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Your Name: Your Email:
Please read the Terms of Service.
 • Send me an Email to my ICQ
    Send a short EmailExpress message
    (up to 450 characters) from any
    Email Client directly to my ICQ.

EmailExpress Me

Please read the Terms of Service.

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    talking by ICQ!

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More about the ICQ Unified Messaging Center.
Anyone who registers to ICQ automatically gets their very own ICQ Unified Messaging Center. As an ICQ user, this page features your personal details & lots of fun contact options to help old and new friends find you and stay in touch.

Dont have ICQ? Download ICQ for free!

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Terms of Service: The EmailExpress and the World-Wide Pager are for personal use only. Mass paging, mailing and spamming are strictly prohibited and infringing the Terms of Service.

Please Note: Your message is stamped with your IP address and the time of sending.

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