
DISCLAIMER - As far as I know, none of these rumors are true. I stole some and some of them were made up by me, but if they happen to be true, then so be it. Believe what you will. E-mail me if you have heard anything unusual or just plain sad and I shall post it here for the world to see.

The next BSB album will be a double CD. Supposedly AJ said this - "NSYNC should enjoy their glory now because when our double cd is released in November it's all gonna change. I have three words for NSYNC: bye bye bye."

AJ and Amanda may be getting enagaged.
This hasn't been confirmed, but was from a reliable source. NOOOO!!!!! My whole life is flashing before my eyes. Ooooh, look at all the pretty colors... red... blue..... OOOH YELLOW!!

Nick was arrested for drug possession and the rape of a 13 year-old girl.

A DJ at a radio station said that he dated Leighanne when he lived in where ever she did and he dated her while she was dating Brian. Brian was off in Europe and this was before BSB were popular. So when he asked her if she was dating anyone, she was like "Yeah a guy from the Backstreet Boys but their going no where so it doesn't matter." Well when they came back from Europe, they sure were popular and Leighanne dumped the DJ pretty fast.
I don't know if this is true or not, but someone e-mailed it to me.

Nick lost his genitals in a fire.
So that's where they went.

Brian and Kevin are engaged to each other.
In Kentucky it's legal to marry your cousin. Good thing they're from the south!!

AJ is the father of my baby.
I had a baby?... Who started this rumor?

Howie and Nick have a little thing going on.
As far as I believe, these rumors are true. If you don't believe, go here and I shall supply you with proof.

Kevin is really a 400 pound spider.
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

AJ is dead.
Then who was I with last night?

AJ likes to have sex with chickens.

Brian died in a freak pop rock accident.
Hey, it could happen.

Kevin has a fetish for farm animals.
Nothing Kevin does surprises me.

The guys once made Howie drop acid.
Is that a drug term? Or did he literally drop a bucket of acid on the floor? I'll get back to you folks on that one.

Kevin died while horseback riding in New York. His horse got spooked and ate him.
Hey, it happens.

There was a freak fire in a hotel that killed, among others, Howie D.
NOOO!!!!!!! NOT HOWIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nick calls Howie "TuTu".
Um.... cute.

Nick is hott.
Who the hell started that lie?!!! And why is hot spelled with two t's?

Nick cut his left nut off.

Brian took a vow of celibacy back in '94.

Howard Dorough.... David Spade... long lost twins?

Nick and Mandy Moore are dating.

Kevin arrested for the brutal beating of AJ. "He pissed me off."

AJ busted in drug run with N Sync's JC.

Nick Carter... Aaron Carter. "He's my son!" confesses Nick.

Kevin Richardson... Nick Carter. "He's my son!" confesses Richardson.

Brian's nostrils are so big because he does crack.

Howie is plotting to kill the president so he can run for office.
Go Howie!! I support the Dorough compaign!!!

AJ was arrested for armed robery.
Doesn't he have enough money?

Justin Timbercrap was beat up by some black guys in Memphis.
HAHAHA!! Thank god for them!!! I was told this one was true.

AJ has a dead fetus growing out of his head.
I thought that was a hat.

Cindy Crawford is an otter.
The government doesn't want you to know this. If she didn't shave her mole, we think she'd have whiskers.

Nick has a secret crush on Ben Affleck.
Poor Ben.

AJ wears 14KT gold lipstick.
*muffles laughter*

AJ preferes Europe to America because the age for statitory(spelling?) rape is alot younger(like 13).
*moves to Europe*

Brian got Nick pregnant.
... What?

Kevin killed Brian during a fight supposedly over Nick.

Howie likes to wear feather scarves.
I love Howie.

AJ is in jail.
Not surprising.

Brian is once again dead.

The first song Nick ever sang was Bridge Over Troubled Water.

Nick can't read or write.
No surprise.

Kevin hates Celine Dion.
Hmmm.....maybe Kevin's not so bad after all.

Vanilla Ice set fire to Brian's hair.
Why is everyone out to kill Brian?!!

AJ wrote a song called "Soft and Wet".
Wasn't that Prince?

Kevin is dating Aaron Carter.
So Aaron has bad taste in brothers AND boyfriends.

Brian died in a motorcycle accident.
Brian rides a motorcycle?

After the '98 MTV Music Awards, Christina Agugala went with AJ back to his hotel.
If this is true, I'll put that genie right back in her bottle!!

Kevin got in a fist fight at a bar with the lead singer from Fine Young Cannibals.
What was this fight over?

AJ's nickname for his little "friend" is Bullwinkle.
That's not what I called it.

Nick broke into my house and stole a pair of my underwear.
Hey!! That was my last pair!!!!

A girl was in Nick's hotel room, giving him a b-j, and in the middle of it, he asked her how old she was and she said 15, and he kicked her out.

The dancers don't really like the guys. They think they're egotistical and stuff.
I got this from someone who said one of the dancers told them that.

AJ said he's using some girl from some group for the sexual pleasure she gives him.
I forgot the group, but this rumor came from the same place the last two did.

AJ is wanted in 6 states.
Wanted by me.

Kevin killed Nick, so Aaron is taking Nick's place and Kevin is in jail.

AJ is really a rapist, who raped 17 girls in Germany. The only reason he is not in jail is because his twin, OJ is serving jail time for him.

Nick's brother is dating Britney Spears
(sings)She's dating a baby, the feeling can't be beat but she's gotta decide where little Aaron's gonna sleep.

Nick has an obsession with eating cat food.
What a coincidence.

Howie had his breasts removed.
Howie had breats?

During the tape of "As Long As You Love Me", Nick collided head first with the wall.
I've done this on several occasions. It doesn't feel to good. But I still can't find it in my heart, not to laugh at Nick.

Kevin is quitting the group to become a model.
For what? Eyebrows?

Kevin pees in the shower cause it cures athlete's foot.
He said this on TV. Heehee, funny guy. But I still don't like him. And you can't make me!!!

Nick is engaged.

The Boys are splitting up.