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The following is a list of suggested readings for the period  22 Nov - 13 Dec '99 in Invertebrate

Echinodermata, Chapter 22 (p 801):

BOX (page)     B1: 805        TABLE (page)   T1: 831

TEXT (page)    Intro : 801-804     Bauplan: 806-832, focus only on Asteroids, Echinoids,
Holothuroids.  Phylogeny: the discovery of Pikaia from the Burgess shale has revitalized the
thinking about the origin of the chordates from a non-echinoderm line; remember that this
ancient early Cambrian species possessed what appears to be muscles in the arrangement of
"chevrons", a decidedly chordate-like feature not seen in any lower invertebrates.  You should,
however, examine F19A to familiarize yourself with the strange early Carpoid which has been
linked to the line giving rise to chordates.

FIGURES (page) F2: 804   F3: 807   F4: 808-809    F5: 811   F6: 814
                            F8: 817   F10: 820  F11: 821  F12: 823  F13: 825  F14: 826
                            F15: 828  F17: 830  F18: 831  F19A: 833

Chaetognaths, Hemichordates, & Protochordates, Chapter 23 (p 841):

BOX (page)     B1: 843   B2: 844   B3: 846

TEXT (page)    Intro : 841    Chaetognath Bauplan: 844-850
                        Hemichordate Bauplan: 851-858 Tunicate Bauplan: 861-868
                        Cephalochordate Bauplan: 868-871        Phylogeny: 871-875

FIGURES (page)

Chaetognath    F2A,E: 844-845 F3: 847   F4: 849   F5: 850
Enteropneusta  F6A-D: 852     F7A,B: 854     F8: 855
Pterobranch         F6F-H: 852-853 F10: 856
Ascidiacean         F13: 859  F15A,B,E: 863  F16: 865  F17: 867
Thalacean           F14A-E: 860
Larvacean (Appendicularian)   F14F,G: 860
Cephalochordate     F18: 867  F19: 871  F20: 873