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While at the adventure screen, press <tab> To bring up the chat bar.
Then, add 'nwc'  to the beginning of the cheats given below.
Cheat Cheat Description
avertingoureyes Fills every spare slot in selected hero's army with 5 Archangels.
coconuts Gives selected hero unlimited movement points
onlyamodel Builds all buildings, including The Grail, in all towns
tim Gives selected hero all spells and 999 spell points
antioch Gives selected hero all three war machines
alreadygotone Uncovers entire Grail Map
sirrobin Instant failure
trojanrabbit Instant win
igotbetter Gives selected hero +1 level
castleanthrax Gives selected hero maximum luck
muchrejoicing Gives selected hero maximum morale
shrubbery Gives 100,000 gold and 100 of each other resource

Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Armageddon's Blade CHEATS
Type these cheats in as before, using <tab> and 'nwc'.

quigon Gives selected hero +1 level
midichlorians Gives selected hero all spells and 999 spell points
padme Fills every spare slot in selected hero's army with 5 Archangels.
darthmaul Fills every spare slot in selected hero's army with 10 Black knights
coruscant Builds all buildings, including the Grail, in all towns
r2d2 Gives selected hero all three war machines
watto Gives 100,000 gold and 100 of each other resource
prophecy Uncovers entire Grail Map
revealourselves Removes shroud from the adventure screen