when they die, so make sure any of your characters who have a level that is divisible by 4 (ex. lv40, lv44, lv48...) are defended by the "Death Force" enemy skill (recieved from Adamantanai (big turtle guy) by Wutai beach(Manipulate it)) or have exited the battle (using "Exit" materia). Exit this section right at the bottom. Section 2 When you start in this area, you will have the option of going the quick way (go right), collecting minimum items or the long way (go left), collecting items and a materia (HP Absorb). QUICK WAY: go right and down to the bottom-right, collecting some helpful items. SLOW WAY: jump down the ledge you start on, go left and jump up to the treasure chest then go right on that ledge and you will get HP Absorb. Then just follow the path down collecting several items, fighting Parasites (6000 HP) and Gargoyles (2000 HP, be careful of "L4 Death!)). When you reach the bottom, go right to the end of the screen to exit this section. If you want to get all the items, go down the quick way and come back up the long way. You can't go up the quick from the bottom. Section 3 This is the most confusing part in the game. Once again, there is a quick and slow way, each with the same drawbacks as Section 2's. You will be fighting Dark Dragons (14000 HP), Master Tonberry's (44,444 HP; morph for a Ribbon), and Scissors' (2900 HP). FAST WAY: After you jump off the ledge you began on, go right (not left to the cave). You will jump down a hole that you cannot see. At the ledge you are on now, go left to pick up the item in the treasure chest. Then jump off again at the right. Go in the cave and follow it around to the outside. Then go left right off the edge. When you land, jump down to the right and jump down the rest of the ledges to the left, down to the end of the section. SLOW WAY: When you start at the ledge, jump off to the right (not into the cave, into a hole hidden behind some rocks). Then go right to the edge of the ledge (DO NOT JUMP OFF). When it says "Push (OK) button to jump", push (OK) and jump to the edge where you can walk to the left, off the edge and go in the cave. When you get the item (I believe it is a Megalixer), go back out and go to the left of the sceen, you will drop off yet another hole that you cannot see, down to a cave hole. Go in the cave and collect the contents of the chests you see, go in the black hole near the top-right corner, to the chest. Go back out the top of the cave. When you are out, go to the fast way part at the top of this section to exit it. Section 4 This is where you meet up with the rest of your party and will decide which of the two ways you will go. This is a good place to use your Save Crystal. Choose your current party (by sending them in the same direction as you). You can fight Dark Dragons (14000 HP), Parasites (8000 HP), Master Tonberry's (44,444 HP) and Dragon Zombies (13000 HP). At this point you can go to Section 5A for going RIGHT at the fork, Section 5B for taking a LEFT. (HELPFUL HINT: if you are not going RIGHT and Tifa isn't in your group you are using now, send her RIGHT, you'll see why in Section 7..., also, send Yuffie LEFT if she's not in your group regardless if you're going LEFT or RIGHT, you'll see why in Section 5B...) Section 5A This is basically just a spiral that goes down to a skeleton of a dead monster. You can't go back up after you drop off of the spiral. Follow the spiral down fighting Pollensaltas (4000 HP), Malboros (4400 HP), Death Dealers (7000 HP -learn E. Skill "Roullete" from them), Dragon Zombies (13000 HP), and Parasites (8000 HP). Once you reach the bottom, get the treasure chest directly to your right (between two egg things) for a Tetra-Elemental. Then go up and right for the treasure chest that contains teh all-mighty Mystile, EQUIP THIS IMMEDIATELY!!! You go between some eggs to the left to get a treasure chest at the far left side. Go to the end where it is reddish colored and follow the skeleton to the bottom where you will end up meeting the rest of your party once again. Section 5B In the cave area where you decide UP or DOWN, you can fight King Behemoth (18000 HP), Armored Golem (10000 HP), and Allemagne (8000 HP; you remember Eye/Phantom and Evileye/Floating Eye from the other Final Fantasies don't you!) in this cave area. If you go UP skip to section 6A, if you go DOWN, go to section 6B. You can exit this cave by going directly up. (HELPFUL HINT: if you aren't going UP, and Yuffie isn't in your group send Yuffie UP, you'll see why in Section 7...) Section 6A This is the funnest section (as well as having the most rewards!). I think this section has the best graphics in all of FF7. In this section you will fight Master Tonberry (44,444 HP), Movers (Morph for a Protect Ring (automatically sets up [Barrier/MBarrier], fight in sets pf three, convenient huh?; 3000 HP 9000 AP!!!), Allemagne (8000 HP), Christopher (6000 HP) and Gighee (5500 HP), Magic Pots (use Elixers on them, then you can kill it for 8000 EXP/1000 AP; 4096 HP), You will start on a mound, jump down and go right, jump the mound for an treasure chest, or go left. Going left will force you to go underwater at the green stain at the end of the path. Follow the trail (going left for the treasure box) and you will exit this screen. Go right at the path break for a treasure chest or go right then left for a treasure chest, up and on the bank for Shield materia, or up and on the hill, then down at the green stain and underwater for a treasure chest. There is little trick in this area: at the chest after you go underwater, you can go in front of the chest and underwater to get to the end of this screen, and back to the chest the same way. Exit this screen by going on the bank at the right. This is a cool little area, you can fight King Behemoths (18000 HP), Master Tonberrys (44,444 HP), Armored Golems (10000 HP), Allemagnes (8000 HP), Parasites (8000 HP), and Dark Dragons (14000 HP) here. At the top of the bright light (Holy?...), pick up either W-Magic or Counter materia (sorry, I can't remember what one was where, I had already gotten them when I came here for this strategy), pick up the other materia directly above the light in the bushes (you can kinda see it). Exit this section by going in the hole all the way to the left. Section 6B This section is pretty much a bore. It just isn't fun. But it has some useful items. You can fight Parasites (8000 HP), Master Tonberrys (44,444 HP), Allemagnes (8000 HP), Armored Golems (10000 HP), Start off by going down the steps and grabbing the treasure chest to the left. Go right and up for another chest. Go down and exit this screen (grab the chest to your left). When you start this screen, head down and jump down off the step. Pick up the chest to your left and go around to the right, picking up the chest to your right. Move behind the big step and keep heading left. Before you go down, get the Magic Counter floating in front of the waterfall (it's white on white so look hard). Run down to exit this screen. Jump down and pick up the contents of the treasure chest and head left. Keep going down and go up where the trail splits. Before you jump up to the large piece of land, grab the Mega-All materia (you'll have to do it while jumping, once you touch the step before the big land area) Grab the treasure chest on this piece of land at the far left. Go down and exit this section. Section 7 This is where your group will meet up again. Grab the treasure chest before you talk to them. Going back up Section 6B is the only way back out from here. Talk to all your group members to get items from the people (if you followed my instructions in Section 4, you will get Mystile from Tifa!!!, and if you followed my instructions in section Section4 and 5B, you will get Counter materia from Yuffie!!!). Pick your group and head down into Section 8. Section 8 This isn't a very hard section, but hurry through here, keep your HP and MP high for what follows. You will fight Allemagnes (8000 HP), Dragon Zombies (13000 HP), and Iron Man (morph for Escort Guard; 20000 HP). There's nothing to pick up in this level. OK, before you go down to the main ground structure, heal up for this battle, it may be hard or easy depending on your level and what you have. Fight Jenova (Jenova- SYNTHETICA about 50000 HP; 60000 EXP, 1500 AP). Kill her before she counts down (she'll cast Ultima on you if you don't kill her before she finishes (make sure you have 4000+ HP if she casts it)). Section 9 This is the end of the game, the last showdown, the final battle, the ending fight, you get the idea, but it's not over 'til ole Sephiroth takes a whacking. Choose your group(s) wisely and HEAL UP. Sephiroth A (Bizzaro-Sephiroth) This is the first Sephiroth and he's relatively easy, but can take a while to beat. His arms have about 20000 HP, his head has about 35000 HP, and his body has about 75000 HP. He heals alot and regenerates his arms/head. Just concentrate on attacking his body and don't attack the core, it won't take any damage unless its defenses are down (it'll say so). You get EXP and AP from him, but it doesn't tell you how much, I'd guess about 15000 EXP and 10000 AP. Sephiroth B (Safer-Sephiroth) This Sephiroth has cool theme music (One Winged Angel, you may be listening to it if you are my web page right now. He is the hardest Sephiroth. He has about 100,000 HP. Debarrier him when he does Wall. All I can say is watch out for Supernova (good old 4 minute long spell that drops all your party's HP into the hundreds regardless of how much HP you have now) and Heartless Angel (it is worse than Supernova, it drops all your party members to 1 HP!!!). Also watch for Shadow Flare and Pale Horse. Keep Megalixers handy!!! When you beat him, its not over yet! Sephiroth C (Sephiroth) Go through one of the coolest scenes and fight the easiest Sephiroth, he literally has 1 HP. Use the edited version of Omnislash on him (the camera looks at Sephiroth, then Cloud, then Sephiroth, then Cloud and continues near the end; you will have Omnisalash whether or not you gained it in the game). If you don't attack, Sephiroth will and will do a bit under your max HP, he will never kill you and you will Counter Attack if he hits you and you will kill him. So don't worry about him. Once he dies, go through the LONG movie and watch the credits and watch the little Red XIII and sons movie after the credits. It gets kinda weird at the end...reminds me of a screensaver doesn't it... YOU'VE BEATEN IT!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ NOW FOR THE CHOCOBO BREEDING GUIDE ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ (1.) RAISING A BLUE CHOCOBO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This type of Chocobo cannot be caught. It must be breed at the Chocobo Ranch. In order to breed this Chocobo, you need a Yellow GREAT Chocobo male or female, and a Yellow OKAY Chocobo of the other sex. You must also have the Carob Nut, which is stollen from a monster that you encounter just south of bone village (on the same continent, just directly south of the village, in the grassy plains). The monster is called "Vlakorados", which has a fairly decent amount of HP. By breeding the Male GREAT Chocobo with the OK Female Chocobo (with the Carob Nut), you get either the blue or green Chocobo, and by doing the opposite, a Male OK Chocobo with a Female GREAT chocobo, you get the other. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ (2.) RAISING A GREEN CHOCOBO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is EXACTLY the same as breeding a BLUE Chocobo. See above! ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ (3.) RAISING A BLACK CHOCOBO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to get the Black Chocobo, you need to breed a Green Chocobo with a Blue Chocobo (male and a female) by using a Carob Nut (the same Nut used to breed a Green and Blue Chocobo). ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ (4.) RAISING A GOLD CHOCOBO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to get the Gold Chocobo, you need to breed a Black Chocobo with an S- Class Chocobo using the Zeio Nut which is found on the island with the forest in the Top Right part of the world map. To get the Zeio Nut, you need to find a Goblin (in the Top Right part of the map, in the forest area) and steal one from them. Goblins are EASY to beat.. trust me. Note: You can also get a Gold Chocobo by defeating the RUBY WEAPON (in the desert area near the Gold Saucer on DISC 3), and trading the item you get from it (Desert Rose) for a Gold Chocobo from the Kalm Traveler. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-