Stuff I can't help but ponder over.

Why does AJ ride the band bus?

Are they circumsized?

Was Brian breastfed?

What planet is Kevin from?

What planet is Nick from?

What happened to Nick?

Has AJ ever commited a felon?

Did AJ really cheat on Marissa?

Has Nick ever asked the question "What is semen?"?

Has any of the guys ever slapped Kevin for talking too slow?

Why is Nick so stupid.(send hate mail here)

How can Howie stand to be around such imbecils?

How come Brian has an accent and Kevin doesn't?

Does AJ watch alot of porn?

Had Nick ever heard Philidelphia Freedom or Papa Was A Rollingstone before they performed them at the grammy's?(*coughs*no)

Who killed Jon-Benet Ramsey?

Did the guys see/like the Scream movies?

Does AJ ever use 10-10-321?

Does the D in Howie D stand for Dwaine or Dorough?