
AJ - "All I want you to do is scream obnoxiously for the rest of the show."
Wouldn't he have done that anyway?

AJ - "Love's a sensation, caused by temptation......A guy sticks his location in a girl's destination, to increase the population for the next generation. Do you understand my explanation or do you need a demonstration?"
Um... I'd like a demonstration. Please.

AJ - "I like Nick's butt."
um......... ok.

AJ - "And when I'm with a girl, I'm totally devoted."
That's not what Marissa said.*cough cough*

AJ - "I do flirt and I do like girls, I'm not going to say I don't."
Of course not. *cough cough*

AJ - "Rok...behave yourself.....we're on national television."
They actually call him Rok?

AJ - "I'm an impulsive person."
No, really? (note the tone of sarcasm)

BRIAN - "After Howie gets out of the bathroom it really smells."
Thanks Brian. I can sleep better tonight knowing that.

NICK - "I want to be crazy forever, even when I'm 80."
Oh yeah, cause he's so crazy now.(note the tone of sarcasm again)

NICK - "Sometimes I shut up because I'm afraid I don't have anything interesting to say."
So that's why he never talks. The rest of those guys are smarter than I thought.

NICK - "I feel all mushed up in these spandex things."
That probably would have been one of those times to shut up.

NICK- "I've never had sex with a fan."
(probably cause he's too busy having sex with Howie)

NICK - "Me and Howie, we've been on the road a little too long."
Um.... HAHA!!!! I knew it.

NICK - "They strip searched Howie."
And Nick watched.

NICK - "We're sittin' here pickin' our noses. What do you think we're doing?"
Thinking about having sex with Howie?

KEVIN - "We've been together for 6 years but he's my cousin. I've known him my whole life"
No, you've only known him all of HIS life. You're older, dumbass.

KEVIN - "I don't mind being considered a teen idol at all. It's an honor."
Since when in the Backstreet "career" were you a teenager?

KEVIN - "It looks like your thing...you know..your THING...ya, your THING!!"
He saw Nick's "thing"!! I knew it!

AJ - "Except when I'm asleep---Then I'm naked."

BRIAN - "My butt hurts."
Heehee. He's been hanging with Howie and Nick, hasn't he? And Brian was the one I thought WASN'T gay.

BRIAN - "WOW...it's BIG...uh..."
Yeah, that's called a real man.

BRIAN - "Howie's always the first one to walk around and slap you in the face."
With what? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!! I crack myself up!!

NICK - "Sometimes good looks come in handy."
But I guess you'll never know.

NICK - "There are lots of temptations when you tour, but we can seperate right from wrong."
Well, then why'd you let AJ wear that horrid shirt? You know which one I'm talking about.

AJ - "The sexiest part of my body would have to be my hands, not because of what they look like, but because of what I do with them."
Would I seem undignified if I asked for a demonstration?

HOWIE - "AJ is the most fun to argue with 'cause he stutters. He goes 'Da da da da don't say that' and he just cracks up! You can always tell when he's saying something that isn't true 'cause he'll stutter."
I love you both.

NICK - "I don't have a girlfriend...all you girls out there- you're my girlfriends!"
Thanks for the offer....I gotta go now. *runs off*

NICK - "Now that's ... that's scary looking right there!"
Um... That's called a mirror, Carter.

AJ - "I know this might sound cheap, but I might take a girl to McDonald's for dinner."
So, what time will you pick me up?

HOWIE - "And we never gave Nick his underwear back."
May I ask why you had Nick's underwear, Howard?

HOWIE - "Did you call my room last night and invite me to a party?"
Yes. And you never showed up. *pulls knife out of back* I believe this knife belongs to you.

AJ - "Except when I'm asleep- Then I'm naked."
My brain shuts down after the words "Then I'm naked." It echos in my head as smoke billows out my ears and the faint scent of burning wood fills the room.

KEVIN - "Isn't that 'N Stink?"
HAHA!! Score one for Kevin!!!

BRIAN - "They go on about the size of my nostrils and when I go to sneeze they're like, "Whoa, hold everything down- B-Rok's gonna blow"
Wait I wasn't listening, you're gonna blow who?

AJ - "I like funny girls who will pop in and say 'Here I am!' It doesn't matter what she looks like, though - honestly!"
HERE I AM!!!!!!!

NICK - "Live life to the fullest. It's too bad we're not cats...we only have one life."
Cats don't actually have nine lives Nick. That's a stupid saying started by the same guy who started all those other stupid sayings(it was probably you.....or Kevin). Trust me, I've killed plenty of cats in my day and none have ever come back to kill me......What if they're planning a big group revenge?............Oh crap!!!*hides in bomb shelter*

NICK - "You should always be yourself. Never try to be someone you're not."
But I like to pretend I'm Howie.

NICK - "I might have a bit of Spanish blood in me."
*coughs* Howie *coughs*

AJ - -"I had never even heard of 'Philadelphia Freedom,' and I don't know if that makes me like... retarded or what..."
I KNEW IT!!!!!! I was just thinking "I bet they never even heard that song until that night."

AJ - "Bring on the women!"
Here I am.

AJ - "Why do men have nipples?......For girls to kiss!"

AJ - "It's gonna be big!! "
... Come to Patti... now.


AJ - "To all the fans in Germany...I'm still alive....but I can't have kids anymore."
Thank god... you can still have sex though, right?

AJ - "Meeting a girl is about looking across a room and catching a smile..."
And then copping a feel.

AJ - "It's like wearing saran wrap. "

KEVIN - "All of us despise cocky, arrogant behavior."
Well, I guess you must really despise yourself than.

AJ - "I popped open the cork and it hit her right between the eye."
You popped your cork in her eye? *falls of the chair laughing*

AJ - "I'm one of the spoil-est only children you will ever could find.
AJ isn't the brightest fish in the sea.

HOWIE - "(talking about Nick) I'm trying to think of the last time he was nice to me... Hmmm... He bought me lunch the other day."
Ooooh. Was this a date?

AJ - "They look better shaved."
Um... I don't need to know EVERYTHING about you.

BRIAN - "I don't want a Backstreet Boys' cereal."
That makes two of us.

BRIAN - "If they knew I was talking to you... I'd get in trouble."
If they knew I was talking to you... I'd have to kill them.

BRIAN - "I have a little thing I do before getting off the tour bus so I don't get trampled by the girls. I push Nick out first, because all the girls go after him."
Brilliant plan.

Email: brokbone_69@angelfire.com