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Welcome, basketball and music lovers! Enjoy my site, and remember--Life is short and hard, like a body-building midget!


Sorry everyone, but this page of my site got deleted on accident, so I kinda have to rebuild it. But all of my other pages work fine, so feel free to visit them!

All about ME!

My favorite Christian rock groups!

Check out my car!

Here are my favorite ballers

Pics of funny-looking animals!

Cool links!

Let's go visit Jenni Sue! (Entertaining pics!)

Road trip with friends

Pics of Hollie Ludwig's room at Olivet Nazarene University
(down to the most minute detail!)

Pics of Heather and me!

Miscellaneous pictures of friends!

The band

Childhood Dreams.....

COMING SOON (hopefully) - pictures of Heather and I!! You can't hardly wait, can you!!

How well do you know me??????
Take my Quiz on!

Tai Bo Chicken!