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Senshi Gallery

Just click on the picture or name of the senshi you want to see pictures of. I know, a gallery map is so... non-wonderful (is that a word?), but I had nothing better to do... er... I don't *know* anything better, actually, so bear with me til I learn more html. ^^ Have fun.

I know, I know, everyone has probably seen these pictures a million times, but I made a gallery just beacause I love the manga art from sailormoon. Naoko-sensei is an extremely talented artist, and I want to share my favorite pictures from her artbooks (that I've seen) with everyone out there. All these pics have been fixed up for faster loading : i.e., smaller, and with thumbnails indefinately. I hope everyone likes these, and feel free to take some of the pics, as long as you give me a bit of credit for my hard work, okies? ^^

Sailor Moon

Chibi Moon

Chibi Chibi

Sailor Mercury

Sailor Venus

Sailor Mars

Sailor Jupiter

Sailor Saturn

Sailor Uranus

Sailor Neptune

Sailor Pluto

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