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Sarah's World

Alrighty. CONSTRUCTION TIME! Now be patient while I try and remember HTML and email me at if anything doesn't work.

Liron's Page
Or Caroyln's Page has good Star Trek/DS9 info and isn't as scary as Liron's.

Whispers in the Mind

Here are some good Links (Buffy, Angel, Star Trek, Star Wars, poems, homepages, general fun stuff do when you're bored, and if you've gotten this far on my page then you're probably either bored or one of my friends...either way go look at the links, banish the ennui or tell me whether they all work and are happy.) Yes. Links can be happy. Quit staring and just go look at them. Right after you sign the guestbook.

. . m y g u e s t b o o k . . Okay. The internet is actually starting to cost money. Specifically, Guestbooks now cost money because the advertising wasn't paying off. So. If you want to be in my "guestbook," you'll have to actually email me at, and I'll eventually get around to making a link and posting all the information on it. You know what goes on it. Date, Name, Email, Homepage, City, State, Country, and most importantly the comments. I love comments. I also love emails. Whether or not I fail to lose them and respond is a different story :). But back to the "Guestbook." Email me the stuff and I"ll put it up, eventually, since I'm not about to pay money for that priviledge.

My name is Jake
Vampire Pet
I was adopted at the
Society for the Prevention of

Cruelty to Vampire Animals


hosted by tripod

Some legal muttering: This site is copyrighted. ALL TV shows, bands, movies, (Such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Star Trek, Star Wars, Matrix, etc) are copyrighted to their various creators/producers/etc, and the sites that they came from are in my Links section. ALL of my drawings and photographs are copyrighted to me. If you'd like to use them please email me first at Anything else probably has a link next to it and is copyrighted to the owner of that link. ALL Guild information - Names, logos, audits, etc. - are copyrighted to the Guild Commanders. My characters are copyrighted to me.