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The Alley

A short snippet

Shellie Williams

April 3, 2001


JD rounded the corner, legs and arms pumping in time with his heavy breathing. The orange glow of a streetlight cut through the alley just enough to illuminate the passage and throw the brick walls into black and white relief but not enough to bring the hidden doorways into view. A tingling of danger at the base of his neck warned him just before the man stepped out. A flash and a bark of sound accompanied the spattering of brick at his shoulder as the bullet cut into the building next to him. JD ducked.

"JD!" On no! Buck's worried call tunneled through the night, targeting the alley. There was no way for JD to warn him without giving away his own position. The decision to protect his friend rather than himself was instantaneous. Coiled muscles unleashed and he sprang out into the open, his arms raised, his gun pointed toward the last position of the suspect.

Yellow bursts of light flashed through the dark, and bullets ricocheted against the building in a straight line just above his head. JD dove and rolled, ending up on his knees. Staccato images of a swinging arm and a reflection on metal caught the corner of his eye. He turned away just as the blade swept across his cheek. The instant burn of ripped flesh brought tears to his eyes. An involuntary grunt of pain gushed from his mouth. He fell to his side on the ground, his gun clattering from his hand.

"Hold it!" Buck's voice burst into the alley. The figure that leaned over him froze suddenly. JD held his breath and the moment was burned into his memory. Buck stood so rigid, his face an angry mask that made him look older than his years. He held his gun steady, his arms stretched out before him, his eyes locked unwaveringly on the suspect. "Give me an excuse."

Despite the tension in the moment, JD felt laughter bubble threateningly through his chest. Been watching too many Clint Eastwood movies, Buck.

"JD?" Without moving his eyes from the criminal, JD sensed Buck's attention shift. "You all right?"

He swallowed and took a breath before he could speak. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Running steps announced the rest of the team. Chris acted quickly, taking the suspect into custody and dragging him off. Buck grasped JD's arm. Pulling gently, he helped the younger man up from the ground. "That's a nasty cut you got there, pard."

JD brushed his knuckles against his face and felt the warmth of blood smear his skin.

Buck continued, "You better get that checked."

"I will." Buck turned away but JD held him back with a hand on his arm. The older man looked at him, a new frown marring his forehead. "Thanks, Buck."

The frown disappeared with a smile. "Don't mention it, kid." He slipped an arm around JD and walked with him out of the alley. "Just remember -- next time, wait for back up."

Shaking his head, JD smiled.

