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Hi there, welcome to my poetry page.

Here you will find some poetry I have written from my heart.

When inspiration comes to me, I will add more then.

I love to write, but I have to be inspired to do so.

It gives me so much peace and great satisfaction.

Please enjoy~

The Kiss

A kiss of heaven pure delight,

A gentle touch upon her skin,

Shivers of joy are deep within.

An ache inside is running deep,

Fulfillment now, is what she seeks,

She's almost at her greatest peak.

Their hearts together beat as one,

Their bodies entwined are lost in bliss,

Bestowed upon her is the gentlest kiss.

A kiss of heaven pure delight,

Forever lost unto this night.

Two hearts, two souls, combined as one,

Their love has barely yet begun~

© Copyright 1999

Cheryl McArthur

My Ocean

An ocean of tears I've cried in this life,

Tears of sorrow, pain and strife,

I could sail upon them on a moonlit night.

I search deep inside within my soul,

Not liking what I find there though.

An emptiness I cannot fill,

To love myself, I never will.

I sail upon my ocean of tears,

And think about my greatest fears.

Will I be whole and happy again?

The hurt, the pain, just never ends.

I am my own worst enemy,

I have to learn to love just me.

For if and when I love myself,

The pain, the sorrow and the strife,

The emptiness I feel inside,

Will be fulfilled within my mind.

Time has passed, and time has healed,

Anguish, heartache, forever sealed.

Inner peace I feel within,

Strength and courage to begin.

A brand new start, a brand new day,

To take upon me what I may.

As I look deep inside my soul,

I am full of love,

And now feel whole.

My ocean of tears,

Is now but a stream,

Life is more meaningful,

Then it ever has been~

© Copyright 1999

Cheryl McArthur

Wondrous Creations

As I sit alone by the creekside,

Wondrous thoughts fill my mind.

Such a beautiful place to be,

So much peace; serenity.

A gentle breeze caresses me,

Like a feather soft against my skin,

I feel so much peace within.

I close my eyes, I take the time,

To enjoy the peace that fills my mind.

There's so much beauty all around,

The water being the only sound.

The falls is music to my ears,

It fills my heart and calms my fears.

Sunshine is warm upon my face,

The stress I feel, theres not a trace.

Diamonds sparkle everywhere,

The water has the brightest glare.

It flows over the rocks,

With the greatest of ease,

Along with the gentleness,

Of a warm summer breeze.

I sit, I watch, I'm mesmerized,

By the peace, beauty, and serenity.

The stream silently beckons to me.

This wondrous creation flows endlessly,

Like the continuous journey of life.

Enjoy what God has given us,

Here there is neither pain nor strife,

Only infinate beauty forevermore~

© Copyright 1999

Cheryl McArthur

Close To My Heart

Who is this child I cannot see,

Can she truly be a part of me?

She holds the secrets of my past,

I have to set her free at last.

A golden key unlocks the door,

Her tears of sorrow will shed no more.

I close my eyes, I take a peek,

Into the soul of the child I seek.

I feel her sadness, I sense her pain,

I know the hurt, the endless shame.

She alone was not to blame.

A pretty girl with eyes so blue,

So full of love and mischief too,

I only know; she trusted you.

Her heart was broken, beyond despair,

Trust and innocence, no longer there,

A molested child, life's so unfair.

A woman, now, I have become,

The little girl and I are one.

The pain we share will never part,

I hold her closely to my heart.

Who is this child that I can see,

I've always known that she was me.

The time has come to set her free~

© Copyright 2000

Cheryl McArthur

Remember Me

Dedicated to Tim Irvine and his family,
In remembrance of his father and son.

John Taylor Senior and John Taylor Junior

Remember me, so full of life,
As my rose bush blooms,
Through the moonlit night.

A delicate rose,
With petals so pink.
A gift from my grandpa,
And God too, I think.

John Taylor Irvine,
Was a man, proud and tall.
My grandpa, my friend,
Well, he did it all.

He cherished his gardens,
He loved them so well.
And left precious roses,
Forever to smell.

The sweet scent of heaven,
He took with him too.
To share with God's angels,
That only he knew.

He gave me a rose hip,
So tiny, so small.
And had loved me so dearly,
The rose said it all.

Extracting the seed,
With the utmost of care.
I planted, soon knowing,
My rose would be there.

I, John Taylor Irvine,
A namesake held dear.
Knew when God called me,
I had nothing to fear.

He called forth his angels,
In heaven above.
Covered in roses,
With grandpa John's love.

Beautiful roses entwined,
With gold thread.
To tie hearts together,
My family, my friends.

My rose's still blossom,
In the moonlight above.
Each wondrous petal,
For the family, I love~

~God Bless~

© Copyright 1999

Cheryl McArthur

Tender Moments For Leasa and Kyle

A tender moment has begun,
Bestowed to me, a precious son.
An angel blessed from God above,
Filled my heart with so much love.

A tender moment held dear

I hold him close, my infant son,
His life has barely yet begun.
Touch the night gently my little one.

A tender moment held dear

We rock together in our chair,
Feeling such contentment there,
This time is ours alone to share.

A tender moment held dear

I bestow a kiss upon his lips,
Feeling such eternal bliss.
Cradling his little head,
I lay him gently in his bed.

A tender moment held dear

This tiny babe, my life's delight,
I watch him sleep into the night.
Little fingers entwined with mine,
A wondrous moment held in time.
His grasp so strong, I feel our bond.

A tender moment held dear

Tender moments in time stand still,
Each precious second, the sweetest thrill.
I love you son, my little one,
Your life has truly now begun~

© Copyright 1999

Cheryl McArthur

Prints of Love

Mornings here, the time has come,

A brand new day to have some fun.

The night has past, the sun has rose,

I stretch; I wiggle my fingers and toes.

Invisible footprints touch the floor,

Running to the bedroom door.

Hands are open, stretched out wide,

Fingers dancing by my side.

Reaching for the bedroom door,

Smiles on my face galore.

Invisible handprints, I leave behind,

Visions of fun within my mind.

I laugh, I shout, “I’m up, let’s go!

School’s waiting for me, you know.

Today I’m painting with colors galore,

Invisible feet and hands no more.

Stamped on a sheet, along with this poem,

So you’ll remember how much I’ve grown.

Invisible prints they’ll no longer be,

Captured in time, in history.

Prints of love forever stand still,

I love you now, and always will.”

© Copyright 2005

Cheryl McArthur

Last Dance

Leaves whip into the air in a wicked dance,

Before descending to the ground.

If only they could stay a little longer…

The remembrance of summer; bittersweet.

What was can no longer be.

Each new dawn brings forth the beauty of creation.

Luscious growth shadows, protects,

Soft twitters lull and beckon in their sanctuary.

Leaves dance to their song,

With a gentle caress of a warm, summer breeze.

Sun rays of brilliance, clouds drift lazily in its midst.

Children laughing, swinging beneath the old birch tree.

Branches creaking, swaying pendulums,

Into the heavens as darkness falls.

Black velvet cast in diamonds,

Resplendent in the moonlit night.

Leaves, silhouetted, lay motionless in cool, crisp air.

Daybreak; a forgotten sun hidden in dreary gray.

A storm’s angry presence; the promise of fall, inevitable.

Thunder rolls, brilliant flashes in its wake.

Clouds coil in darkened spirals. Rain prevails once more.

The tree sways wildly;

The wind, an unseen presence, its tormentor.

Leaves whip into the air in a wicked dance,

Before descending to the ground.

If only they could stay a little longer…

© Copyright 2005

Cheryl McArthur

I May Never See Tomorrow

I may never see tomorrow
There's no written guarantee
And things that happened yesterday
Belong to history.

I cannot predict the future
I cannot change the past
I have just the present moment
I must treat it as my last.

I must use the moment wisely
For it soon will pass away
And be lost to me forever
As part of yesterday.

I must exercise compassion
Help the fallen to their feet
Be a friend unto the friendless
Make an empty life complete.

The unkind things I do today
May never be undone.
Any friendships that I fail to win
May nevermore be won.

I may not have another chance
On bended knee to pray,
And I thank God with humble heart
For giving me this day~

Author unknown

The Clothesline

A clothesline was a news forecast
To neighbors passing by.
There were no secrets you could keep
When clothes were hung to dry.

It also was a friendly link
For neighbors always knew
If company had stopped on by
To spend a night or two.

For then you'd see the fancy sheets
and towels on the line;
You'd see the comp'ny tablecloths
With intricate design.

The line announced a baby's birth
To folks who lived inside
As brand new infant clothes were hung
So carefully with pride.

The ages of the children could
So readily be known
By watching how the sizes changed
You'd know how much they'd grown.

It also told when illness struck,
As extra sheets were hung;
Then nightclothes, and a bathrobe, too,
Haphazardly were strung.

It said, "Gone on vacation now"
When lines hung limp and bare.
It told, "We're back!" when full lines sagged
With not an inch to spare.

New folks in town were scorned upon
If wash was dingy gray,
As neighbors raised their brows, and looked
Disgustedly away.

But clotheslines now are of the past
For dryers make work less.
Now what goes on inside a home
Is anybody's guess

I really miss that way of life.
It was a friendly sign
When neighbors knew each other best
By what hung on the line~

© Copyright

Marilyn Walker


Yesterday is already a dream,

Tomorrow is only a vision.

But today well lived,

Makes every yesterday,

A dream of happiness,

And every tomorrow,

A vision of hope~

Author unknown

Story of The Rose

God created the rose.

It represents beauty,

It's petals represent soft skin.

It's leaves represent outstretched arms,

Always loving and giving.

It's stem represents strength.

I give this rose to you,

For you are special to me.

Every time you look at the rose,

Remember you are "Somebody".

Know that God,

Did not take the time to create a nobody~

Author unknown

Within you, I lose myself

Without you, I find myself

Searching to be lost again~

Author Unknown

~Friendship is the gold thread that ties hearts together~

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