God's Mathematics

Here is an interesting little bit of information to think about. I received it from my church bulletin and thought I would pass it along to you!

   Moses and the people of Israel were in the desert; but what was he going to do with them? They had to be fed, and feeding three to three and a half million people would take a lot of food. According to some figures researched and released by a man who held the rank of general in the army, it is calculated that Moses would have to have had to come up with 1,500 tons of food every day just to keep these three and a half million Israelites from starving to death. To feed them as you and I eat would take at least 4,000 tons of food every day! In order to haul that much food would require two freight trains, each of them a mile long! And at today's prices the food bill for Moses people would amount to something in the neighborhood of six and a half million dollars a day! And of course there were no freight trains, only a few camels and donkeys they managed to obtain here and there!

   And remember, they were out in the desert - the wilderness. They would have to have firewood to cook all this food. This alone would take 4,000 tons of firewood and a few more frieght trains, each of them a mile long, to haul this firewood each and every day. And just think - they were in the desert for forty years!

   Speaking of the desert, the Israelites would need water - lots of water. If they only had enough water to drink and to wash the few dishes they had (no paper plates and plastic spoons here!) it would take an estimated eleven million gallons of water every single day and a freight train with tank cars 1,800 miles long just to bring it to them. They did not have big lakes out there, and they only found a few small wells. How were they to get this much water?

   And another thing - they had to get through the Red Sea to escape the Egyptian armies that pursued them. The Red Sea varies in width from about 250 miles in the south to 130 miles wide in the north where it narrows. The average depth of the Red Sea is about 1,600 feet - from the relatively shallow depths of the Gulf of Suez, to the maximum depth of 7,200 feet in the main basin. Now if they were going to go through the Red Sea in a narrow path double file, that double file would be eight hundred miles long and it would take them 35 days and nights to cross. But they crossed the sea in one night. So that would mean, in order to do that, they would need a break in the sea that was three miles wide so they could walk 5,000 abreast!

   Still another problem was the sleeping arrangements - they needed someplace to camp at night. There were no campgrounds out in the desert and certainly nothing near the size they would need. In order for the Israelites to put up their tents and campsites, it took a space two-thirds the State of Rhode Island or a total of seven hundred and fifty square miles - a campsite 25 miles wide and 130 miles long!

   Talk about a logistical nightmare! But do you think Moses figured all these facts and statistics out before he left? I doubt he realized the enormity of this task, nor did he worry about the ability he had to pull this off. You see, Moses belived in God, and he believed God would provide a way to do all this. God was able to supply all these needs.

So the next time you are faced with a task that seems impossible and you see no way to get everything done that needs to be done, remember Moses. Remember what God can do. If you just trust in God, your problems will be taken care of by Him.

If God could take care of Moses' situation,
surely He can handle your current difficulty!
Trust Him!


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