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Orla's Site

To Do:

Welcome. I am Orla.
a.k.a. Raven-Orla.
Who I am.
This site is under constant construction.
I make changes to it whenever I have the patience.
Please comment in my guestbook.

~ Poetry ~ by my friends and I.

Photos of ~ People ~ and ~ Places ~.
I left the images large so you can see them better.

~ hUmOr ~

~ Lyrics ~

~ Articles ~

Get your own FREE Guestbook from htmlGEAR
Give me some suggestions.

Thank you, Come again!

Happy Places

bad link ~ will fix later
French Concubine ~ local music site by Orla
Zsolt ~ NZ photographer
SnowFox ~ fun
Joe Cartoon ~ morbid fun
gURL ~ girlish fun

Lotus Blossom ~ symbolism
Lotus Blossom II ~ more

Norse Mythology ~ characters
Swedish/English Dictionary
Svensk/Engelskt Lexicon
Swedish recipes, aphrodesiacs, & curses!

Harbin Hot Springs ~ great page & place in Cali
Realm of Random
Not Your ordinary Snow White
