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Summer Work

You will recall that at the beginning of today's lecture, I indicated that I may have a few openings
for students to work on several horseshoe crab research projects next summer (2000).  I will be
coordinating two projects:

A) Alternative Spawning Habitats in Delaware Bay.  Combination of field and lab work at the
Shellfish Research Lab in Green Creek, Cape May County.  Student can live rent free in the
"dormitory = house" on the beach (hear the waves and the gulls), and share subsidized meals, at
$8 or $9 per hour (depending on responsibilities and travel).  Work mornings on the beaches,
creeks and marshes from Cape May to Sea Breeze.  Part of the day sorting samples and tending
to cultures.  Some evening work depending on the tides.

B) Jamaica Bay Restoration Project.  Sponsored by the Army Corps of Engineers and Gateway
National Recreation Area.  Observe horseshoe crab spawning on 12 "beaches" around the bay,
collect eggs from sand nests, culture eggs thru trilobite stage, and observe morphological
anomalies (using Sandy Hook and Delaware Bay eggs as standard).  Student should be from
North Jersey, or possibly be part of the team at Cape May.

All work will begin as soon as student is finished final exams, and may go as late as August -
details will develop as we plan the summer's research effort.

If you are interested, please submit a brief statement, and a campus (or home) address, email
address, and telephone number where you can be reached, to R. E. L. as soon as possible.  You can email
me at if you wish.

Thanks for your interest.